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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 26 april 2018
            'Fixer Upper' star debuts cook-book, talks post-show plans

            By NEKESA MUMBI MOODY        inspiration  for  the  book,  time when her fifth child is
            AP Entertainment Writer      which  was  finding  time  to  born in a few months.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Even  spend  time  together  with  "I  think  once  this  baby
            though  "Fixer  Upper"  has  their four children.         comes along, I'm really hop-
            come  to  an  end,  Joanna  "I  just  craved  those  mo-  ing to find time. That's what
            Gaines is still going strong.  ments  around  the  table  we're  really  just  preparing
            The  designing  half  of  the  with  our  family,"  she  said.  for, just this new baby com-
            just-wrapped  HGTV  show  "If  we  weren't  intentional  ing  along  and  cherishing
            is  showcasing  her  cook-   about  it,  life  would  just  re-  that  time  as  a  family,"  she
            ing skills with the release of  ally fly by really fast."  said. The Gaines also have
            her "Magnolia Table" cook-   "Fixer Upper" has been one  a  home  decorating  line
            book. She showcased tasty  of  HGTV's  most  success-     at  Target;  a  restaurant;  a
            food made from the book's  ful  shows,  but  the  couple  bed  and  breakfast  in  their
            recipes  at  a  recent  lunch  decided  to  call  it  quits  af-  Waco,  Texas,  town;  and  a
            in New York as hubby Chip  ter  the  show's  fifth  season,  magazine.
            cracked jokes and playfully  which  wrapped  up  earlier  "My  last  baby  she's  eight
            teased  his  pregnant  wife  this month.                  (years  old)  now,  so  I  think
            while  prepping  biscuits  in  Gaines says while she's not  this  is  something  I'm  learn-
            front of guests.             slowing  down,  she  is  look-  ing all over again, even in
            The  pair  talked  about  the  ing forward to some down-  buying all the stuff — what   In this March 29, 2016 file photo, TV personality Joanna Gaines
                                                                                                   poses for a portrait in New York.  Associated Press
            'Imposters' star Inbar Lavi gets                                                       do  I  need  for  a  newborn?  "It feels like it started, then it

                                                                                                                                was  over, and you kind of
                                                                                                   It's  been  a  really  fun  sea-
            real about playing pretend                                                             son," she said.              look  back  and  you  notice
                                                                                                   While  "Fixer  Upper"  won't  all  of  these  once-in-a-life-
                                                                                                   have any new episodes, it  time experiences that had
                                                                                                   will  air  in  reruns  on  HGTV,  happened  in  your  wake,
                                                                      "I  think  the  rule  I  made  for   and  wood  craftsman  Clint  but it's really hard to appre-
                                                                      myself  walking  in  was  not   Harp  is  getting  a  spinoff  ciate  them  because  it  felt
                                                                      to be Maddie. It was to be   on  the  DIY  channel  called  like they were stacked one
                                                                      Inbar  because  Inbar  is  an   "Wood Work."              on  top  of  the  other,  then
                                                                      actress  who  plays  other   Chip Gaines says the cou-    they  were  coming  at  you
                                                                      people for a living. As long   ple is close to Harp and his  at  the  speed  of  light,"  he
                                                                      as I could be true to myself   wife,  Kelly.  He  hopes  the  said.  "Somehow  figure  out
                                                                      as  I  could  be,  I  would  be   couple  takes  time  to  en-  how to slow the experience
                                                                      true  to  Maddie.  That  was   joy  the  experience  of  the  down somehow and enjoy
                                                                      my focus."q                  show.                        the ride."q

            In this March 29, 2017 file photo, Israeli actress Inbar Lavi attends
            the special screening of "Prison Break" Season Five in Beverly
            Hills, Calif.
                                                     Associated Press

            By ALICIA RANCILIO           her  around  with  a  video
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  On  the  camera, encourage her to
            Bravo  series  "Imposters,"  put on plays and skits and
            Inbar  Lavi  plays  a  young  was  a  devoted  audience
            woman  named  Maddie  for  her  impromptu  perfor-
            who is constantly reinvent-  mances.
            ing  herself,  creating  new  As  her  TV  character  strug-
            identities to marry men and  gles with allowing others to
            women and then steal their  see  her  true  self,  Lavi,  31,
            money.  Off-screen,  Lavi  is  hopes that others can see
            no  con  artist  but  she  says  the beauty in being real.
            she  can  relate  to  the  de-  "I'm  still  far  away  from  the
            sire to hide behind different  person  I  want  to  be  but
            personas.                    whoever  this  is  for  now,
            Born  and  raised  in  Israel,  she's all right," she laughed.
            the actress admits to being  "Imposters"  airs  Thursdays
            "quite  insecure"  and  "un-  on Bravo. It is the network's
            happy" as a child.           third original scripted series
            "The happiest that I remem-  in  a  lineup  dominated  by
            ber  myself  was  putting  on  reality shows.
            plays and pretending to be  Lavi  recalls  the  audition
            other people," said Lavi.    process  for  the  role  was
            She  credits  her  father  for  challenging  because  she
            giving her the space to ex-  was  essentially  playing  a
            plore that. He would follow  shape shifter.
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