P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 6 august 2018
            New FX series chance to tell Latino stories from inside out

            By BETH HARRIS                                                                                                      to grow up in a functional
            Associated Press                                                                                                    family,  I  don't  know  what
            BEVERLY  HILLS,  Calif.  (AP)                                                                                       it's like to grow up in a sup-
            —  The  co-creator  of  a                                                                                           portive family," James said.
            new series featuring Latino                                                                                         "But I do know that I have
            characters who are violent                                                                                          these stories that I have to
            criminals is at its core about                                                                                      tell and this damage inside
            a family, albeit a damaged                                                                                          me that I have to get out."
            one  that  lives  outside  the                                                                                      James noted that many of
            parameters of normal soci-                                                                                          the people working in front
            ety.                                                                                                                of and behind the camera
            Kurt  Sutter  told  a  TV  crit-                                                                                    on  the  show  grew  up  in
            ics  meeting  on  Friday  that                                                                                      poverty amid violence and
            he's  "really  proud  to  have                                                                                      incarceration.
            a  brown  cast"  in  "Mayans                                                                                        "This is the first time we get
            M.C.," which debuts Sept. 4                                                                                         to tell our own stories from
            on FX.                                                                                                              the  inside  out,  which  is  in-
            At  the  time  same,  Sutter                                                                                        credibly  important  to  me,"
            said he doesn't bow to out-                                                                                         he  said.  "I  don't  want  any
            side pressure that many of                                                                                          nice  people  ...  to  tell  me  I
            the  Latino  characters  are                                                                                        can't tell my story."
            criminals.                                                                                                          Among the cast is Edward
            "The stories that I like to tell   Edward  James  Olmos  participates in  the  "Mayans  M.C." panel  during the  FX  Television  Critics   James Olmos, Danny Pino,
            and the characters I like to   Association Summer Press Tour, Aug. 3, 2018, in Beverly Hills, Calif.                JD  Pardo,  and  Emilio  Rive-
            create  are  damaged,"  he                                                                         Associated Press  ra, who was in "Sons of An-
            said.  "I  never  write  these                                                                                      archy."
            guys or these women from  The show picks up 2½ years  "People  didn't  show  up  for  said he grew up in a world  Olmos  starred  in  the  PBS
            the  point  of  view  of  them  after  the  events  of  Sutter's  'Sons' because it was about  of  gangs  and  violence,  series  "American  Family"
            being  dangerous  or  bad.  "Sons  of  Anarchy"  and  fo-  (expletive)  outlaws,"  Sutter  and he sees the show as a  that  ran  from  2002-04  and
            I write them from the idea  cuses  on  that  series'  rivals-  said. "It was about a (exple-  chance to tell Latino stories  was  the  first  broadcast  TV
            that  they're  human  beings  turned-allies,  the  Mayans  tive) family."              from personal experience.    drama  featuring  a  mostly
            with complex feelings."      Motorcycle Club.             Co-creator  Elgin  James  "I  don't  know  what  it's  like  Latino cast.q
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