Page 5 - ATD19DEC2015
P. 5

                                                                                                                                          Saturday 19 December 2015

Obama says he won’t fade away in final year in office

President Barack Obama speaks during a news conference in the White House Brady Press              tremists, Obama pushed           ture, Congress passed a
                                                                                                   back against critics ques-       major bipartisan budget
Briefing Room in Washington, Friday, Dec. 18, 2015. Obama sought to lay the groundwork Friday      tioning his strategy for         package that staved off
                                                                                                   overcoming the Islamic           a potential government
for his last year in office by vowing not to fade in the background but instead use his remaining  State group in Iraq and          shutdown and extended
                                                                                                   Syria. “There’s only so          tax cuts for both fami-
months to push longstanding goals to fruition.	  (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)               much bombing you can             lies and businesses. The
                                                                                                   do,” he said, though he          White House has indicated
JULIE PACE                     his agenda, pointing to         the president, who has              insisted anew, “We will de-      Obama will sign it.
Associated Press               diplomacy with Iran and         one year left to try to finish      feat ISIS.”                      Obama said lawmakers
WASHINGTON (AP) —              Cuba, Asia-Pacific trade        as many of his projects as          He also affirmed his long-       had ended the year on a
President Barack Obama         agreement and an un-            possible. He won’t be roll-         standing position that Syr-      “high note” with addition-
sought to lay the ground-      precedented global cli-         ing out sweeping new pol-           ian President Bashar Assad       al legislation on transpor-
work Friday for his last year  mate treaty as big wins for     icy proposals that would            must leave power for Syria       tation and education. He
in office by vowing not to     his administration. He also     be unlikely to get serious          to resolve its civil war, even   noted optimistically that
fade in the background         praised a Supreme Court         consideration amid the              though his administration        by averting a funding crisis
but instead use his remain-    ruling legalizing gay mar-      focus on electing his suc-          has recently said it could       for the next nine months,
ing months to push long-       riage..                         cessor. The White House             accept an unspecified            Congress had cleared a
standing goals to fruition.    Still, he said, he plans to do  is promising Obama will             transition period during         path for cooperation with
“In 2016, I’m going to leave   much more in 2016.              deliver a “non-traditional”         which Assad stayed.              him next year on areas of
it all out on the field,” he   “I said at the beginning of     State of the Union address          Still, Obama contended           common ground.
said. “Wherever there’s an     this year that interesting      in January laying out an            about Syria, “Five years         “Congress and I have a
opportunity, I’m going to      stuff happens in the fourth     agenda that includes fur-           later, I was right.”             long runway to get some
take it.”                      quarter — and we are only       ther executive steps on             Calling attention to his sig-    things done for the Ameri-
In his annual year-end         halfway through,” Obama         climate change and gun              nature legislative achieve-      can people,” he said. He
news conference, Obama         said.                           control.                            ment, Obama announced            pointed to a potential
portrayed 2015 as one          The end of 2015 marks a         Amid widespread fears               that 6 million people had        criminal justice overhaul
of significant progress for    major transition point for      about terrorism and ex-             signed up for health care        and congressional consid-
                                                                                                   so far this year under the       eration of the Trans-Pacific
                                                                                                   Affordable Care Act, a           Partnership trade pact as
                                                                                                   surge that officials say illus-  areas ripe for cooperation.
                                                                                                   trates the program’s dura-       Obama said he’d present
                                                                                                   bility.                          a long-delayed plan to
                                                                                                   After the news confer-           close the detention cen-
                                                                                                   ence, Obama was to               ters at Guantanamo Bay,
                                                                                                   depart for San Bernardi-         Cuba, to Congress early
                                                                                                   no, California, where he         next year, then wait for
                                                                                                   planned to meet with             lawmakers’ reaction be-
                                                                                                   families of the 14 victims       fore determining whether
                                                                                                   of the recent mass shoot-        to take action on his own
                                                                                                   ing. He then will fly to Ha-     to shut it. He predicted the
                                                                                                   waii where he’ll spend two       prison population would
                                                                                                   weeks on vacation with           dwindle by early next year
                                                                                                   his wife and daughters in        to less than 100, a thresh-
                                                                                                   what has become a fam-           old his administration has
                                                                                                   ily  Christmas  tradition be-    been pushing for to bolster
                                                                                                   fore returning to the White      its argument that keeping
                                                                                                   House in January.                the facility open isn’t cost
                                                                                                   Hours before his depar-          effective.q
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