Page 21 - ATD19DEC2015
P. 21
Saturday 19 December 2015
LeBron James plows into crowd, wife of golfer Jason Day hurt
TOM WITHERS exhausted. Being tackled Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James falls into Ellie Day, wife of PGA Tour golf player Jason Day,
AP Sports Writer by that large man would at left, during the second half of an NBA basketball game against the Oklahoma City Thunder,
CLEVELAND (AP) — The compare to a minor car Thursday, Dec. 17, 2015, in Cleveland.
wife of PGA champion Ja- accident. My head and
son Day is suffering from neck hit pretty hard so I (John Kuntz/The Plain Dealer via AP)
concussion symptoms af- was really scary. My whole
ter NBA star LeBron James body feels like it was hit by lowing the Cavs’ win. pregnant, he would have Lucy.
crashed into her during a a truck. “For me, obviously, her jumped over the first row of Jason Day, who lives in
Cavaliers game. “Second, it was so fast. I health is very important seats. a Columbus suburb, ac-
Day’s agent, Bud Martin, didn’t remember until 2 and hopefully she is do- A little while later, James companied his wife as she
issued a statement Friday a.m. seeing the ball come ing well,” James said. “The tweeted: “Ellie Day I hope was carried from the floor.
morning saying Ellie Day toward me. It was a blur. To guys told me she’s doing you’re doing okay! My The couple has attended
“is resting comfortably and the crazies that think Jason great now. For me, just go- apologies! Hope u guys Cleveland games in the
appreciates all of those should have protected me ing for a loose ball, tried to come back to another past, and she was preg-
who have reached out — if he had had time to re- keep the possession going, game soon. Love LJ!” nant with their second child
and are concerned about act, so would have I. Also, I I just hate that that was the On Nov. 11, Ellie Day gave when they went to an ex-
her.” He added she has would not have liked both end result.” birth to the couple’s sec- hibition game earlier this
“no hard feelings” toward dudes landing on me. LeB- James said if she had been ond child, a girl named year in Columbus. q
James and quotes her as ron is huge and had such
saying, “He was just doing momentum he could not
his job. Go Cavs.” have stopped!!
Ellie Day was carried from In the statement, she
Quicken Loans Arena on thanked her doctors, emer-
a backboard, placed on gency medical staff and
a stretcher with her head the entire Cleveland Cav-
immobilized and taken to aliers organization for their
MetroHealth Medical Cen- help.
ter on Thursday night. She James said he spoke with
was released early Friday Ellie Day while she was be-
morning. ing helped by medical per-
James was scrambling for sonnel during a stoppage
a loose ball in the fourth in play.
quarter of a 104-100 win “I squeezed her hand and
over Oklahoma City when she said she was OK,” he
the 6-foot-8, 250-pound All- said. “She was just a little
Star launched himself into weary.”
the air, plowing into Day Before he was given more
as she sat next to her hus- information on her, James,
band. who scored 33 points and
“First of all, I am OK!!” El- flirted with a triple-double,
lie Day tweeted Friday. was noticeably shaken
“I am incredibly sore and when he left the floor fol-
Mariners re-sign RHP Iwakuma
after reported with Dodgers
TIM BOOTH kuma and the Dodgers
AP Sports Writer had agreed to a contract,
SEATTLE (AP) — The Seattle leading the Mariners to
Mariners didn’t wait long to trade for left-handed start-
go after Japanese pitcher er Wade Miley from Boston.
Hisashi Iwakuma after his But Iwakuma’s deal with
agreement with the Los An- the Dodgers was never fi-
geles Dodgers was never fi- nalized and the 34-year-
nalized. old was suddenly available
The Mariners re-signed Iwa- again.
kuma late Thursday night, “We said from the start
locking up the right-hander that Kuma was a prior-
for 2016 with options for the ity for us,” Dipoto said in a
2017 and 2018 seasons — fi- statement. “Obviously, the
nancial terms were not an- developments from the
nounced. The team posted last few days allowed us
a video on Twitter of gen- to get back in the game.
eral manager Jerry Dipoto It’s a credit to our owner-
announcing the signing at ship; to Howard Lincoln, to
the club’s holiday party. Kevin Mather, to our entire
Finding a way to re-sign ownership group that we
Iwakuma was a priority for were able to get aggres-
Seattle entering the offsea- sive and find a way to bring
son. But reports surfaced Kuma back to the Mariners.
earlier this month that Iwa- We’re all thrilled.q