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WORLD NEWSSaturday 19 December 2015

EU leaders vow ‘uncompromising fight’ against terrorism 

French President Francois Hollande speaks during a media conference at the conclusion of an                                       Islamic State organization,    a post-summit news con-
EU summit in Brussels on Friday, Dec. 18, 2015. European Union leaders reconvened in Brussels for                                 that killed 130 and wound-     ference. “No one country
the final day of their year-end summit with a wide-ranging agenda including how to build greater                                  ed hundreds more in Paris.     can defeat it alone. We
economic unity among their 28 countries and stepping up the fight against extremism.                                              Those attacks “have only       have to defeat it togeth-
                                                                                                                                  strengthened our resolve       er.”
                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)  to continue our uncom-         The British leader said that
                                                                                                                                  promising fight against        to better neutralize the
JOHN DAHLBURG                  ranging countermeasures       strict violent extremists’ abil-                                     terrorism and to make full     threat of violent extremist
Associated Press               ranging from beefed-up        ity to finance their actions,                                        use of all the tools at our    groups like Islamic State,
BRUSSELS (AP) — Shocked        immigration controls to a     including via the imposition                                         disposal, including close      Europe needs more sys-
by the bloody Paris attacks,   crackdown on illicit weap-    of asset freezes.                                                    coordination with key part-    tematic sharing of informa-
European Union leaders on      ons-trafficking.              The Brussels summit was the                                          ners such as the United        tion, better cooperation
Friday vowed an “uncom-        Leaders of the 28 EU mem-     first time the EU leaders had                                        States,” EU leaders said in a  in the field of aviation se-
promising fight against ter-   ber countries also pledged    assembled since the Nov.                                             joint statement.               curity, coordinated efforts
rorism” and called for wide-   quick action to better re-    13 attacks, claimed by the                                           They also agreed it was        to choke off the targeted
                                                                                                                                  crucial to implement sys-      groups’ financing and pro-
                                                                                                                                  tematic and coordinated        paganda, and a clamp-
                                                                                                                                  border checks at Euro-         down on explosives.
                                                                                                                                  pean countries’ external       At the EU summit, “we got
                                                                                                                                  frontiers in order to know     very clear agreement here
                                                                                                                                  who is coming and going,       to take forward all of these
                                                                                                                                  and promised to rapidly re-    proposals,” Cameron said.
                                                                                                                                  view proposals by the EU’s     Last month’s coordinated
                                                                                                                                  executive arm to clamp         attacks on Paris restaurants
                                                                                                                                  down on the illegal sale       and cafes, a theater and
                                                                                                                                  of firearms, especially the    a suburban soccer stadi-
                                                                                                                                  models of high-powered         um highlighted the ready
                                                                                                                                  semi-automatic weapons         availability in Europe of
                                                                                                                                  used by some of the Paris      military assault rifles, as well
                                                                                                                                  attackers.                     as gaps in the immigration
                                                                                                                                  “We face a common              and customs checks that
                                                                                                                                  threat,” British Prime Min-    allow even people sub-
                                                                                                                                  ister David Cameron told       ject to international search
                                                                                                                                                                 warrants to travel unhin-
Cameron confident he’ll get EU reforms next year                                                                                                                 dered.
                                                                                                                                                                 Twenty-two  EU  countries
LORNE COOK                     years.                        educated Polish people                                               people to decide whether       belong to the so-called
JILL LAWLESS                   Britain claims its schools,   live in the U.K.                                                     we remain or leave,” add-      Schengen zone, where no
Associated Press               hospitals and welfare sys-    and work there and are                                               ed Cameron.                    visa is needed to journey
BRUSSELS (AP) — British        tem have been strained        building the GDP of Great                                            Cameron says he will argue     between one member na-
Prime Minister David Cam-      by the arrival of hundreds    Britain.”                                                            to stay as long as he gets a   tion and another.
eron says he’s confident the   of thousands of immigrants    No formal alternative pro-                                           new deal for Britain,          Recent history, though,
European Union will agree      from Eastern Europe over      posal was put forward at                                             but a strong contingent        indicates progress in the
to the reforms he is seek-     the last decade.              the meeting.                                                         within his Conservative Par-   counterterrorism field can
ing next year, indicating      But Cameron’s proposed        But Cameron said the sum-                                            ty favors leaving the EU.      be slow. After the Jan. 7-9
he may call a referendum       welfare curb is strongly      mit had brought theEU  “a                                            Many British business lead-    earlier attacks in Paris, a
on Britain’s membership        opposed by some oth-          step closer to agreement                                             ers, however,                  summit called for a strong
well before his self-imposed   er EU leaders, who see it as  on the significant and far-                                          warn that having Britain       directive to allow the ex-
end-of-2017 deadline.          violating the fundamental     reaching reforms that I’ve                                           leave the EU would devas-      change of data on air
Cameron spoke Friday af-       principle of free movement    proposed.”                                                           tate London’s standing as      passengers. But it may not
ter a two-day summit at        among the bloc’s member       He said 2016 “will be the                                            a global financial center.     be until next Februarythat
which he outlined Britain’s    states.                       year that we achieve                                                 Cameron’s goal is to get       such a system is given final
demands for reform of the      Polish Prime Minister Bea-    something really vital,                                              agreement at a Feb. 18-19      approved by the Europe-
28-nation bloc.                ta Szydlo said Cameron’s                                                                           summit, which could mean       an Parliament.
His most contentious goal is   benefits-limiting proposals     fundamentally changing                                             a referendum as early as       “It’s simply not enough to
to reduce immigration from     “are not acceptable to Po-    the U.K.’s relationship with                                         June.                          proclaim, to decide_it’s
other  EU  nations by bar-     land.”                        the  EU  and finally address-                                        The mood after Thursday’s      a matter of putting things
ring migrants from receiv-     “We are open to discus-       ing the concerns of the Brit-                                        late-night summit meeting      into effect,” French Presi-
ing some benefits until they   sion and compromise,” she     ish people about our mem-                                            in Brussels was that a deal    dent Francois Hollande
have been in Britain for four  said. “But today many well-   bership.                                                             might be possible. q           told reporters Friday. q
                                                             “Then it will be for the British
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