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Thursday 11 December 2014

Jim and Susan Aymar honored as Distinguished Visitors

EAGLE BEACH - Recently sort, as Distinguished Visi- ees were Mr. Jim and Mrs. ly people, the climate, tificate was presented by
the Aruba Tourism Author- tors. The symbolic honor- Susan Aymar. Jim and Su- beaches, restaurants and Mr. Ernest Giel representing
ity had the great pleasure ary title is presented in the san are loyal members of the safety of the Island the Aruba Tourism Author-
of honoring a very nice name of the Minister of the Casa Del Mar Beach and Aruba is like a second ity together with Ms. Kamla
couple whom are loyal Tourism as a token of ap- Resort, and they love Aru- home to them and stay- and Mr. Bob Curtis, GM at
and friendly visitors of Aru- preciation to guests who ba very much, because of ing at the Casa Del Mar is the Casa Del Mar Beach
ba, at the Casa Del Mar visit Aruba for 10-to-19 con- the great extremely friend- like being home.   The cer- Resort.q
Beach Resort Beach Re- secutive years. The honor-
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