Page 37 - diario mrt 30
P. 37

DIALUNA 30 MAART 2015  DIARIO                                                                                                                    PAGINA 37

                                                                                                                Minister Paul Croes:

                                                                                                                Feria social a start

                                                                                                                sali cu hopi animo

LOOKING FOR BARTENDERS. The Taste of Belgium Restaurant will be in charge of five different
bars in the harbor area during Aruba Sail, May 1st, 2nd & 3rd and they are looking for fun, personable
bartenders who can do two things at the same time, mix a mean cocktail and be friendly to guests. Sail
Aruba 2015 is the largest event planned around the festivities commemorating the 200-year existence of
the Kingdom of the Netherlands, to be held at the Port of Oranjestad. Visitors will be offered a seafood
festival, a sail-in cinema, the Sail Aruba Races, miniature boat races, a walking tour in Oranjestad, live
music, food and refreshment tents, a BBQ cook-off, and to top it all off, a final night of international
music. Check it out on

IN THE NAME OF TOLERANCE. I followed, together with the rest of the country the story about a                   ORANJESTAD (AAN):                importante aki ta organiza
mosque construction in a mid-island residential neighborhood. My first thought went back to Morocco             Diasabra atardi riba Eagle       pa Minister Paul Croes di
where on a not-so-long-ago vacation we were awakened every morning at 4am by the muezzin call to                Beach a duna inicio na e         asuntonan Social, Hubentud y
prayer broadcast over loudspeakers of the mosque next door, and thought to myself that Morgenster will          prome Proyecto Nacional di       Labor, CEDEAruba y unTeam
soon be changing its name to Morgenstern, in view of the fact that residents will be up every day, in           participacion di hobennan na     Feria Social cu ta encarga cu
time to watch the Morning Star, Venus, visible in the east, just before sunrise. I wondered if the design,      20 Fundacionan aki na Aruba      e evento aki y cu ta consisti
including minarets, was approved. It would not have surprised me, after all they approved the design            a inicia. Mas di 100 hoben       di hobennan dinamico bou di
of the Riu Palace on Palm Beach, so that a monumental building with elaborate domes, minarets and               registra na e prome Feria        guia di señora Joyce Bartels-
prayer halls, could have slipped by the diligent crew at the land department. I know from reading about         Social.                          Daal. Sr. Daniel Tackelenborg
the subject that for a place of worship to be considered a mosque, it has to meet strict requirements,                                           director di CEDE tambe ta
because of its holy status, it has to be imposing, rich and grandiose. Otherwise it’s just a congrega-              "Sigur un dia importante     reconoce e importancia di e
tional place, which by the nature of our society, is welcomed anywhere. And talking about tolerance,            pa nos hobennan, pa e sector     proyecto aki cu lo mester bira
Switzerland for example banned the construction of new mosque minarets following a federal popular              social y tambe partnernan        algo structural y duradero.
initiative that was voted upon in a 2009 referendum. So then, I visited the foundation on Facebook, and         comercial. Hobennan cu a base    Minister Paul Croes a gradici
found it has been busy with a fairly large construction site since the end of October, 2014. Lots of ce-        boluntario a scoge pa awe,       tambe tur e fundacionan y
ment blocks, lots of pictures, not a single image tagged. And the content of the FB posts is saccharin          en bes di haci algo distinto,    nan dirigentenan presente pa
sweet and so-called spiritual. Following construction suspension in compliance with Aruba’s zoning              educa nan mes mas den e          apoya e Feria Social for di
laws, and the regulations governing land use and development as residential (R), commercial (C)                 sector social di Aruba. Nos      prome instante y kier mira e
and manufacturing (M), we all received a detailed press release which was carried on page 1 in the              hobennan hopi biaha ta worde     proyecto aki sigui crece den
Diario. It was signed by the Aruba Islamic Foundation. No individual signature. I e-mailed them asking          poni den lus negativo y ta       un forma duradero.
for a name, and got a one liner response: Sorry for the late reply. My name is Shafeek Karmoeddien              haya tur exposure ora di esaki,
and I am the president of Aruba Islamic Foundation. I can sometimes be tireless, and relentless. Visiting       awe nos mester duna elogio           Tambe na cada uno di e
Shafeek Karmoeddien on FB, I found out he is a young-looking cricket player and soccer fan with a               na cada un di e hobennan cu      partnernan comercial cu a
hey-chu-ku-cha sexy video birthday greeting on his page. Just not what you’d expect from the profile            a base boluntario a dicidi den   dicidi di apoya e Feria Social
of the foundation president. Life is full of surprises. To conclude: I usually, I have no problem coming        haci algo hopi positivo pa nan   mirando e importancia di
up with my own column materials, and also quoting other people, without always giving them credit.              pais", Minister Paul Croes a     e proyecto aki. "Forsa di e
But this time I have to credit a certain Jiggs McDonald, and NHL Hall of Fame broadcaster speaking              reitera.                         proyecto aki ta e sinergia
in Ontario, and he says: “I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against another mosque                                             entre Gobierno, Fundacionan,
being built in Toronto. I think it should be the goal of every Canadian to be tolerant regardless of their         Como 20 Fundacion pa 3        hobennan y sector comercial.
religious beliefs. Thus the mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance.” “That is why I        luna largo lo guia e hobennan
also propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque; thereby promoting tolerance from            aki, pa conoce nan clientenan,     Nos hobennan lo educa nan
within the mosque. We could call one of the clubs, which would be gay, “The Turbaned Cowboy,” and               nan trabaonan y tambe conoce     mes mas den e sector social
the other, a topless bar, would be called “You Mecca Me Hot.” “Next door should be a butcher shop               mas di e tema cu e fundacionan   di nos pais, y ta spera di por
that specializes in pork, and adjacent to that an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called “Iraq of Ribs.”     ta dedica nan mes na dje.        planta e semiya social den
“Across the street there could be a lingerie store called “Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret,” with sexy                                             nan curason", Minister di
mannequins in the window modeling the goods.”, and on the other side a liquor store called “Moreham-               Cada un di e Fundacionan      Asuntonan Social y Hubentud
mered.” “All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us.” Yes               aki lo recibi un suma di         a bisa. "Nos enfasis ta keda
we should promote tolerance, and you can do your part by passing this on.” And if you are not laughing          15.000 Florin (na material of    riba nos hobennan, esaki ta
or smiling at this point... It is either past your bedtime, or it’s midnight at the oasis and time to put your  financiero) pa asina realisa un  un forma pa demostra esaki",
camel to bed! Sorry if I offended anyone, Mi Ta Charlie!                                                        proyecto pa nan Fundacion.       Croes a conclui.
                                                                                                                Un total di 300.000 Florin
GREAT SUSHI. We always greatly enjoy sushi at Tatami and I think I never mentioned how tasty and                esaki ta nifica. E evento
pleasant that dining experience is. On a recent Sunday evening Omar Contrera pampered us with a
mini tiradito, magic sake, a katsumoto roll and a new sensation roll, some nicely chilled wine, at great
value for money! Also on another occasion we shared the Tatami sashimi platter which was delicious!
They are open for lunch and dinner, so you can check things out yourself.

