P. 10

                  Thursday 26 april 2018

            Iran's president says no changes, additions to nuclear deal

            By AMIR VAHDAT                                                                                                      conference  with  Macron,
            TEHRAN,  Iran  (AP)  —  Iran's                                                                                      when  the  U.S.  leader  said
            president  on  Wednesday                                                                                            the  Iranians  "will  have  big-
            ruled  out  any  changes  or                                                                                        ger  problems  than  they've
            additions to the 2015 nucle-                                                                                        ever had before" if they re-
            ar deal, amid European ef-                                                                                          start their nuclear program.
            forts to convince U.S. Presi-                                                                                       "Mr.  Trump  thinks  that  it  is
            dent Donald Trump to stick                                                                                          just  hot  air  when  we  say
            with  the  landmark  agree-                                                                                         that if the nuclear deal falls
            ment.                                                                                                               apart,  we  will  restart  (our
            French President Emmanu-                                                                                            nuclear program) at a new
            el  Macron  suggested  dur-                                                                                         speed which will be shock-
            ing  a  state  visit  to  Wash-                                                                                     ing to them. His threats are
            ington this week that there                                                                                         empty."
            could  be  a  way  to  move                                                                                         Trump  has  called  the  nu-
            toward a "new agreement"                                                                                            clear  accord  "insane"  and
            that would address Trump's                                                                                          "ridiculous," but he has de-
            concerns  about  so-called                                                                                          clined to say whether he will
            sunset provisions in the ac-                                                                                        withdraw the U.S. by a May
            cord,  as  well  as  Iran's  bal-                                                                                   12 deadline he has set. The
            listic  missile  program  and                                                                                       agreement required Iran to
            involvement in Middle East                                                                                          curb its nuclear enrichment
            conflicts,  which  were  not                                                                                        program  in  exchange  for
            part of the nuclear accord.                                                                                         relief   from   international
            Britain, France and Germa-                                                                                          sanctions.
            ny,  which  also  signed  the                                                                                       The  U.N.  nuclear  watch-
            deal along with Russia and                                                                                          dog  says  Iran  is  meeting
            China, want the U.S. to re-                                                                                         its commitments under the
            main a part of it.                                                                                                  accord.  European  Union
            But  Iranian  President  Has-                                                                                       foreign policy chief Federi-
            san  Rouhani  appeared  to                                                                                          ca Mogherini said Wednes-
            throw cold water on those                                                                                           day  that  the  current  deal
            efforts Wednesday.                                                                                                  is  working  effectively  to
            "I have spoken with Macron                                                                                          keep Tehran from develop-
            several  times  by  phone,                                                                                          ing  nuclear  weapons  and
            and  one  time  in  person                                                                                          should be preserved for the
            at  length.  I  have  told  him                                                                                     future.
            explicitly  that  we  will  not                                                                                     Israel,  which  was  among
            add  anything  to  the  deal                                                                                        the  fiercest  critics  of  the
            or  remove  anything  from                                                                                          deal,  has  meanwhile  wel-
            it, even one sentence. The                                                                                          comed Trump's hard line.
            nuclear deal is the nuclear                                                                                         Israeli  Intelligence  Minister
            deal," he said during a con-                                                                                        Israel  Katz  said  Wednes-
            ference  in  the  northwest-                                                                                        day  that  the  nuclear  deal
            ern  city  of  Tabriz.  He  sug-  In this photo released by official website of the office of the Iranian Presidency, President Hassan   must  be  "fundamentally
            gested Macron has no right   Rouhani speaks during a conference in the northwestern city of Tabriz, Iran, Wednesday, April 25,   amended,  and  if  not  —
            to  amend  an  agreement     2018.                                                                                  cancelled."  He  said  Ma-
            signed by seven nations.                                                                           Associated Press   cron and his European col-
            "As long as our interests are                                                                                       leagues  "must  understand
            guaranteed we will remain  anteed, we will not remain  have  no  clue  about  poli-    a tower builder. How is he  that  putting  heavy  pres-
            in the deal, whether the U.S.  in the deal, no matter what  tics, no clue about the law  going to pass judgment on  sure on Iran today can pre-
            remains  or  not,"  Rouhani  the circumstances are."      or  international  treaties.  international issues?"      vent violence and perhaps
            said. But he added that "if  Rouhani  went  on  to  lash  You  are  just  a  business-  He  also  dismissed  Trump's  war  tomorrow."y,  April  25,
            our  benefits  are  not  guar-  out  at  Trump,  saying:  "You  man, a tradesman. You are  remarks  during  a  press  2018.q
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