P. 4
Wednesday 26 July 2017
Senate opens ‘Obamacare’ debate at last; outcome in doubt
program for the poor,
Continued from front the disabled and nursing
home residents The result
“Stop listening to the bom- would be 20 million to 30
bastic loudmouths on the million people losing insur-
radio, TV and internet. To ance over a decade, de-
hell with them!” McCain pending on the version of
said, raising his voice as he the bill. The GOP legisla-
urged senators to reach for tion has polled abysmally,
the comity of earlier times. while Obamacare itself
At the White House, has grown steadily more
though, Trump wasted no popular. Yet most Repub-
time in declaring a win licans argue that failing to
and slamming the Demo- deliver on their promises to
crats anew. pass repeal-and-replace
“I’m very happy to an- legislation would be worse
nounce that, with zero than passing an unpopular
of the Democrats’ votes, bill, because it would ex-
the motion to proceed pose the GOP as unable
on health care has just to govern despite control-
passed. And now we move ling majorities in the House,
forward toward truly great Senate and White House.
health care for the Ameri- Tuesday’s vote amounted
can people,” Trump said. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., center, with Senate Majority Whip Sen. John to a procedural hurdle for
“This was a big step. I want Cornyn, R-Texas, right, and Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., left, talks to reporters on Capitol Hill in legislation whose final form
Washington, Tuesday, July 25, 2017, after Vice President Mike Pence broke a 50-50 tie to start de-
to thank Senator John Mc- bating Republican legislation to tear down much of the Obama health care law. is impossible to predict un-
Cain — very brave man.” (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) der the Senate’s byzan-
tine amendment process,
At its most basic, the Re- which will unfold over the
publican legislation is next several days.
aimed at undoing Obam- Indeed senators had no
acare’s unpopular man- clear idea of what they
dates for most people to would ultimately be voting
carry insurance and busi- on, and in an indication
nesses to offer it. The GOP of the uncertainty ahead,
would repeal Obamacare McConnell said the Senate
taxes and unwind an ex- will “let the voting take us
pansion of the Medicaid where it will.”q
Mic captures GOP senator ripping
on Trump and mocking lawmaker
By JENNIFER C. KERR, Asso- Jack Reed of Rhode Island.
ciated Press “It’s just incredibly irrespon-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Oh, sible.”
that dreaded open micro- “I think he’s crazy,” Reed
phone! says. And Collins adds, “I’m
Republican Sen. Susan Col- worried.”
lins got caught Tuesday at Collins was also snagged
the end of a hearing with making unflattering re-
a microphone that was marks about Rep. Blake
still hot — and captured Farenthold, R-Texas, a day
her ripping President Don- after he blamed “some
ald Trump and making fun female senators from the
of a fellow lawmaker who Northeast” for blocking
had been critical of her on health care legislation. He
health care. said he wished he could
Collins, a moderate from challenge them to a duel
Maine, can be overheard “Aaron Burr-style.”
complaining about Trump “Did you see the one who
and his proposed 2018 challenged me to a duel?”
budget, which slashes Collins asks.
spending with deep cuts to “I know,” Reed replies.
domestic agencies, food “Trust me.
stamps, Medicaid, high- Do you know why he chal-
way funding and medical lenged you to a duel?
research. ‘Cause you could beat the
“Whenever there was a s--- out of him.”
grant, they just X-ed it out, Collins continues, “I don’t
with no metric, no think- mean to be unkind but
ing about it, no nothing,” he’s so unattractive it’s
she tells Democratic Sen. unbelievable.”q