P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 26 July 2017

              Mexico murders up with deadliest month in at least 20 years

            Associated Press             The  victims  were  appar-
            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mex-      ently lured by job offers for
            ico’s   spiraling   violence   private  security  guards  or
            reached  new  heights  with   municipal police and were
            2,234 murders in June, the   then  forced  to  build  their
            country’s  deadliest  month   own  shelters  from  wood
            in at least 20 years, accord-  and branches and train in
            ing to government data.      tactics and shooting — us-
            Killings  rose  in  states  rang-  ing paintball guns — while
            ing  from  the  tourist  haven   under  guard  by  gang
            of Baja California Sur to the   members,  Almaguer  said.
            Gulf  coast  state  of  Vera-  The  investigation  that  led
            cruz  and  even  in  Mexico   to  the  camps  started  with
            City,  long  considered  a   six similar reports of missing
            relative  oasis  from  drug   people in June.
            gang violence. For the first   “They  are  recruiting  good
            six months of 2017, authori-  people  who  look  for  em-
            ties  nationwide  recorded   ployment,” Almaguer said.
            12,155 homicide investiga-   On  Thursday,  a  neighbor-
            tions,  or  31  percent  more   hood on the south side of
            than  the  9,300  during  the   Mexico  City  exploded  in
            same period last year.       gunfire  and  eight  people
            Just  Friday,  the  same  day   were killed as marines tried
            the  report  was  released,   to capture the leader of a   In this Jan. 17, 2017 photo, a forensic investigator walks inside the Blue Parrot club, one day after
            a  marine  and  four  other   drug gang that controlled   a deadly early morning shooting in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
            people  were  killed  when   street-level  drug  sales  in                                                         (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
            armed     forces   moved     part of the city. The gang’s
            against  the  leader  of  the   semi-automatic  rifles  and   unheard of in the capital.  Murders  remain  high  in  customed  to  such  blood-
            principal  fuel-theft  ring  in   burning  vehicle  barriers   Those  events  underscore  states  that  have  tradition-  shed,  like  Baja  California
            the central state of Puebla.  set  up  to  block  authorities   the  growing  struggles  be-  ally struggled with violence  Sur — home to the Los Ca-
            Four of the dead were al-    were reminiscent of peren-   tween or against organized  like  Guerrero  and  Mexico  bos  tourist  resorts  —  and
            leged  members  of  “Los     nial hotspots like the border   crime groups from one end  state.  But  they  have  also  the  Pacific  coast  state  of
            Bukanas,”  a  violent  gang   city of Reynosa, but almost   of the country to the other.  shot  up  in  states  unac-  Colima.q
            that  sells  gasoline  stolen
            through  illegal  taps  in  the   Venezuela:
            government oil company’s
            pipelines.  It’s  a  business   Authorities  hold  2  judges
            that  has  been  estimated
            to cost the government $1    appointed by opposition
            billion  annually  and  which
            has   grown    increasingly
            violent as authorities try to   CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)  BIN agents in Anzoategui, a
            control it.                  — Venezuela’s intelligence  state  in  northeastern  Ven-
            Also  Friday,  the  top  pros-  agency  has  detained  two  ezuela. The magistrates are
            ecutor in the western state   more judges that the gov-   among  33  judges  the  Na-
            of  Jalisco,  Eduardo  Alma-  ernment-stacked  Supreme  tional Assembly appointed
            guer,  said  authorities  dis-  Court had threatened with  on  Friday  to  replace  the
            covered  two  drug  cartel   arrest  after  they  were  ap-  current Supreme Court.
            training camps where they    pointed by the opposition-   The troubled nation’s high-  In this July 21, 2017 photo, newly-appointed Supreme Court jus-
            believe  about  40  people   controlled National Assem-   est  court  quickly  declared   tice Zuleima Gonzalez holds a Venezuelan flag as she poses
            had  been  trapped  and      bly.                         the  appointments  uncon-    for  photos  after  her  swearing-in  ceremony  in  Caracas,  Ven-
            trained after being tricked   The National Assembly an-   stitutional  and  said  the   ezuela. Gonzalez, one of 33 of magistrates appointed by the
            by  online  job  advertise-  nounced     Tuesday    that  judges  would  be  illegally   opposition-led National Assembly last week, was detained by
            ments.  An  unknown  num-    Jesus  Rojas  Torres  and  Zu-  usurping  power  and  be-  political police (SEBIN), along with another judge, on suspicion
                                                                                                   of treason, in eastern Venezuela, according to the legislature
            ber of human remains were    leima  Gonzalez  had  been  traying  the  nation  if  they   on July 25, 2017.
            also found.                  taken  into  custody  by  SE-  fulfilled their new posts.q                                (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)
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