Page 19 - ATD19DEC2015
P. 19
Saturday 19 December 2015
Broncos QB Peyton Manning too sore to practice Friday
In addition to Manning, Ku- players listed on their injury
biak said safeties T.J. Ward report.
(ankle) and Omar Bolden ‘’Half the damn team,’’
(hamstring) and linebacker Kubiak said.He said he ex-
Lerentee McCray (ham- pects Ward to return to
string) would miss Sunday’s practice Wednesday.But
game. Bolden had a setback in
Also, safety Darian Stewart his return. ‘’We thought he
(hamstring) was 50-50 after would be ready to go,’’
missing practice all week. Kubiak said. ‘’He practiced
He’s one of a half-dozen on Wednesday. He came
players listed as question- out on Thursday, went
able. about five minutes and
For the second straight said it was bothering him,
week, the Broncos had 22 so we shut him down.’’q
Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, right, watches warm ups with Denver Broncos head
coach Gary Kubiak prior to an NFL football game against the Oakland Raiders, Sunday, Dec. 13,
2015, in Denver.
(AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)
ARNIE STAPLETON make his fifth consecutive watching Denver’s 15-12
Associated Press start for Denver (10-3). loss to Oakland last week-
ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) -- The Broncos practiced out- end from the sideline.
Peyton Manning’s left foot side on damp fields Friday Manning’s father, Archie,
was sore Friday so he didn’t after spending two days said in a television inter-
practice after running the inside because of a heavy view this week that his son’s
Denver Broncos’ scout snowstorm and frigid tem- left foot was bothering him
team for two days. peratures, but Kubiak said since before the season
Manning’s foot has both- ‘’that had nothing to do even started. On Dec. 2,
ered him for months and with’’ holding Manning out. Manning told a few news
he’s been sidelined since Manning was walking outlets, including The Asso-
mid-November with a torn around after practice ciated Press, in an interview
plantar fascia that required without any limp and Ku- at his locker that he’d been
a cast or boot for 10 days. biak said Manning would ailing for some time but he
He returned to practice make the trip ‘’and be a declined to say exactly
Wednesday but after two part of everything we’re when his foot began both-
days of running the scout doing and he’ll be on the ering him.
team, he reported to work sidelines, I’d assume. Side- ‘’I know that his foot has
saying he was sore. lines or press box, one or been sore since we left
‘’So we said, OK, we’ll stop the other, but I’d assume it Indianapolis’’ on Nov. 8,
for the weekend and go would be sidelines.’’ Kubiak said. ‘’So, it’s some-
from there,’’ coach Gary This will be the first trip Man- thing that we’ve been
Kubiak said. ning has made since being dealing with and trying to
Kubiak had already ruled sidelined. He missed trips to deal with it the right way to
out the league’s only five- Chicago and San Diego get him back to where he
time MVP for Sunday’s and watched the Patriots- feels really good. The prog-
game at Pittsburgh (8-5), Broncos game from inside ress has been very good.
when Brock Osweiler will the locker room before That’s all I know.’’