Page 7 - ATD19DEC2015
P. 7

                                                                                                                                        Saturday 19 December 2015

US Financial Front:

Spending bill may aid economy just as Fed is pulling back 

C. S. RUGABER                     about 6 percent next year.    cent in October compared         Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen speaks during a news
AP Economics Writer               A separate tax measure        with a year earlier. Addi-       conference in Washington, following an announcement that
WASHINGTON (AP) — Just            provides $680 billion in tax  tional government spend-         the Federal Reserve raised its key interest rate by quarter-point,
as the Federal Reserve is         cuts over 10 years. It would  ing can also translate into      heralding higher lending rates in an economy much sturdier
pulling back slightly on the      do so mostly by extend-       more purchases of military       than the one the Fed helped rescue in 2008.
economic accelerator,             ing or making permanent       equipment. The economic
Congress is pressing down         about 50 different expiring   lift from government, if it                                                               (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
a bit harder.                     tax breaks.                   proved significant and if it
The spending and tax-cut          That measure follows Con-     raised undesirably low in-       more. That likely helped set  be gradual and that it may
package that Congress             gress’ approval of a five-    flation, could make it eas-      the stage for the Fed’s rate  delay further increases if
approved Friday stands            year, $305 billion highway    ier for the Fed to continue      increases. “Fiscal policy     the economy weakens.
to modestly boost growth          bill earlier in December.     raising short-term interest      actions at both the federal   The Fed’s interest rate tar-
next year. It could also help     Taken together, the mea-      rates. On Wednesday, cit-        and the state and local       get will likely remain be-
drive a shift away from gov-      sures could increase          ing the improved econo-          levels look like they are no  low its longer-run average
ernment as a drag on eco-         growth to about 3 per-        my, the Fed announced            longer a significant drag on  all next year, Yellen said,
nomic growth to a source          cent next year, Carson        its first rate increase in nine  economic growth,” Yellen      meaning that consumer
of potential stimulus.            estimates, up from a likely   years. For seven years, the      said in May. The Fed said     borrowing rates should also
“This shift ... is currently be-  pace of about 2.25 per-       central bank had kept its        Wednesday that any rate       remain at historically low
ing overlooked by financial       cent this year.               key short-term rate at a re-     hikes next year would likely  levels.q
markets and analysts,” said       Alec Phillips, an economist   cord low near zero to en-
Joseph Carson,  U.S. econ-        at Goldman Sachs, fore-       courage borrowing and
omist at asset manager Al-        casts a smaller gain and      spending. Fed Chair Janet
liance Bernstein. “But we         envisions overall growth      Yellen’s predecessor, Ben
believe this will be a key        next year of 2.25 percent.    Bernanke, had frequently
aspect of a more positive         The picture now looks         called on Congress to limit
and faster growth environ-        brighter for state and lo-    its budget cuts in the short
ment for next year.”              cal governments, too. Their   run to help the economy
Economists at Goldman             tax revenue has increased     recover. But in recent
Sachs have forecast that          as the economy has im-        months Yellen has noted
increased federal spend-          proved. The economy now       that governments at all
ing and tax cuts should           has about 4.5 million more    levels were spending a bit
add to economic growth            jobs than it did before the
in 2016 for the first time in     Great Recession began in
six years.                        late 2007.
The $1.1 trillion budget          Spending on construction
deal boosts spending for          at all levels of government,
most Cabinet agencies by          for example, rose 6.1 per-
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