Page 10 - ATD19DEC2015
P. 10


WORLD NEWSSaturday 19 December 2015

Chinese online lender seized, depositors demand money back 

JOE McDONALD                   private sector Chinese fi-      In this Thursday Dec. 17, 2015 photo, the office of Ezubo is locked after a police raid, in Hangzhou
AP Business Writer             nance companies that            in east China’s Zhejiang province. Major Internet-based lender, Ezubo, which collected billions
BEIJING (AP) — Yang Ying,      have been battered by a         of dollars in deposits, was raided by police who froze a bank account and detained executives.
an art teacher in north-       wave of defaults due to an
eastern China, entrusted       economic slump, trigger-                                                                                                                       (Chinatopix via AP)
480,000 yuan ($76,000) to a    ing protests by depositors.
major Internet-based lend-     Regulators allowed private      Authorities are scrambling      yuan ($175 million) de-        aboard the national bullet
er, Ezubo, after seeing ad-    sector lending to flourish      to head off possible pro-       posit belonging to another     train network. “We con-
vertisements on state tele-    with little oversight over the  tests over Ezubo, which         Yucheng subsidiary.            tacted a lawyer, and the
vision, which she took as a    past decade to support          news reports say had 4.9        Depositors from other parts    lawyer said there are too
sign it was safe.              entrepreneurs who cre-          million depositors, making it   of China have traveled to      many things involved in this
Just a week later, she was     ate China’s new jobs and        much larger than other pri-     Beijing to protest at govern-  case, and because it is un-
horrified to see news re-      wealth but are largely shut     vate lenders that have run      ment offices and the head-     der investigation now, it is
ports that Ezubo, which col-   out of lending by the state-    into trouble.                   quarters of China Central      better to wait to see the au-
lected billions of dollars in  owned banking industry.         Ezubo collected a total of      Television, according to Yin   thorities’ decision,” said Yin.
deposits, had been raided      Regulators tightened con-       74.7 billion yuan ($11.8 bil-   Jun, an employee of a so-      Private finance companies
by police who froze a bank     trols after declining eco-      lion) in deposits since its     lar power company in the       attract money by paying
account and detained ex-       nomic growth led to de-         founding on Feb. 25, 2014,      eastern province of Jiang-     more than state-owned
ecutives. She called city      faults and protests. The fi-    according to Xincainet, a       su. “The police called to      banks. The benchmark in-
hall in her hometown of        nance industry as a whole       financial information web-      warn me not to complain        terest rate of 1.5 percent
Changchun and was told         has come under tougher          site. Other news reports        about the Communist Party      on a one-year deposit is
to hire a lawyer, but says     scrutiny after a plunge in      gave similar figures but        in the WeChat group,” said     less than inflation. The In-
she cannot afford that         stock prices in June led to     none said how much the          Yin, referring to a popular    ternet has helped draw in
while her money is tied up     accusations of insider trad-    company owed to de-             messaging app.                 deposits from working class
in Ezubo.                      ing and other offenses.         positors at the time it was     Yin, 22, said he also had      or rural depositors, many of
Yang, 31, said she saw Ezu-    Ezubo was seized Dec. 8 on      seized. According to Caix-      been reassured about           them financial novices who
bo’s advertising on state      suspicion of raising money      in, police ordered CITIC        Ezubo because of its ad-       have little knowledge of
broadcaster CCTV right         without the required licens-    Bank to freeze a 1.1 billion    vertisements on CCTV and       the risks involved.q
before the evening news,       es, according to the offi-
but “what really persuaded     cial Xinhua News Agency.
me is the advertising on the   The  business  magazine
variety show on Anhui Sat-     Caixin reported the chair-
ellite TV,” a prominent re-    man of its parent compa-
gional broadcaster. “Pretty    ny, Yucheng International
famous stars are on that       Holdings Group Ltd., was
program,” she said.            detained by police and
The seizure of Ezubo has       40 to 50 other employees
added to tensions over         were questioned.

                                                               South Koreans call fresh protests of president 

                                                               KIM TONG-HYUNG                  police and protesters.         century.
                                                               Associated Press                Although Park still has a      Government figures show
                                                               SEOUL, South  Korea  (AP)       strong base of supporters,     that the unemployment
                                                               — Hundreds of South Kore-       dissatisfaction has been       rate for people under 30
                                                               ans called for new protests     growing. Demonstrators         is approaching levels not
                                                               of conservative President       criticize her conservative     seen since the late 1990s,
                                                               Park Geun-hye, whose in-        policies in labor, trade and   when millions lost their jobs
                                                               creasingly harsh treatment      education and also what        during a crippling financial
                                                               of union members and dis-       they see as her attacks on     crisis. The demonstrations
                                                               sidents has led to criticism    personal and political free-   have grown because pro-
                                                               comparing her with her          doms.                          testers believe their causes
                                                               late dictator father.           There is also widespread       have been neglected by
                                                               The rally Saturday will be      frustration among young        politicians and the media,
                                                               the latest in a series of mass  people over joblessness        said Chung Jaewon, a so-
                                                               protests in recent months,      and inequality, which has      cial science professor at
                                                               although police believe         inspired an Internet buzz-     Seoul’s Kookmin University.
                                                               the turnout will be smaller     word, “Hell Joseon,” refer-    Park’s government has
                                                               than huge demonstrations        ring to the feudal Joseon      responded by clamping
                                                               earlier this month and on       kingdom that ruled  Ko-        down on the labor and civ-
                                                               Nov. 14, when dozens were       rea before it was colonized    ic organizations involved in
                                                               injured in a clash between      by Japan in the early 20th     organizing the protests.q
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