P. 7

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 26 april 2018

            Police: Man killed deputy,

            stole his car and robbed store

            By MARINA VILLENEUVE         Law  enforcement  officials   gotten into drugs,” he said.
            Associated Press             said he had arrest records   Williams’  Facebook  page
            NORRIDGEWOCK,        Maine  in  Maine,  Tennessee  and    features  photos  of  him
            (AP)  —  A  man  scheduled  Massachusetts.  In  Tennes-   smiling  at  a  graduation
            to appear in court to face  see,  he  faced  drug  and    ceremony as well as other
            gun  charges  Wednesday  drug-related  charges  dat-      photos of him hiking, hang-
            killed  a  sheriff’s  deputy  in  ing  as  far  back  as  2008   ing  out  with  friends  and
            Maine, stole his cruiser and  and  was  revived  from  an   dressed in a suit at a wed-
            robbed  a  convenience  overdose  at  least  once,        ding  party.  His  last  post  in   A Maine State Police van transports the body of slain Somerset
            store, officials said.       according  to  the  Shelby   2017  noted  how  he  was    Sheriff’s Deputy Eugene Cole from the scene, Wednesday, April
            The  fatal  shooting  of  Som-  County Sheriff’s Office.  starting a new job in near-  25,  2018,  who  was  shot  to  death  overnight  in  Norridgewock,
            erset  County  Cpl.  Eugene  Last  month,  Williams  was   by Anson, Maine.q           Maine.
            Cole  around  1:45  a.m.  arrested  in  Haverhill,  Mas-                                                                        Associated Press
            on  U.S.  Route  2  in  Nor-  sachusetts,  and  charged
            ridgewock  triggered  an  with improper storage and
            intensive  manhunt  for  the  carrying  a  firearm  without
            shooter in and around the  a  license.  He  was  found
            heavily wooded rural com-    with a 9mm handgun and
            munity  about  60  miles  (96  a 16-round magazine after
            kilometers) west of Bangor.  he  told  the  police  that  he
            Law    enforcement     offi-  dozed  off  and  drove  into
            cials  vowed  to  maintain  a  a  ditch.  An  officer  wrote
            heavy  presence  overnight  in  the  report  that  Williams
            and  urged  residents  to  re-  appeared  tired  and  im-
            main vigilant as the search  paired, but denied having
            continued  for  29-year-old  consumed  any  alcohol  or
            John  Williams,  of  Madison,  illegal drugs.
            Maine.  “Many  times  we’re  Williams  posted  bail  on
            able  to  say  that  there  is  March 31 and was due to
            not an ongoing threat, but  return to court on Wednes-
            that’s not the case today,”  day  for  a  probable  cause
            State  Police  Lt.  Col.  John  hearing.
            Cote said. “There certainly  That  image  contrasts  with
            is an ongoing public threat.  Williams’  days  at  Skow-
            He’s  considered  armed  hegan High School, where
            and dangerous.”              a  yearbook  showed  he
            Cole’s  death  is  believed  once served as a class of-
            to  be  the  first  killing  of  a  ficer.  “When  in  school  he
            law enforcement officer in  was  a  nice,  funny  and  an
            Maine  in  nearly  30  years.  all-around good guy,” said
            The last time someone killed  classmate  Casey  Sprout-
            an officer in the line of duty  Costa.
            was  in  1989,  according  to  Another  classmate,  Alex
            the  Maine  Department  of  Stetkis, said Williams was a
            Public Safety.               popular honor student who
            Helicopters,  armored  ve-   was  class  president  in  his
            hicles  and  numerous  po-   junior year. But things went
            lice  cruisers  were  spotted  downhill  when  he  started
            around Norridgewock, and  picking  fights  with  other
            schools were locked down  classmates  and  getting
            as federal, state and local  into drugs.
            law  enforcement  poured  “Most could not believe it,”
            into  the  region  to  look  for  Stetkis said of the news that
            Williams.                    Williams  was  suspected  in
            Police   said   Williams   is  the killing.
            5-foot-6,  120  pounds  with  “He  was  always  kind  and
            blue  eyes  and  brown  hair  could  have  gone  any-
            in a ponytail.               where  in  life  if  he  hadn’t
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