P. 28
Thursday 26 april 2018
After a death, how much can
'broken heart' hurt survivors?
Heart Association spokes- It's possible he ignored ear- event" is stressful, he said.
woman. ly signs of infection during JUMPING TO CONCLU-
"It's really important to the flurry of preparations SIONS
have a lot of other sup- for Barbara Bush's funeral, Stress and a broken heart
port around you," she said. said James Giordano, a sometimes may get too
"When people are de- Georgetown University much blame, though,
pressed after something neurologist and expert on when people are grieving.
like this happens, they may stress's effects on the body. Country music star Johnny
not be eating, they may ig- "It could be something as Cash died four months af-
nore symptoms and want simple as that; inatten- ter his wife, June Carter
to be stoic. They're cer- tion led to an escalation Cash, did in 2003. She was
This March 8, 2017 file photo shows former U.S. President George
H.W. Bush and former first lady Barbara Bush at an awards cer- tainly stressing and may not of signs and symptoms," 73 and died of complica-
emony hosted by Congregation Beth Israel in Houston. be getting enough rest. All he said. "He's old, there's tions following heart valve
Associated Press of these things can set the no good way to put it," so surgery. He was 71 when he
stage for life-threatening medical problems and risks died of problems related to
By MARILYNN MARCHIONE studies also have found conditions." are magnified by stress. diabetes and had a neu-
AP Chief Medical Writer that people are more likely ABOUT BUSH Stress has three stages, rological disease for years
You hear it whenever to die soon after losing a Bush, who will turn 94 in Giordano said: alarm, when before that.
someone gets sick or dies longtime spouse. June, has been hospital- the body releases "fight or "Broken heart" was widely
soon after losing a spouse: But often the timing is mere ized since Sunday with an flight" chemicals that can speculated when Debbie
Was it because of a broken coincidence, and "broken infection that's spread to do damage; a resistance Reynolds died a day af-
heart? Stress might not be heart" speculation just fuels his blood. stage, like "calling out all ter her actress-daughter,
to blame for former Presi- a neat narrative when the Stress weakens the immune the troops" to deal with the Carrie Fisher, did in 2016.
dent George H.W. Bush's problem is unsurprising in system and can make in- stress; and then fatigue or a An autopsy later showed
hospitalization a day after an older person with under- fections harder to fend off, letdown stage, when some that Reynolds, 84, died of a
his wife's funeral, but it does lying health issues. said several doctors not of the body's defenses may blood vessel that ruptured
the body no favors, and In any case, the death of involved in his care. But crash from the strain. and caused bleeding in
one partner's health clearly a loved one is a danger- Bush needs a wheelchair Even if a partner's death is her brain — a kind of stroke.
affects the other's. ous time for the surviv- because of a form of Par- anticipated — as Barbara She also had high blood
A sudden shock can trig- ing spouse, said Dr. Nieca kinson's disease and has Bush's was after she de- pressure and other serious
ger a heart attack or some- Goldberg, a cardiologist been hospitalized before cided to focus on comfort medical problems for sev-
thing like it called broken at NYU Langone Medical for pneumonia and other care — "facing and going eral years before that.
heart syndrome . Some Center and an American infections. through the reality of the q
Scientists release most detailed star chart of the Milky Way
BERLIN (AP) — The Europe- years to process the data in 'ripples' of stars moving in
an Space Agency released and create a catalog of an unexpected way com-
the most accurate census stars from which they were pared with the otherwise
yet of stars in the Milky Way able to generate maps, in- uniform motion of stars in
and neighboring galax- cluding of the asteroids in the Milky Way, said Valle-
ies Wednesday, providing our solar system and even nari.
astronomers with a wealth a three-dimensional chart ESA said professional and
of new data for further re- of some nearby stars. amateur astronomers alike
search. Antonella Vallenari, one of will be able to access the
The high-precision mea- the lead scientists involved data and hunt for new dis-
surements about the dis- in the project, said astron- coveries. It's the second
tance, motion, brightness omers have gained new release following the publi-
and color of almost 1.7 bil- insights into the life cycle cation two years ago of a
lion stars were collected by of stars and how the Milky smaller batch of measure-
the space agency's Gaia This image provided by the European Space Agency ESA, is Way was formed. ments covering 2 million
probe between July 2014 Gaia’s all-sky view of our Milky Way Galaxy and neighboring One theory supported by stars.
and May 2016. galaxies, based on measurements of nearly 1.7 billion stars. the observations is that our Further data releases are
Hundreds of scientists and Associated Press galaxy was struck by mate- planned in the coming
software engineers took rial from another, resulting years.q