P. 25

BUSINESS                 Monday 6 august 2018

            Will economic boom complicate curbing immigration?

            By COLLEEN LONG                                                                                                     being unable to sell oysters.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    He  said  the  company  has
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  One                                                                                            been in business more than
            of President Donald Trump's                                                                                         a  half-century,  and  that
            priorities,  low  unemploy-                                                                                         despite  massive  recruiting
            ment,  is  complicating  an-                                                                                        efforts, it can't keep Ameri-
            other: curbing immigration.                                                                                         can workers.
            With  the  number  of  jobs                                                                                         "We just don't have people
            available  exceeding  the                                                                                           who  want  to  come  out
            number of Americans seek-                                                                                           and  shuck  oysters  at  3  in
            ing  jobs,  employers  are                                                                                          the morning — and I don't
            looking beyond the border                                                                                           blame them," he said.
            to  fill  openings,  and  mi-                                                                                       Some,  like  Erksine,  are  will-
            grants  are  coming  to  the                                                                                        ing  to  front  the  cost  asso-
            country in search of work.                                                                                          ciated  with  a  temporary
            Hotel and restaurant owner                                                                                          work visa, about $4,000 per
            Todd  Callewaert  is  short                                                                                         employee for workers hold-
            more than two dozen work-                                                                                           ing  down  seasonal,  non-
            ers this season for his Macki-                                                                                      agricultural  jobs.  But  the
            nac Island, Michigan, busi-                                                                                         visas are capped at 66,000
            nesses. "You can't hire a line                                                                                      annually, with 15,000 addi-
            cook  right  now,  it's  impos-                                                                                     tional visas this year.
            sible, even for 20 bucks an                                                                                         Economists  say  the  hiring
            hour,"  he  said.  "We  usually                                                                                     crunch  could  be  eased
            fill  the  gap  with  visa  work-                                                                                   in  part  by  increasing  the
            ers, but we can't even get                                                                                          number  of  visas  available
            those this year."                                                                                                   during  boom  years,  and
            The Labor Department said                                                                                           decreasing  them  when
            Friday  the  unemployment                                                                                           the  economy  is  weaker.
            rate was 3.9 percent, near                                                                                          But those changes must be
            the 18-year low set in May,                                                                                         made by Congress.
            and employers are adding                                                                                            Those  turning  a  blind  eye
            jobs at a faster pace than                                                                                          to immigration status, or hir-
            last year.                                                                                                          ing people with false iden-
            Trump has made clear em-                                                                                            tification face crackdowns
            ployers should be trying to                                                                                         by   immigration   agents.
            attract  American  workers                                                                                          Agents  raided  an  Ohio
            through  wage  increases                                                                                            garden  center  in  the  sum-
            and  other  incentives,  not                                                                                        mer,  arresting  114  workers
            filling jobs with immigrants.  In this April 27, 2018 file photo, a poster announcing available jobs hangs in the window of the   and accusing the business
            "Curbing  immigration  is  es-  store La Guadalupana in Florence, Ky.                                               of unlawful employment of
            sential  to  growing  wages                                                                        Associated Press  aliens and fraud.
            and ensuring available jobs                                                                                         "It's not worth the risk for us
            go  to  American  workers,  from  their  parents  at  the  many jobs in the States."   ficult  journey  because  his  to  hire  people  we're  not
            not foreign workers," Depu-  border,  prompting  inter-   Frandy  Frauville,  35,  joined  brother had secured him a  sure  about,"  said  Calle-
            ty White House Press Secre-  national  outrage.  Trump  a  wave  of  Haitians  who  job in Maryland. Someday,  waert,  the  hotel  and  res-
            tary Hogan Gidley told AP.  eventually  stopped  the  came  to  Tijuana,  Mexico,  he said, his son will ask what  taurant  owner.  But  a  lack
            "As  immigration  curbs  are  separations  and  the  gov-  from  Brazil  starting  in  2016.  happened,  and  why  he  of staff means the business
            put  into  place,  more  and  ernment  was  forced  by  a  Brazil  welcomed  Haitians  had  left  him  in  the  United  can't grow, he said.
            more Americans will be ab-   judge to reunify families.   after  Haiti's  2010  earth-  States.                     Rep. Dave Brat, R-Virginia.,
            sorbed back into the work-   Still,  tens  of  thousands  of  quake.  But  Frauville  grew  "I'll  tell  him  the  truth,"  he  a member of the conserva-
            force, especially those who  people  cross  the  border  il-  tired of factory jobs in Mex-  said.  "We  thought  we  had  tive  House  Freedom  Cau-
            have been left out due to  legally every month, many  ico that barely allowed him  a good plan to give him a  cus,  said  he  did  not  think
            poor work history or difficult  seeking  asylum  from  vio-  to  cover  rent  and  food,  better life."             the  lower  unemployment
            life circumstances."         lence.  But  often,  they're  and, lured by the prospects  Many economists say immi-   rate  would  weaken  efforts
            The    administration   has  coming  because  of  the  of  better  work  and  join-    gration is actually good for  to  restrict  illegal  immigra-
            made it harder to come to  prospect of work.              ing  family  near  Miami,  he  the economy and migrants  tion.
            the U.S. for work, legally or  Dala  Edilson  Ba  Juc  trav-  lined up with his 5-year-old  provide   complementary  "The  irony  is  it  makes  it
            otherwise.  Work  visas  are  eled  with  his  12-year-old  daughter at a border cross-  work to the jobs Americans  more transparent what the
            costly,  complicated  and  daughter from Guatemala  ing.                               do.                          real  problem  of  the  labor
            limited.  Large-scale,  job-  to  the  U.S.  —  only  to  be  "I'll  take  whatever  I  can  Despite Trump's push, some  market  is,"  Brat  said,  cit-
            seeking  migration  through  separated  from  her  at  the  get," he said.             business  owners  say  they  ing about 10 million Ameri-
            a  porous  border  is  long  border,  reunited  and  de-  And Rolando Antonio Bue-     just can't get Americans to  cans not in the labor force.
            gone.                        ported home. Sitting at an  so Castillo, who was sepa-    fill the jobs.               He  called  for  improved
            This  summer,  the  adminis-  immigration facility in Gua-  rated from his infant Johan,  A.J. Erskine is vice president  education  and  imposing
            tration tried to deter would-  temala  City,  he  said  they  was making only $10 a day  of Cowart Seafood Group,  work requirements on food
            be  immigrants  by  adopt-   came for work.               driving  a  bus  in  Hondu-  which  includes  a  Virginia  stamp  recipients  to  get
            ing    a   "zero-tolerance"  "I needed to try to make a  ras.  He  was  captured  and  oyster  company  of  about  more of these Americans in
            policy, prosecuting anyone  better life for my family — I  quickly  deported  while  his  75  employees.  "Entry-level  the workforce.
            caught crossing the border  wanted them to have what  baby remained behind for  is $12.13 an hour," he said.  "The answer is not to bring
            illegally. It resulted in nearly  I could not give them here,"  five months.           "I  don't  know  how  much  in  10  million  folks  from
            3,000  children  separated  he  said.  "There  are  many,  He  said  he  made  the  dif-  higher  we  can  go  without  abroad," Brat said.q
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