Page 24 - ATD19DEC2015
P. 24


BUSINESSSaturday 19 December 2015

Wall Street tumbles on global economic uncertainty                                                                                  LifeLock is paying
                                                                                                                                     $100M to clients
MARLEY JAY                     fell short of what investors   tuous week slightly lower.           is what you get,” he said.        to settle charges
AP Markets Writer              were hoping for. Another       Stocks had rallied over the          The global market went into
NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks         drop in energy prices sent     first three days and jumped          a similar slide two weeks        WASHINGTON (AP) — Life-
plunged across all sectors     oil stocks lower again, and    Wednesday after the Fed-             ago, when the European           Lock is paying $100 mil-
in the heaviest trading of     worries about weak global      eral Reserve raised interest         Central Bank ramped up           lion to consumers to settle
the year Friday as enthusi-    growth weighed on ship-        rates for the first time in al-      its stimulus efforts but didn’t  charges by federal regu-
asm over a long-awaited        ping and other transporta-     most a decade. The move              do nearly as much as ex-         lators that it failed to take
increase in  U.S. interest     tion companies.                was a vote of confidence             pected. Stocks rallied after     adequate measures to
rates faded. Several other     The Dow Jones industrial       in the  U.S. economy. But            ECB President Mario Draghi       protect customers’ per-
negative factors com-          average dropped 367.29         over the next two days               said the bank is ready to        sonal data under a court
                                                                                                   expand its stimulus pro-         order.
Trader Timothy Nick works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Stocks plunged across       gram further if needed.          The Federal Trade Commis-
                                                                                                   Those slumps show that in-       sion announced the settle-
all sectors in the heaviest trading of the year Friday as enthusiasm over a long-awaited increase  vestors will continue keep-      ment this week with the
                                                                                                   ing an eye on the words          provider of identity-theft
in U.S. interest rates faded.					                            (AP Photo/Richard Drew)              and deeds of central banks       protection. The agency
                                                                                                   in struggling Europe and         says it’s the largest settle-
bined to give the market       points, or 2.1 percent, to     stocks were hit by some              Japan as well as the  U.S.       ment it has won in this type
its second big loss in a row,  17,128.55. The S&P 500 in-     of the worries that have             for the foreseeable future.      of enforcement case.
bringing the indexes lower     dex fell 36.34 points, or 1.8  dogged them all year, like           The Federal Reserve had          The 2010 order by a federal
for the week. Bank stocks,     percent, to 2,005.55. The      weakness in the Chinese              kept interest rates near zero    court required LifeLock Inc.
which investors had bid        Nasdaq composite sank          economy, slowing global              for seven years. Fed Chair       to secure customers’ data,
up in hopes they would         79.47 points, or 1.6 percent,  growth, and skidding pric-           Janet Yellen emphasized          such as credit card and So-
become more profitable         to 4,923.08. All 10 Standard   es for energy and metals.            that despite the boost,          cial Security numbers, and
as loan rates climbed,         & Poor’s 500 sectors fell.     While the Bank of Japan              interest rates will remain       to avoid false advertising
fell the most. Technology      U.S. stock trading was even    plans to spend a bit more            low for some time. That          claims. The order resulted
shares suffered more de-       more volatile than usual       on exchange-traded                   pleased investors overall,       from an action brought
clines as a bad December       Friday because of the si-      funds for companies that             but it eventually put pres-      by the FTC and attorneys
got worse for Apple. The       multaneous expiration of       increase hiring and invest-          sure on bank stocks. Banks       general in 35 states, alleg-
world’s most valuable pub-     several kinds of futures       ment, investors were hop-            will benefit from higher in-     ing that LifeLock used false
licly traded company sank      and other contracts that       ing for more, according to           terest rates and have and        claims to promote its ser-
again, bringing its monthly    investors use to place bets    Ryan Larson, head of  U.S.           have rallied over the last       vices. The company paid
loss to 10 percent. Over-      on indexes and individual      equity trading for RBC               few months, but the initial      $12 million in that settle-
seas, Japan’s market sank      stocks. As a result Friday     Global Asset Manage-                 benefits won’t be great.         ment, which went mostly
after that country’s cen-      was the busiest trading day    ment. “They were looking             Goldman Sachs dropped            to customer refunds, and
tral bank made changes         of the year for stocks.        for more, and when the               $7.12, or 3.9 percent, to        agreed to make changes
to a stimulus program that     The market ended a tumul-      market’s disappointed, this          $175.49 and ETrade Finan-        to its business practices.
                                                                                                   cial lost $1.13, or 3.8 per-     The FTC said that LifeLock
                                                                                                   cent, to $28.82. Citigroup       violated the order by fail-
                                                                                                   gave up $1.63, or 3.1 per-       ing to maintain “a compre-
                                                                                                   cent, to $51.21.                 hensive information-securi-
                                                                                                   Tech stocks also slumped.        ty program” and to avoid
                                                                                                   Apple fell $2.95, or 2.7 per-    deceptive advertising.
                                                                                                   cent, to $106.03. The stock      LifeLock is based in Tempe,
                                                                                                   has fallen 10 percent in         Arizona. Company co-
                                                                                                   December and has risen           founder and CEO Todd
                                                                                                   only three days this month.      Davis used to put his own
                                                                                                   Microsoft fell $1.57, or 2.8     Social Security number on
                                                                                                   percent, to $54.13.              business cards and com-
                                                                                                   Transportation stocks also       pany trucks to advertise
                                                                                                   fell. Shares of J.B. Hunt        LifeLock’s services.
                                                                                                   Transportation surrendered       LifeLock noted Thursday
                                                                                                   $1.96, or 2.7 percent, to        that it neither confirms nor
                                                                                                   $70.62 and Ryder System          denies the government’s
                                                                                                   lost $2.59, or 4.6 percent, to   allegations under terms of
                                                                                                   $54.08.q                         the new settlement. Once
                                                                                                                                    it is approved by the court,
BlackBerry’s results beat expectations, shares rise                                                                                 the settlement will help
                                                                                                                                    bring to a close the FTC
WATERLOO, Ontario (AP)         on sale last month. More       $148 million, or 24 cents per        Revenue fell 31 percent          case as well as a class-ac-
— BlackBerry reported          carriers are expected to       share, in the same quarter           from a year ago to $548          tion lawsuit, the company
quarterly results Friday that  offer the phone around         a year ago.                          million in the period, which     said.
beat Wall Street expecta-      the world in the next sev-     Losses, adjusted for non-            also beat Street forecasts.      “The allegations raised
tions, even as revenue fell    eral quarters, he said. The    recurring costs and amor-            Nine analysts surveyed by        by the FTC are related to
sharply.                       smartphone is the compa-       tization costs, came to 3            Zacks expected $485.2 mil-       advertisements that we
Shares of the smartphone       ny’s first to run on the An-   cents per share. But that            lion.                            no longer run and poli-
maker jumped 15 percent        droid operating system.        was better than Wall Street          Shares of BlackBerry Ltd.        cies that are no longer in
in afternoon trading.          The Canadian company           expectations. The average            rose $1.17 to $8.97 Friday       place,” LifeLock said in
CEO John Chen said             reported a loss of $89 mil-    estimate of 12 analysts sur-         afternoon. Its shares are        a statement. “The settle-
BlackBerry’s latest device,    lion, or 17 cents per share,   veyed by Zacks Investment            still down about 18 percent      ment does not require us to
the Priv, has been “well       in its fiscal third quarter,   Research was for a loss of           since the beginning of the       change any of our current
received” since it went        compared with a loss of        15 cents per share.                  year.q                           products or practices.q
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