Page 9 - ATD19DEC2015
P. 9

                                                                                                                  Saturday 19 December 2015

Jordan starts deporting Sudanese asylum seekers 

KARIN LAUB                     tremely concerned” about        A general view of the U.N. refugee agency headquarters after troops tore down the tents the Su-
JAMEY KEATEN                   others held at the loading      danese had pitched a month ago to press demands for resettlement to a third country, in Amman,
Associated Press               bay.                            Jordan. Jordan on Friday began deporting hundreds of Sudanese asylum seekers, despite warn-
AMMAN, Jordan (AP) —           A Sudanese activist in Jor-     ings by the U.N. refugee agency that they could face danger and persecution in their troubled
Jordan on Friday began         dan who was in touch with       homeland.
deporting hundreds of Su-      some of his countrymen in
danese asylum seekers,         detention said at one point,                                                                                                          (AP Photo/ Raad Adayleh)
despite warnings by the        they staged a protest and
U.N. refugee agency that       that Jordanian forces re-
they could face danger         sponded with tear gas and
and persecution in their       beatings. The activist only
troubled homeland.             gave a partial name, Abu
Jordanian security forces      Ehab. His claim could not
rounded up about 800 Su-       immediately be confirmed.
danese earlier this week,      McDonnell said UNHCR has
with the intention of de-      registered more than 3,500
porting them. Troops tore      Sudanese in Jordan. Of
down their makeshift tent      those, 58 percent were rec-
camp in the capital Am-        ognized as refugees and
man, and detained them         the rest as asylum seekers.
at a holding bay near the      She noted that all those
country’s international air-   registered with the agency
port.                          in the two categories enjoy
The deportations epito-        international protection,
mized dilemmas faced by        adding that 70 percent are
many European, Mideast         from Sudan’s troubled Dar-
and African countries that     fur region.
have faced a refugee influx    “We believe many, if not
in recent years. Jordan has    most” of those being de-
otherwise drawn plaudits       ported were registered
from U.N. officials for being  with the agency, she said.
more welcoming that most       Guterres, whose 10-year
by taking in many Iraqis,      tenure ends on Dec. 31,
Syrians and Palestinians.      also expressed concern
In Geneva, the U.N. High       about growing wariness
Commissioner for Refugees      worldwide about refu-
Antonio Guterres said the      gees and noted a “trend
world community had a          toward a more restrictive
“huge debt” to Jordan but      approach to refugee poli-
also noted the incident        cies.” He cited contributing
over the Sudanese.             factors such as public re-
“We have been in close         action to the large number
contact with the Jorda-        of refugees pouring into Eu-
nian government on the         rope and concerns about
Sudanese question,” said       security in the wake of ter-
Guterres, said UNHCR’s po-     ror attacks in Paris and else-
sition was that the Suda-      where recently.
nese in need of protection     “We need to understand
should not be deported.        that refugees are the first
The deportations began         victims of terror, and they
early Friday and most of       are refugees exactly be-
those slated for deporta-      cause they are fleeing ar-
tion were to be flown out of   eas where terrorism, vio-
Jordan throughout the day,     lence and other forms of
said government spokes-        persecution have been
man Mohammed Momani.           proliferating more strong-
By noon, three planes with     ly,” he said.
430 Sudanese on board          UNHCR has tried to halt Jor-
had left, said Aoife Mc-       dan’s deportations to Su-
Donnell, a refugee agency      dan, saying the Sudanese
spokeswoman in Jordan.         asylum seekers risk possible
She said the agency is “ex-    persecution there and that
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