P. 21
SPORTS Wednesday 26 July 2017
Brain disease
Continued from Page 17
He said problems other CTE was diagnosed in 177
than CTE might explain former players or nearly
some of their most com- 90 percent of brains stud-
mon symptoms before ied. That includes 110 of
death — depression, impul- 111 brains from former NFL
sivity and behavior chang- players; 48 of 53 college
es. He was not involved in players; nine of 14 semi-
the report. professional players, seven
McKee said research from of eight Canadian Football
the brain bank may lead league players and three
to answers and an under- of 14 high school players.
standing of how to detect The disease was not found
the disease in life, “while in brains from two younger
there’s still a chance to do players.
something about it.” Cur- A panel of neuropatholo-
rently, there’s no known gists made the diagnosis
treatment. by examining brain tissue,
The strongest scientific evi- using recent criteria from
dence says CTE can only the National Institute of
be diagnosed by exam- Neurological Disorders and In this 1974 file photo, Oakland Raiders quarterback Ken Stabler looks to pass.
ining brains after death, Stroke, McKee said. Associated Press
although some research- The NFL issued a statement
ers are experimenting with saying these reports are im- cases, including former NFL havior changes. most severe disease in for-
tests performed on the liv- portant for advancing sci- players Bubba Smith, Ken Wainright played before mer professional players;
ing. Many scientists believe ence related to head trau- Stabler, Dave Duerson and the league adopted stricter mild disease was found in
that repeated blows to the ma and said the league Ralph Wenzel. safety rules and had many all three former high school
head increase risks for de- “will continue to work with New ones include retired concussions, she said. He players diagnosed with
veloping CTE, leading to a wide range of experts to tight end Frank Wainright, feared CTE and was ada- the disease. Brain bank re-
progressive loss of normal improve the health of cur- whose 10-year NFL career mant about donating his searchers previously report-
brain matter and an ab- rent and former NFL ath- included stints with the brain, she said. ed that the earliest known
normal buildup of a protein letes.” Miami Dolphins, New Or- Frank Wycheck, another evidence of CTE was found
called tau. Combat veter- After years of denials, the leans Saints and Baltimore former NFL tight end, said in a high school athlete
ans and athletes in rough NFL acknowledged a link Ravens. Wainright died in he worries that concussions who played football and
contact sports like football between head blows and April 2016 at age 48 from a during his nine-year career other sports who died at
and boxing are among brain disease and agreed heart attack triggered by — the last seven with the age 18. He was not includ-
those thought to be most in a $1 billion settlement to bleeding in the brain, said Tennessee Titans — have ed in the current report.
at risk. compensate former play- his wife, Stacie. She said left him with CTE and he The average age of death
The new report was pub- ers who had accused the he had struggled almost plans to donate his brain to among all players stud-
lished Tuesday in the Jour- league of hiding the risks. eight years with frightening research. ied was 66. There were 18
nal of the American Medi- The journal update includes symptoms including confu- In the new report, McKee suicides among the 177
cal Association. many previously reported sion, memory loss and be- and colleagues found the diagnosed.q
NY Rangers sign Zibanejad to $26.75 million, 5-year deal
By STEPHEN WHYNO, sponsibility,” Zibanejad said $2.63 million. But now he’ll
AP Hockey Writer on a conference call. “It’s be counted on along with
Mika Zibanejad knew from something I’m working re- Kevin Hayes to play more
the moment the New York ally hard to making sure I’m minutes down the middle
Rangers traded Derek Ste- taking advantage of the and produce like he did in
pan that his role would be chance I’m getting.” his final two seasons in Ot-
more substantial. General manager Jeff Gor- tawa.
Now he has the contract to ton and Zibanejad’s rep- Zibanejad welcomes that
match. resentatives negotiated challenge.
The Rangers avoided arbi- up until the final few min- “You always want to im-
tration Tuesday and signed utes before his arbitration prove, you always want to
Zibanejad to a $26.75 mil- hearing was set to begin evolve,” he said. “There’s
lion, five-year deal that in Toronto. Zibanejad said always been moments
carries a salary-cap hit of he was super happy not where you feel like you
$5.35 million through 2021- to have to go through the can take your game to the
22. With Stepan gone, the hearing and wait for a rul- next level, and that’s what
24-year-old Swede goes ing, instead coming out of In this March 21, 2017, file photo, New York Rangers center Mika I’m working on during the
into the season as New the room with a long-term Zibanejad, of Sweden, skates against the New Jersey Devils summer, trying to do all the
York’s new No. 1 center. deal. during the first period of an NHL hockey game, in Newark, N.J. things I can do to prepare
“Seeing Derek being trad- Zibanejad had 14 goals Associated Press myself for this opportunity.
ed was a little bit of an and 23 assists for 37 points tors for Derick Brassard a needed to sign defense- Zibanejad has 188 points
alert to me that I might get in 56 games last season, year ago. man Kevin Shattenkirk, re- in 337 NHL games with
a chance to play a big- his first with New York. The Trading Stepan and his sign Brendan Smith and the Senators and Rangers
ger role and as a player Rangers acquired Zibane- $6.5 million cap hit to Ari- give Zibanejad a raise since Ottawa drafted him
you always want more re- jad from the Ottawa Sena- zona freed up the space from his previous salary of sixth overall in 2011.q