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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 26 april 2018

            Former President Bush out of

            intensive care, making progress

            By MICHAEL GRACZYK           long been a fixture at Hous-  He also thanked St. Martin’s
            Associated Press             ton sporting events.         Episcopal  Church,  where
            HOUSTON  (AP)  —  Former  During  a  Wednesday  ap-       the  funeral  was  held  and
            President George H.W. Bush  pearance at Brown Univer-     where he and his wife wor-
            was moved out of intensive  sity  in  Providence,  Rhode   shipped for years, and Sec-
            care  and  into  a  regular  Island,  former  Florida  Gov.   ond Baptist Church, which
            patient room at a Houston  Jeb Bush said his father will   served as a staging area a
            hospital  on  Wednesday  be leaving the hospital on       few miles away for city bus-
            as he recovers from an in-   Friday. He called his father   es  that  carried  thousands
            fection  that  required  his  “stronger than an ox” and   of visitors to St. Martin’s for
            hospitalization  a  day  after  the “greatest man alive.”  a public viewing a day be-
            his  wife’s  funeral,  a  family  Bush  was  hospitalized  on   fore the funeral.
            spokesman said.              Sunday, a day after he at-   McGrath  said  the  former   Former Presidents George W. Bush, left, and George H.W. Bush
            The  nation’s  41st  president  tended  the  funeral  and   president  is  thankful  for   arrive  at  St.  Martin’s  Episcopal  Church  for  a  funeral  service
            is  expected  to  remain  at  burial  of  his  wife,  Barbara.   everyone  sending  prayers   for  former  first  lady  Barbara  Bush,  Saturday,  April  21,  2018,  in
            Houston  Methodist  Hospi-   Married  for  73  years,  the   and good wishes.q         Houston.
            tal for “several more days,”  Bushes  were  the  longest-                                                                       Associated Press
            spokesman  Jim  McGrath  married  presidential  cou-
            said. Bush, who is 93, is be-  ple  in  U.S.  history.  Barbara
            ing treated for an infection  Bush was 92 when she died
            that spread to his blood.    on April 17 at their Houston
            “He is alert and talking with  home.
            hospital  staff,  family  and  Bush  sent  a  tweet  earlier
            friends, and his doctors are  Wednesday thanking Hous-
            very pleased with his prog-  ton  for  its  “professionalism
            ress,”  McGrath  said  in  a  and  obvious  care”  during
            statement.                   the  memorials  and  servic-
            He  noted  that  Bush  was  es  for  his  wife  .  He  specifi-
            more focused on the Hous-    cally  cited  Houston  Mayor
            ton  Rockets  playoff  series  Sylvester  Turner,  the  city’s
            against the Minnesota Tim-   police  and  transit  agency
            berwolves  “than  anything  “and really all Houstonians”
            that landed him in the hos-  for  “making  Barbara’s  visi-
            pital.”  Bush,  frequently  ac-  tors and funeral guests feel
            companied by his wife, has  so welcomed.”
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