P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 26 July 2017

              Polish president signs 1 of 3 contested laws on judiciary

            By MONIKA SCISLOWSKA                                                                                                rejection  of  the  other  bills.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    One  of  them  would  have
            WARSAW,  Poland  (AP)  —                                                                                            allowed  the  justice  minis-
            The office of Poland’s presi-                                                                                       ter  to  immediately  fire  all
            dent said Tuesday that he                                                                                           Supreme    Court   justices
            has signed into law one of                                                                                          and choose their replace-
            three  contested  bills  that                                                                                       ments.
            critics  say  limit  the  inde-                                                                                     The ruling party says not all
            pendence of the judiciary.                                                                                          judges  meet  professional
            President  Andrzej  Duda                                                                                            and ethical standards.
            announced  Monday  after                                                                                            In announcing his decision
            days  of  protests  that  he                                                                                        Monday Duda said the law
            would veto two of the bills.                                                                                        gave  excessive  power  to
            His  office  said  early  Tues-                                                                                     the prosecutor general.
            day  he  signed  the  third                                                                                         “In Poland’s Constitution, in
            one,                                                                                                                the constitutional tradition,
            despite demonstrations the                                                                                          the  prosecutor  general
            previous evening in several                                                                                         never had any supervision
            cities  urging  him  to  block                                                                                      over  the  Supreme  Court,”
            that one, too.                                                                                                      Duda said.
            The  law  allows  the  justice                                                                                      A  prominent  member  of
            minister,  who  is  also  the                                                                                       the ruling Law and Justice
            prosecutor    general,   to                                                                                         party, which seemed to be
            name the heads of all low-    Polish President Andrzej Duda makes a statement in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, July 24, 2017.   taken by surprise by Duda’s
            er courts.                    Duda announced that he will veto two contentious bills widely seen as assaults on the indepen-  veto, said the party was “a
                                          dence of the judicial system.
            Critics  say  it  is  unconstitu-                                                           (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)  little worried” that Duda lis-
            tional,  but  welcomed  his                                                                                         tened to the protesters. q

              Greek bond issue marks milestone in recovery from bailout

            ATHENS,  Greece  (AP)  —  ends in August 2018.            uptick  in  growth.  Greece  had  been  under-reported.   cy,  and  subjected  Greeks
            Greece’s  first  attempt  to  Finance   Minister   Euclid   lost  market  access  in  2010  The  ensuing  financial  cri-  to  deep  income  cuts  and
            finance itself on bond mar-  Tsakalotos called the result   when  its  credit  rating  was  sis  shook  global  markets,  massive  job  losses  amid  a
            kets since 2014 raised 3 bil-  satisfactory,  and  added   downgraded  to  junk  sta-  brought the country to the  depression that burned up
            lion euros ($3.5 billion) Tues-  that  Greece  would  pro-  tus  following  revelations  brink of bankruptcy and exit  more than a quarter of the
            day  from  investors  attract-  ceed  with  further  bond  is-  that  key  data  on  debts  from Europe’s euro curren-  economy.q
            ed by a high rate of return,  sues  before  the  end  of  its
            in an encouraging sign that  bailout  program  in  little
            the country will be able to  over a year. “I think what’s
            smoothly exit its bailout era  important is the quality and
            next year.                   number  of  investors  who                                                  WE ARE CELEBRATING
            The  left-led  government  showed  interest  in  this  is-                                              1   YEAR ANNIVERSARY
            said  the  five-year  bond  is-  sue,”  he  said.  A  govern-
            sue  was  more  than  twice  ment  announcement  said
            oversubscribed,  with  the  most  of  the  buyers  were
            yield set at 4.62 percent —  global  institutional  inves-
            showing  slightly  improved  tors  and  not  speculative
            investor  confidence  since  traders  looking  for  a  quick
            the  2014  issue,  where  the  profit.  Prime  Minister  Alexis
            yield was 4.95 percent.      Tsipras’  government  had
            The  bond  issue  is  a  mile-  pinned much on Tuesday’s
            stone  in  the  country’s  sev-  issue, as it seeks to cement
            en-year  financial  crisis,  as  improvements to the econ-
            Greece will only be able to  omy. Though the country’s
            end its dependence on in-    stock of debt remains very
            ternational rescue loans if it  high at around 175 percent                        TO CELEBRATE WE ARE GIVING OUR GUEST A
            can borrow money directly  of  annual  GDP,  the  bud-
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            when the bailout program  most forecasters predict an                                                        PLEASE ASK WAITER FOR MORE INFO.
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