P. 22

A22     sports
                  Thursday 26 april 2018
            Amid bevy of head shots, NHL attempts to explain rationale

            By STEPHEN WHYNO                                                                                                    said  he  hit  Vegas  forward
            AP Hockey Writer                                                                                                    William   Carrier’s   shoul-
            Drew  Doughty  watched                                                                                              der  first  before  his  head  in
            other  playoff  games  this                                                                                         Game 1. Kings coach John
            season  and  couldn’t  be-                                                                                          Stevens added: “As long as
            lieve  that  George  Parros,                                                                                        I’m on the earth, I’m going
            the  NHL’s  discipline  czar,                                                                                       to  agree  to  disagree  with
            had  suspended  him  for  a                                                                                         that decision.”
            head shot.                                                                                                          The  league  video  empha-
            “I  saw  four  hits  last  night                                                                                    sized  that  an  illegal  check
            that  deserved  more  than                                                                                          to  the  head  concerns  a
            that,” the Los Angeles Kings                                                                                        player’s  head  being  the
            defenseman said.                                                                                                    main point of contact, not
            Doughty’s  one-game  sus-                                                                                           the  first  point  of  contact.
            pension was the first of sev-                                                                                       Based  on  experience,  the
            eral  in  the  first  round  for  a                                                                                 league  said,  a  player’s
            hit  to  the  head  of  an  op-                                                                                     head  snapping  back  on
            ponent.  Toronto’s  Nazem                                                                                           these kinds of hits indicates
            Kadri  got  three  games                                                                                            significant head contact.
            and  Winnipeg’s  Josh  Mor-                                                                                         Los  Angeles  general  man-
            rissey  and  Nashville’s  Ryan                                                                                      ager   Rob   Blake,   who
            Hartman  got  one  game      In this April 12, 2018, file photo, Boston Bruins defenseman Zdeno Chara (33) shoves Toronto Maple   worked   under   Brendan
            each.  Washington’s  Tom     Leafs center Nazem Kadri (43) to retaliate for his late hit on Boston Bruins center Tommy Wingels   Shanahan  in  the  depart-
            Wilson and Tampa Bay’s Ni-   (57), bottom left, as Maple Leafs center Mitchell Marner (16) starts to get up during the third period   ment of player safety from
            kita Kucherov were among     of Game 1 of an NHL hockey first-round playoff series, in Boston.                      2010-2013, said it’s a tough
            those  who  got  off  without                                                                      Associated Press  job while at the same time
            significant punishment.      difference  between  legal  to  determine  if  a  line  was  transparency in the form of  reiterating  the  organiza-
            The  criticism,  from  Colum-  and  illegal  can  be  a  mat-  crossed. The NHL, too, is still  videos detailing the reasons  tion was unhappy with the
            bus  to  Colorado  and  from  ter of inches in a sport that  facing  a  federal  class-ac-  for suspending a player.  suspension of Doughty. Co-
            New Jersey to Los Angeles,  moves fast.”                  tion concussion lawsuit filed  “Sometimes  we  get  ac-   lumbus  GM  Jarmo  Keka-
            was  loud  enough  that  the  Discontent over the goalie  by former players alleging it  cused of splitting hairs, but  lainen  was  upset  forward
            NHL’s department of player  interference rule has been  failed to warn them about  that’s  exactly  what  they  Josh  Anderson  was  eject-
            safety put out a video last  grabbing    headlines   for  the  health  risks  associated  have to do,” Bettman said.  ed  from  Game  1  against
            week explaining its reason-  weeks,  but  the  head  shot  with head injuries.         “I  think  he’s  reached  the  Washington  for  boarding
            ing for suspending Doughty  discussion  carries  far  more  Meeting  with  Associated  appropriate     conclusion  Michal Kempny and called
            and Hartman but not Kuch-    serious  implications  for  a  Press  Sports  Editors  last  when  it’s  been  a  hockey  a hit to the head of Alexan-
            erov  or  Predators  center  league  still  grappling  with  week,  NHL  Commissioner  play  that  doesn’t  tran-   der Wennberg from Wash-
            Ryan Johansen.               how best to protect its play-  Gary Bettman insisted there  scend the rules and I think  ington’s  Tom  Wilson  that
            “The  illegal  check  to  the  ers.  What’s  acceptable  was  nothing  new  about  he’s  been  appropriately  got  only  a  minor  penalty
            head  rule  is  often  misun-  has evolved from the early  the  subject.  Asked  about  punitive  in  cases  where  it  “dangerous.”
            derstood  or  misstated,”  days  of  hockey  through  player safety, Bettman said  warranted it. There’s never  Wilson  was  not  given  a
            the league said in the vid-  Scott  Stevens’  then-legal  Parros is off to good start in  going to be a shortage of  hearing   or   suspended.
            eo.  “Illegal  checks  to  the  crushing  blow  on  Eric  Lin-  the  former  enforcer’s  first  critics of what they do.”  Wennberg  missed  Games
            head  and  legal  full  body  dros  in  2000  to  today,  season  as  vice  president  Doughty,   a   finalist   for  2, 3 and 4 and the hit was
            hits  often  look  similar  at  where checks to the head  of player safety. He said he  the  Norris  Trophy  as  the  not  included  in  the  NHL’s
            first  glance  because  the  are parsed frame-by-frame  is  proud  of  player  safety’s  league’s  top  defenseman,  explanation video.q