BEACH MANAGEMENT. I was privileged to attend a Beach Management meeting this week, with
a presentation by Theo Oord who is the consultant to the committee responsible for implementing the
proposed new regulations regarding the management of our beaches, the single most important aspect
of any Aruba vacation experience. Poor Theo he must have been recovering from a cold, and his nasal-
sounding voice, did not contribute to the level of dynamism in the room. True to his Dutch constitution
Theo would love to tackle the challenges in their totality, from watersports to lounges, to palapas and
boat slips, finding a once-and-for-all- solution, as if such animal exists, instead of taking it one step
at the time, and doing what’s important first. The most urgent aspect of our beach experience is the
creation of a designated cruise ship passenger beach, with toilets and changing facilities. The Bushiri
Beach would be ideal. If you just do that Theo, you will accomplished a lot. But leave the palapas and
shade management to the hotels, we don’t recommend fixing something which ain’t broke. During the
meeting the new General Manager of the Hyatt Regency, Joel Burke voiced his opinion and thereby
introduced himself as a straight-shooter and a down-to-earth personality with a common sense. Later I
found out he was born into a farming family somewhere in the mid-west. We like him already. Welcome
to Aruba!

LACK OF BEACH MANAGEMENT. I drove past the lovely strip of beach between Divi and Tama-
rijn all inclusive and to my utter surprise found a brown box, like an oversize tiger-transport-cage,
smack in the middle of that pristine beach. Guess what. It’s a spa. How did New Image Spa receive a
permit to build such ugliness, mid such beauty?? Did you have to place it in the middle, ruining the best
uninterrupted vista on the island. And if indeed you have a building permit, couldn’t the box be placed
on the side, in respect of the beach and its worshipers??
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