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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 26 april 2018

            Ex-cop arrested in sadistic crime spree from ‘70s and ‘80s

             By  DON  THOMPSON  and  taking  souvenirs,  notably      on suspicion of committing                                for  stealing  a  can  of  dog
             BRIAN MELLEY                coins  and  jewelry  before   double-killings  in  Sacra-                              repellant  and  a  hammer
             Associated Press            fleeing on foot or bicycle.  mento and Ventura coun-                                   from a drug store, accord-
             SACRAMENTO,  Calif.  (AP)  Despite  an  outpouring  of   ties and later charged with                               ing  to  Auburn  Journal  arti-
             —  A  man  once  sworn  thousands of tips over the       four counts of murder in Or-                              cles from the time. He was
             to  protect  the  public  years,  DeAngelo’s  name       ange County, officials said.                              convicted of the theft and
             from  crime  was  accused  had not been on the radar     Ventura County District At-                               fined $100.
             Wednesday  of  living  a  of  law  enforcement  be-      torney Gregory Totten said                                Although  it’s  unusual  for
             double  life  terrorizing  sub-  fore last week, Sacramen-  prosecutors would seek the                             serial  killers  to  stop,  Jones
             urban  neighborhoods  at  to County District Attorney    death penalty.                                            said  they  have  no  reason
             night,  becoming  one  of  Anne Marie Schubert said.     DeAngelo,  who  served  in                                to  think  DeAngelo  contin-
             California’s  most  feared  “We  knew  we  were  look-   the Navy, was a police of-                                ued to commit crimes after
             serial  killers  and  rapists  in  ing for a needle in a hay-  ficer  in  Exeter,  in  the  San                    1986,  when  the  last  rape
             the 1970s  and ‘80s  before  stack,  but  we  also  knew   Joaquin  Valley,  from  1973   This undated law enforcement   and  killing  occurred  in  Or-
             leaving  a  cold  trail  that  that  needle  was  there,”   to 1976, at a time a burglar   photo   provided   by   the   ange  County.  “We  have
             baffled  investigators  for  she said. “It was right here   known  as  the  Visalia  Ran-  Sacramento  County,  Calif.,   no indication of any crimes
             more than three decades.    in Sacramento.”              sacker  was  active,  Jones   Sheriff’s  Office  shows  Joseph   with  a  similar  or  at  least  a
             Former  police  officer  Jo-  A  break  in  the  case  and   said.  He  transferred  to  the   James DeAngelo.     close enough link to his MO
             seph James DeAngelo, 72,  the  arrest  came  together    force  in  Auburn  in  the  Si-          Associated Press   and  other  things  that  he’s
             was  arrested  at  his  home  in “light speed” during the   erra  foothills  near  where                           done in the past to link him
             after  DNA  linked  him  to  past  six  days,  Schubert   he grew up outside Sacra-   in  Auburn,  but  Jones  said   to  anything  from  ‘86  on,”
             crimes  attributed  to  the  said, though authorities re-  mento.  About  50  crimes,   it  wasn’t  clear  if  any  were   Jones  said.  “We  just  have
             so-called  Golden  State  fused  to  reveal  what  led   including two killings, were   committed while on duty.   nothing at this point.”
             Killer  and  he  initially  was  to DeAngelo. Sacramento   attributed to the East Area   DeAngelo  was  fired  from   Jones   said   he   always
             charged with eight counts  Sheriff  Scott  Jones  said   Rapist  during  the  three   the  Auburn  department  in   thought the rapist was alive,
             of murder and could face  detectives  with  “dogged      years  DeAngelo  worked      1979  after  being  arrested   but might be in prison.q
             dozens more charges, au-    determination”  were  able
             thorities said.             to  get  a  sample  of  DNA
             The  culprit  also  known  from  something  DeAnge-
             as  the  East  Area  Rapist,  lo  discarded,  though  he
             among  other  names,  is  wouldn’t say what the item
             suspected  of  at  least  12  was.  The  genetic  material
             slayings  and  50  rapes  in  was not a match, but there
             10  counties  from  Northern  were enough similarities for
             to Southern California. The  investigators  to  return  for
             armed and masked prowl-     more  and  they  said  they
             er  sneaked  in  through  were able to get a conclu-
             windows  at  night  and  sur-  sive match.
             prised sleeping victims who  After  watching  DeAngelo
             ranged  in  age  from  13  to  for  several  days,  deputies
             41.  When  encountering  took  him  by  surprise  Tues-
             a  couple,  he  was  known  day.
             to  tie  up  the  man  and  “It  looked  as  though  he
             pile  dishes  on  his  back.  might  have  been  search-
             He  threatened  to  kill  both  ing  his  mind  to  execute
             victims  if  he  heard  plates  a  particular  plan  he  may
             crash  to  the  floor  while  have had,” but never had
             he  raped  the  woman.  He  time to act, Jones said.
             then ransacked the house,  DeAngelo  was  arrested
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