P. 1

Ledecky wins again

                                                                                         July 26, 2017
                                                                                         T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A                                                                                                                             Page 18
                DC Drama

                   Senate Opens ‘Obamacare’ Debate as McCain Returns

            Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. arrives on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, July 25, 2017, as the Senate was to vote on moving head on health care with the goal of
            erasing much of Barack Obama’s law.
                                                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

            By ERICA WERNER              drama  as  Sen.  John  Mc-   “no.”                        surgery starkly visible on the  “If this process ends in fail-
            Associated Press             Cain returned to the Capi-   With  all  senators  in  their  left side of his face.    ure,  which  seems  likely,
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Prod-      tol for the first time after be-  seats and protesters agitat-  Despite  voting  “yes,”  he  then  let’s  return  to  regular
            ded  by  President  Donald  ing  diagnosed  with  brain  ing  outside  and  briefly  in-  took a lecturing tone after-  order,”  McCain  said  as  he
            Trump,  a  bitterly  divided  cancer  to  cast  a  decisive  side the chamber, the vote  ward  and  hardly  saw  suc-  chided Republican leaders
            Senate  voted  at  last  Tues-  “yes” vote.               was  held  open  at  length  cess assured for the legisla-  for  devising  the  legislation
            day  to  move  forward  with  The  final  tally  was  51-50,  before  McCain,  80,  en-  tion after weeks of misfires,  in secret along with the ad-
            the   Republicans’    long-  with  Vice  President  Mike  tered the chamber. Greet-    even  after  Tuesday’s  vic-  ministration  and  “springing
            promised  legislation  to  re-  Pence breaking the tie af-  ed  by  cheers,  he  smiled  tory for Trump and Repub-  it on skeptical members.”
            peal and replace “Obam-      ter two Republicans joined  and dispensed hugs — but  lican leader Mitch McCon-
            acare.”  There  was  high  all  48  Democrats  in  voting  with  the  scars  from  recent  nell.                        Continued on Page 4
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