P. 16
a16 feature
Wednesday 26 July 2017
Pasadena’s art, gardens and history make a good LA side trip
By EVA PARZIALE book online at http://www.
Associated Press as soon as you
PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — know your visit dates.
Most visitors to Los Angeles OLD PASADENA: One of
head to Hollywood, Venice three main shopping and
Beach or Santa Monica. entertainment districts in
But if you’re in the mood Pasadena, this 22-block
for stunning gardens, first- historical area still retains
class art and historic archi- many of its 19th century
tecture without the crowds roots, thanks to historic
and traffic, consider Pasa- preservation. It was desig-
dena. Pasadena is located nated a National Register
15 miles (24 km) northwest Historic District in 1983, and
of Los Angeles, at the foot remains full of Victorian,
of the San Gabriel Moun- Mission Revival and Art
tains. Incorporated in 1886, Deco buildings that give
this city of 140,000 retains off a European vibe with its
much of its 19th century pedestrian-friendly streets
charm. But as home to and historic alleys. The 200
the California Institute of shops house retail chains
Technology and NASA’s like the Gap, Anthropolo-
unmanned space effort, gie and Forever 21, art gal-
it’s no stranger to moder- leries, boutiques and an-
nity. Whether you have a tique stores. There are 100
day or more to spend, here restaurants, diners, coffee
are few world-class desti- This July 2, 2017 photo shows the entrance to The Huntington Library Art Collections & Botanical shops and bars. Travel just
nations to consider visiting Gardens in Pasadena, Calif. The Huntington is a top cultural attraction in the greater Los Angeles 2 miles to South Pasadena
that will give you a taste of area and home to one of the finest collections of British portraiture in the world. and grab a shake or malt
the past, present and the (Kelsey Delehanty via AP) at the Fair Oaks Pharmacy
future within a compact finest collections of British coln to Ulysses S. Grant. The from Suzhou. Open daily 10 and Soda Fountain, built
23-mile (37-km) radius. portraiture in the world. Its complex has 12 gardens a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Tues- in 1915 along the western-
HUNTINGTON LIBRARY ART collection includes Thomas featuring 15,000 plants and days. most stop of Route 66.
COLLECTIONS & BOTANICAL Gainsborough’s “Blue Boy,” flowers displayed in ecosys- NORTON SIMON MUSEUM THE LANGHAM HUNTING-
GARDENS: The Huntington is a 1455 copy of the Guten- tems ranging from deserts OF ART: This private muse- TON: This historic hotel
considered one of the top berg Bible, a rare manu- to jungles. There also is a um was founded in 1922 as originally opened in 1907
cultural attractions in the script of Chaucer’s “Can- children’s garden and one the Pasadena Art Institute, and was redesigned seven
greater Los Angeles area, terbury Tale”s and a signed showcasing the work of later becoming the Pasa- years later by Rose Bowl
and is home to one of the letter from Abraham Lin- master Chinese craftsmen dena Art Museum. Indus- architect Myron Hunt. It
trialist Norton Simon, who added the first Olympic-
collected European mas- sized swimming pool in
terpieces from the Renais- Southern California in the
sance to the 20th century, mid-1920s and is now fa-
as well as Asian art span- mous for its lovely wooden
ning 2,000 years, took it Picture Bridge, used as a
over in 1974. backdrop in movies and
It is considered one of the TV shows including “90210”
Located in the Riu Antilles Resort (Formerly the Westin Resort) world’s finest small art mu- and “Scandal.”
FREE TRANSPORTATION TO THE CASINO FROM ALL seums, gaining praise for Non-guests can take the
its renovations by famed daily historical tour at 2
HIGH RISE AND LOW RISE HOTELS AND TIMESHARES. architect Frank Gehry. p.m., stroll among the 23
CALL 525-7777 FOR MORE INFORMATION Among the 12,000 pieces acres (9 hectares) of land-
in the collection are works scaping or partake in a tra-
LIVE POKER by Rembrandt, Rodin, van ditional British tea served
Gogh, Degas, Picasso and on Wedgwood china. Tea
Matisse. Open daily ex- service starts at $42.
GAMES START 8 PM TO THE WEE HOURS cept Tuesday, plus evening THE ROSE BOWL: This land-
hours Friday-Sunday. mark is home to the UCLA
JET PROPULSION LAB: You’d Bruins football team and
1-2.....2-5......5-5 1-3.....2-5......5-5 don’t have to be a fan of the annual Rose Bowl
$100 HIGH HAND BONUSES EVERY HOUR “The Big Bang Theory” to Game and Parade, which
OVER $20,000 PER WEEK GIVEN OUT IN HIGH HAND BONUSES take a tour of NASA’s Jet draws 700,000 spectators
along its 5.5-mile (9-km)
Propulsion Lab. This cen-
CRAPS ter, operated by the Cali- route every January.
Free public tours of the
fornia Institute of Technol-
ONLY CASINO IN ARUBA TO OFFER 3, 4 & 5 TIME ODDS ogy (where “Big Bang’’’s Rose Bowl are available
Sheldon and are Leonard on Thursdays, February-Au-
are physicists), manages gust. It also hosts the Rose
SPORTSBOOK 19 spacecraft, including Bowl Flea Market, now in its
the Curiosity rover on Mars. 45th year. It features 2,500
LIVE SIMULCAST OF ALL MAJOR TRACKS Public tours, featuring the vendors and draws 20,000
flight mission control room, visitors, including celebri-
THROUGHOBRED AND HARNESS are available twice weekly ties. The flea market is held
at 1 p.m. The tours fill up the second Sunday of ev-
months in advance, so ery month.q