P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 26 april 2018


            Continued from Page 17       much-anticipated and de-
                                         tailed 60-page report , sev-
            Now  it’s  up  to  various  en months after the group
            subcommittees,     working  was formed in response to
            groups and college admin-    a federal corruption inves-
            istrators to dig into a moun-  tigation  that  rocked  col-
            tain  of  work  over  the  next  lege  basketball.  Ten  peo-
            three months as the NCAA  ple,  including  some  assis-
            attempts  to  change  NBA  tant  coaches,  have  been
            draft  rules,  create  a  new  charged  in  a  bribery  and
            enforcement body, tough-     kickback  scheme  ,  and
            en penalties for rules viola-  high-profile  programs  such
            tions,  revamp  summer  re-  as  Arizona,  Louisville  and
            cruiting and certify agents.  Kansas  have  been  tied  to
            All while trying to get buy-  possible NCAA violations.
            in  from  organizations  that  “They  believe  the  college
            might not be motivated to  basketball     enterprise   is
            help.                        worth saving,” Rice told the
            “It’s  going  to  be  a  chal-  AP  of  commission  mem-
            lenge  to  say  the  least,”  bers in an interview before
            NCAA  President  Mark  Em-   addressing  NCAA  leaders.   NCAA President Mark Emmert speaks about the recommendations by the Commission on College
            mert said. “This is a pace of  “We believe there’s a lot of   Basketball at the NCAA headquarters, Wednesday, April 25, 2018, in Indianapolis.
            decision  making  that  the  work  to  do  in  that  regard.                                                                   Associated Press
            association’s  really  never  That the state of the game   nancial disclosures.        lax responsibility.”         game,” they said.
            done  on  this  kind  of  scale  is not very strong. We had   The  commission  offered  ONE-AND-DONE                The  commission  did,  how-
            before.”                     to  be  bold  in  our  recom-  harsh assessments of tooth-  The  commission  empha-    ever,  say  if  the  NBA  and
            The Division I Council, com-  mendations.”                less  NCAA  enforcement,  sized  the  need  for  elite  NBPA  refuse  to  change
            prised  mostly  of  athletic  The  proposals  were  wide-  as  well  as  the  shady  sum-  players  to  have  more  op-  their  rules  in  time  for  the
            directors  and  headed  by  ranging,    falling   mostly   mer  basketball  circuit  that  tions  when  choosing  be-  next  basketball  season,
            Miami AD Blake James, has  into  five  categories:  NBA   brings  together  agents,  tween college and profes-      it  would  reconvene  and
            the  job  of  turning  the  rec-  draft   rules,   specifically   apparel  companies  and  sional  basketball,  and  to  consider  other  options  for
            ommendations  into  rules.  the  league’s  19-year-old    coaches  looking  to  profit  separate the two tracks.    the NCAA, such as making
            That  requires  feedback  age  limit  that  has  led  to   on  teenage  prodigies.  It  The  commission  called  for  freshmen ineligible or lock-
            from  schools,  then  council  so-called   one-and-done   called the environment sur-  the NBA and its players as-  ing  a  scholarship  for  three
            votes  with  some  confer-   college  players;  non-scho-  rounding  hoops  “a  toxic  sociation  to  change  rules  or four years if the recipient
            ence votes counting more  lastic  basketball  such  as    mix  of  perverse  incentives  requiring  players  to  be  at  leaves  a  program  after  a
            heavily  than  others.  Each  AAU  leagues  and  summer   to cheat,” and said respon-  least  19  years  old  and  a  single year.
            proposal  then  goes  to  the  recruiting  events;  the  rela-  sibility  for  the  current  mess  year  removed  from  grad-  “One-and-done  has  to  go
            Board of Directors, where a  tionship  between  players   goes all the way up to uni-  uating  high  school  to  be  one way or another,” Rice
            majority vote is needed to  and  agents;  relationships   versity presidents.          draft eligible. The one-and-  told the AP.
            send it to the Board of Gov-  with  apparel  companies;   It   also   defended   the  done  rule  was  implement-   ENFORCEMENT
            ernors for final approval.   and NCAA enforcement.        NCAA’s  amateurism  mod-     ed in 2006, despite the suc-  The  commission  recom-
            It’s a winding path — cross-  “Some  people  like  some   el, saying paying players a  cess  of  straight-from-high-  mended  harsher  penalties
            ing  351  Division  I  schools  of  (the  recommendations)   salary isn’t the answer.  school stars such as LeBron  for  rule-breakers  and  that
            with  varied  priorities  and  more  than  others,  which   “The  goal  should  not  be  James,  Kobe  Bryant  and  the  NCAA  outsource  the
            concerns  —  and  requiring  is  human  nature,  but  as  a   to  turn  college  basketball  Kevin Garnett.         investigation  and  adjudi-
            consensus  building  and  board  we’re  unanimous         into  another  professional  “I’m confident they are go-  cation  of  the  most  serious
            compromise  for  measures  in  the  endorsement  and      league,”  the  commission  ing to be very supportive,”  infractions  cases.  Level  I
            to pass. NCAA rule chang-    the  acceptance  of  these   wrote in its report.         Emmert  said  of  the  NBA  violations would be punish-
            es  can  sometimes  take  a  recommendations  for  the    The  commission  did  leave  and NBAPA.                   able with up to a five-year
            full  calendar  year  to  sort  NCAA,”  said  Minnesota   open  the  possibility  that  The NBA and players union  postseason  ban  and  the
            out.                         President  Eric  Kaler,  chair-  college athletes could earn  praised  the  recommenda-  forfeiture  of  all  postseason
            “We’ve  got  to  make  sure  man of the Division I Board   money off their names, im-  tions  on  enforcement  and  revenue for the time of the
            we  don’t  let  the  good  fall  of Directors.            ages  and  likenesses  ,  but  expressed concerns about  ban.  That  could  be  worth
            victim to the perfect here,”  It’s  not  yet  clear  how  the   decided not to commit on  youth  basketball.  On  draft  tens  of  millions  to  major
            Emmert said. “Nobody be-     governing body would pay     the subject while the courts  eligibility  rules,  however,  conference  schools.  By
            lieves  we’re  going  to  get  for  some  of  the  proposals,   are still weighing in.  there was no commitment.    comparison,  recent  Level
            everything  perfect  the  first  though the NCAA reported   Rice called the crisis in col-  “The  NBA  and  NBPA  will  I  infractions  cases  involv-
            time through.”               revenues  of  more  than  $1   lege  basketball  “first  and  continue to assess them in  ing  Louisville  and  Syracuse
            The  independent  commis-    billion dollars for fiscal year   foremost  a  problem  of  order  to  promote  the  best  basketball resulted in post-
            sion  Rice  led  released  a  2017  in  its  most  recent  fi-  failed  accountability  and  interests of players and the  season bans of one year.q
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