Page 12 - ATD19DEC2015
P. 12


WORLD NEWSSaturday 19 December 2015

Rwandans vote to decide on Kagame’s term limits  LATIN BRIEFS

President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame posts his ballot, in Kigali, Friday, Dec. 18, 2015. Rwandans are                                        people’s choice. Ask peo-     Sticker shock in
voting in a referendum to decide if President Paul Kagame should be allowed to extend his time                                           ple why they want it,” he      Argentina after
in power. Kagame, 58, is ineligible to run in 2017 because the Rwandan constitution limits a presi-                                      said maintaining that it’s     its devaluation 
dent to two terms.                                                                                                                       the wish of the Rwandan
                                                                                                                                         people that he extends        BUENOS AIRES, Argentina
                                                                                                                             (AP Photo)  his term. He said he would    (AP) — Many Argentines
                                                                                                                                         announce his candidature      are expressing shock at a
The Associated Press          year terms, which means         endum as undemocratic                                                      “any time.”                   sharp rises in prices due to
KIGALI, Rwanda (AP) —         he could possibly stay in       and the U.S., a key Rwan-                                                  Ninety-two per cent of        a major devaluation of the
Rwandans voted Friday in      power until 2034.               dan ally, has opposed                                                      Rwandans want President       South American nation’s
a referendum to decide        Kagame became presi-            Kagame’s bid to stay in                                                    Paul Kagame for third         currency. Supermarket
if President Paul Kagame      dent in 2000 after being        power. The Chairman of                                                     term, according to a sur-     shoppers interviewed Fri-
should be allowed to ex-      Rwanda’s de facto leader        the National Electoral                                                     vey conducted by Ipsos, a     day say they’ll have to buy
tend his time in power, a     since the end of the coun-      Commission Mbanda Kali-                                                    global research firm, that    less of some products like
vote he will win, according   try’s genocide in 1994. He      sa said partial results will be                                            was released this week.       bread and even cut out
to pollsters.                 is credited with stabilizing    released later Friday.                                                     “President Kagame is a        some things like beef.
Kagame, 58, is ineligible to  the country and promoting       Many of the 6.4 million reg-                                               hero and statesman like       Gisela Guana says the rise
run in 2017 because the       economic growth after the       istered voters are expected                                                former Tanzania President     is “scary.” The 26-year-old
Rwandan constitution limits   mass killings, but critics say  to participate in the refer-                                               Julius Nyerere,” says Dan     maid says that earlier this
a president to two terms.     he is an authoritarian ruler    endum.                                                                     Gatera, a voter in Nyama-     week she could buy bread
But if Rwandans approve       who does not tolerate op-       Kagame voted at Rugunga                                                    ta, east of the country.      for 13 Argentine pesos
the referendum, Kagame        position and he is accused      polling station in the capi-                                               “The constitution should      (US$0.92) per kilogram (42
would be able to run for      of human rights abuses.         tal, Kigali, accompanied                                                   not be used to limit presi-   cents a pound). Now it’s 17
an additional seven-year      Rwanda’s political oppo-        by his wife and daughter.                                                  dents who have talents.”      pesos (US$1.21)(55 cents a
term and then two-five        sition criticizes the refer-    “What is happening is                                                      Western diplomats voiced      pound). The administration
                                                                                                                                         concerns about the vote.      of new President Mauricio
                                                                                                                                         The European Union is wor-    Macri on Thursday lifted
                                                                                                                                         ried that the opposition was  restrictions on buying U.S.
                                                                                                                                         not given adequate time       dollars. That triggered an
                                                                                                                                         to campaign against the       immediate devaluation of
                                                                                                                                         referendum, said Michael      about 30 percent vis a vis
                                                                                                                                         Ryan, head of the  EU  del-   the dollar. q
                                                                                                                                         egation to Rwanda.
                                                                                                                                         “There should have been         Cuban migrants
                                                                                                                                         adequate time for de-          a topic at Central
                                                                                                                                         bates, and educating            American meet
                                                                                                                                         people about the changes
                                                                                                                                         made in the constitution,”    SAN SALVADOR, El Sal-
                                                                                                                                         Ryan told journalists.        vador (AP) — Costa Rica
                                                                                                                                         The Democratic Green          plans to raise the problem
                                                                                                                                         Party of Rwanda is the only   of 5,000 Cuban migrants
                                                                                                                                         opposition party which        stranded within its borders
                                                                                                                                         rallied Rwandans to vote      when Central America’s
                                                                                                                                         against changing the con-     leaders meet in El Salva-
                                                                                                                                         stitution to extend presi-    dor. El Salvador’s foreign
                                                                                                                                         dential term limits.q         minister Hugo Martinez says
                                                                                                                                                                       the Central American Inte-
Haiti group rejects president’s electoral commission                                                                                                                   gration System could take
                                                                                                                                                                       up the topic at its meeting
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)    includes runoff contender       of October elections they                                                  the commission’s five mem-    Friday.
— A major Haitian opposi-     Jude Celestin says the pres-    assert were rigged in the                                                  bers. Martelly announced      Trade is supposed to be the
tion alliance is rejecting    ident’s plan for a commis-      government-backed can-                                                     the panel on Thursday.        focus, but he says perhaps
the government’s efforts      sion to evaluate the widely     didate’s favor.                                                            The opposition is demand-     the region’s leaders can
to calm protests that have    criticized election process     The group complains that                                                   ing resignations at Haiti’s   find a solution that allows
cast a shadow over the        is meant as merely a “cos-      President Michel Martelly                                                  electoral council. It’s also  the Cubans to continue on
Dec. 27 presidential runoff   metic solution.”                didn’t seek consensus with                                                 encouraging protesters to     their journey north. q
vote.                         The group has demanded          senators and opposition                                                    “remain mobilized” until
The “Group of Eight” that     an independent review           leaders before choosing                                                    the impasse is resolved.q
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