            Djokovic loses to 140th-ranked Klizan; Nadal advances

            BARCELONA, Spain (AP) —                                                                ing,”  said  Klizan,  who  had  third round. The top-ranked
            While Novak Djokovic strug-                                                            never  beaten  Djokovic  in  Spaniard  has  won  38  con-
            gles,  Rafael  Nadal  keeps                                                            four  previous  matches.  “I  secutive  sets  on  clay,  ex-
            impressing.                                                                            know  that  he  didn’t  play  tending  his  own  record.
            Djokovic  lost  again  on                                                              top tennis but a win is a win  He has won 32 of his last 33
            Wednesday,  this  time  fall-                                                          and I’m happy to be in the  matches on the surface, in-
            ing  to  140th-ranked  Martin                                                          third  round.  I  always  play  cluding 15 straight.
            Klizan  6-2,  1-6,  6-3  in  the                                                       good  tennis  in  Barcelona,  Nadal will next face Guiller-
            second round of the Barce-                                                             I’m just enjoying it.”       mo Garcia Lopez of Spain,
            lona Open.                                                                             Djokovic  decided  to  play  who defeated Kei Nishikori
            Nadal,    however,     won                                                             in Barcelona after losing to  after  the  Japanese  player
            again.  He  beat  Roberto                                                              Dominic  Thiem  in  the  third  retired  because  of  an  in-
            Carballes Baena 6-4, 6-4 for                                                           round  of  the  Monte  Carlo  jury.
            his  10th  win  in  11  ATP  Tour                                                      Masters. He also lost in the  Nadal needs to win his 11th
            matches this season.                                                                   second round in Miami and  Barcelona title this week to
            Djokovic  is  trying  to  return   Novak  Djokovic  serves  to  Martin  Klizan  during  the  Barcelona   in  Indian  Wells,  and  failed  retain his No. 1 ranking.
            to  form  after  a  lingering  Open tennis tournament in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, April   to advance past the last 16  Earlier,   second-seeded
            right elbow injury. He hasn’t   25, 2018.                                              at the Australian Open.      Grigor  Dimitrov  defeated
            made it past the last 16 in                                           Associated Press  Nadal, coming off his 11th  Gilles  Simon  of  France  6-2,
            five tournaments this year.  Klizan  but  rebounded  to  4-3,  allowing  the  Slovak  to  Monte  Carlo  title,  trailed  6-1,   while   third-seeded
            The  12th-ranked  Serb  got  force  a  third  set.  He  was  serve out for the victory.  early  in  his  match  but  Thiem beat qualifier Jaume
            off  to  a  slow  start  against  then  broken  while  trailing  “It’s a great feeling, amaz-  closed  it  out  to  reach  the  Munar 7-6 (8), 6-1.q
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