P. 24
Thursday 26 april 2018
Poll: Younger Americans less apt to use unique passwords
By FRANK BAJAK most of the time. That was a
AP Technology Writer bit less than the 39 percent
The number of online ac- who told the Pew Research
counts compromised by Center last year that most
hackers is now in the trillions of their passwords were the
— enough, perhaps, to same or similar.
make even technophobes Inadequate attention to
think hard about the se- password security has
curity of their passwords. helped fuel an epidemic
Indeed, many are — espe- of cybercrime. A Verizon
cially older Americans, a report published last year
new survey shows. on hacking-related data
Start with the now-familiar breaches said 81 percent
advice to avoid reusing involved weak, reused or
the same password across stolen credentials — up
important accounts such from 63 percent the previ-
as email, banking and so- ous year.
cial media. A new poll from It doesn't help that the ex-
The Associated Press-NORC perts themselves haven't
Center for Public Affairs Re- been consistent with their
search finds that 41 percent advice.
of Americans say they use The National Institute of
unique passwords for most Standards and Technology
or all online services. Just a This June 19, 2017, file photo shows fingers on laptop keyboard in North Andover, Mass. revised its best password
third of adults under age 45 Associated Press practices last year. The
do so, however, compared new guidelines run counter
to about half their elders. tentially sensitive accounts, words are generally con- anybody's name because to the information-security
Anyone who reuses a a practice called "creden- sidered a good idea. I'm not into that. If I see gospel that persists in much
password increases their tial stuffing." "I don't use the same pass- something really cool, then of the corporate world
chances of falling victim to Older Americans are also word for any two sites," said I'll make it a password." — namely, that that pass-
data theft — a serious risk more likely to commit their Stephanie Harris, a 61-year- Harris said she changes her words should change fre-
given such major breaches passwords to paper, the old retired warehouse passwords often and uses quently and must contain
as the hacks that compro- poll found. Fifty-six percent manager in Sacramento, from eight to 12 characters, both uppercase and low-
mised three billion Yahoo of people aged 60 and California. She shops and sometimes including num- ercase letters with required
accounts in 2013. Hack- older do so, compared to banks on the internet and bers and symbols. symbols and numbers.
ers often test big batches 20 percent of the under-30 chooses her passwords The AP-NORC poll found NIST said such requirements
of passwords stolen in one crowd. If kept away from from "things I like to do, 32 percent of 1,047 respon- often yield less secure pass-
breach against other po- prying eyes, written pass- things I like to eat. Never dents use a single password words. q
Get Into My Car ... Amazon
begins delivery to vehicles
Last year, Amazon the vehicle's trunk or out of 4-hour delivery window and
launched Amazon Key plain sight. notifies customers when the
which lets those who with Deliveries are available package is on its way and
a Wi-Fi-connected lock to right now to Prime mem- when it's been delivered.
unlock their front doors so bers with 2015 year or new- Customers can track when
that packages could be er Chevrolet, Buick, GMC their car was unlocked and
left inside. Earlier this year, or Cadillac vehicles with relocked through the app,
the company acquired GM's OnStar connected- where they can also rate
Ring, which makes Wi-Fi- car service, and those with the experience.
connected cameras and a 2015 or newer Volvo ve- "Receiving a package se-
In this May 9, 2017, file photo, a package from Amazon Prime is
loaded for delivery in New York. doorbells. hicle with an active Volvo curely and reliably in your
Associated Press The in-car delivery service On Call account. car, without you having to
is available to members Customers must download be there, is something we
By MAE ANDERSON as well as eligible vehicle of Amazon Prime whose the Amazon Key app to think many people will ap-
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — makes and models going cars are parked in publicly which they can link a con- preciate," said Atif Rafiq,
Amazon's latest perk ... free forward. accessible areas, such as nected car. chief digital officer at Volvo
delivery to your car. Amazon has steadily ex- on the street in front of an On the day a package is Cars. "This mix of car and
The Seattle company on panded its reach into apartment building, at a scheduled for delivery, cus- commerce is starting the
Tuesday began offering places long considered no- workplace parking lot, or in tomers can use the Ama- next wave of innovation
delivery in 37 cities to Ama- go zones for most people a driveway. Amazon won't zon Key app to confirm and we intend to be at the
zon Prime members who outside of the immediate deliver to a private park- that their car is parked in a forefront."
own newer General Motors family, starting with smart ing garage or other places place where a delivery can To check eligibility and to
or Volvo vehicles. speakers in the home that where access to a vehicle be made. sign up for Amazon Key
The company will expand await voice commands to is not readily available. The app also provides noti- In-Car, visit
the number of locations come to life. Packages are placed in fications with an expected keyincar.q