Page 16 - ATD19DEC2015
P. 16
LOCALSaturday 19 December 2015
Explore the Underwater World with Power Snorkel on De Palm Island
BALASHI - De Palm Island many Blue Parrotfish. Power camera and enjoy. A day
has long been one of the Snorkel Guided Tours are at De Palm Island includes
best places to snorkel in organized daily (except alcoholic and non-alco-
Aruba, and now with Power Sundays) in the morning holic beverages, breakfast
Snorkeling, the experience and afternoon so make and lunch buffet, beaches
is enhanced to a whole sure to sign up the moment and beach chairs, pala-
new level. The Power Snor- you book your entrance or pas, unlimited banana
kel allows guests to float after arrival on De Palm Is- boat rides, a waterpark,
and maneuver effortlessly land. snorkeling and much more.
through the water with a Power Snorkel can be For more details about
sea scooter which is Power Snorkel visit De Palm
held by hand in front Tours Concierge and Ac-
of you and pulls you tivity Desk in your hotel or
through the water. T.:
Benefits are that you (+297) 522-4500.q
don’t have to use
your legs for swim- booked as an additional
ming and you can activity to De Palm Island,
cover a larger snor- Aruba’s only all-inclusive
kel area allowing you destination at an afford-
spend all your time able all-inclusive price.
enjoying the reef and Whether you are a family
fish. The sea scooter looking for a day of fun and
delivers speed of up adventure together or a
to 2.5 mph and is couple seeking to escape
light enough to carry the hustle and bustle of the
in one hand. busy beach area for some
The coral reef at De relaxation and pampering,
Palm Island is one of this island offers something
Aruba’s most spec- for everyone! Just bring
tacular snorkel sites your towel, swimwear and
and well known for its