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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 6 august 2018
            The Algonquin Hotel throws a 'purrty,' feline fashion show

            By LEANNE ITALIE                                                                                                    more's greatest stage role.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    "They  thought  the  name
            NEW YORK (AP) — The "me-                                                                                            Hamlet was more dignified
            owdels" wore couture and                                                                                            for the Algonquin," said Al-
            the crowd was cat-tastic at                                                                                         ice De Almeida, the hotel's
            The  Algonquin  Hotel's  an-                                                                                        Chief  Cat  Officer.  "And  a
            nual  feline  fashion  show,                                                                                        legend was born."
            presided over by the histor-                                                                                        Hamlet  is,  indeed,  the
            ic  Times  Square  establish-                                                                                       eighth  Hamlet  at  the  Al-
            ment's 12th resident cat, a                                                                                         gonquin,  which  has  also
            ginger boy with a theatrical                                                                                        been  home  to  three  cats
            name, Hamlet VIII.                                                                                                  named Matildas — rescues
            Thursday's  theme  for  the                                                                                         each and every one.
            catwalk  and  lobby  party,                                                                                         "We  have  no  clue  who
            with  some  human  attend-                                                                                          picked  the  name  Matilda
            ees  in  cat-ear  headbands                                                                                         or why," De Almeida said.
            and  feline-adorned  finery,                                                                                        The  current  Hamlet  is  a
            was "The Purring '20s." That's                                                                                      people  cat,  though  he's
            the  era  that  Dorothy  Park-                                                                                      not terribly fond of huge TV
            er,  George  S.  Kaufman,                                                                                           cameras. He loves a good
            Alexander  Woollcott  and                                                                                           scratch  behind  the  ears,
            other  writers,  critics,  actors                                                                                   De  Almeida  said.  The  ho-
            and all-around wits first sat                                                                                       tel  chef  cooks  him  special
            around  the  hotel's  famed   In this Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018 photo, photographers take photos of Merlin, dressed in a 1920s tail   meals  on  holidays  and  his
            Round Table.                 tuxedo and top hat on red carpet during cat fashion show at Algonquin Hotel in New York.  portrait  hangs  above  the
            Hamlet VIII made his party                                                                         Associated Press  front desk. The white-glove
            debut  this  year,  perched                                                                                         treatment for felines stretch-
            in his treehouse at the front  for the Mayor's Alliance for  laces,  a  pink-fringe  flap-  is a bit murky but dates to  es back to Rusty, who had
            desk,  strutting  for  guests  NYC's Animals, which helps  per dress and feather head  the early '20s with Billy, who  the run of the hotel (Hamlet
            in  a  sparkly  silver  bow  tie  support more than 150 ani-  band  worn  by  a  longhair  during  the  heyday  of  the  VIII is restricted to the front
            as  about  150  human  par-  mal shelters and rescues in  named Aine, and a knock-     Round    Table   belonged  desk  area)  and  was  given
            tiers  munched  on  hors  New  York.  Organizers  said  out  orange  youngster  that  to  hotel  owner  and  man-   milk  out  of  a  Champagne
            d'oeuvres and sipped wine.  more than $10,000 was ex-     goes  by  Mango  in  bowler  ager Frank Case. After Billy  glass,  De  Almeida  said.  As
            Their camera phones were  pected to be raised, fueled  hat  and  double-breasted  passed  away,  so  the  story  for the Round Table crowd
            at the ready as four-legged  in part by $75-a-pop ticket  tuxedo.                      goes,  a  stray  marmalade  and whether they were cat
            models  were  held  by  their  sales and a silent auction.  A  chill  girl  rescue  named  cat made his way into the  people, she wasn't sure.
            owners  for  a  red  carpet  As for the fashion, it came  Sake  got  a  wide-brim  gar-  hotel in the early 1930s and  "We  know  Dorothy  Parker
            walk, including a tiny cutie  courtesy  of  "certified"  pet  den hat and lavender low-  was  declared  Rusty.  The  had  dogs,"  De  Almeida
            just  a  month  old,  a  black  fashion   designer   Ada  waisted dress a la the Roar-  name  didn't  sit  well  with  said.  "At  that  time  there
            rescue  named  Frank  Sina-  Nieves. Leather? Absolutely  ing '20s, while Baloo scored  actor  John  Barrymore,  a  was  no  board  of  health,
            tra.  His  bespoke  ensemble  not,  she  told  The  Associat-  a striped zoot suit for his big  hotel  resident  at  the  time,  so  Rusty  was  in  and  out
            included a puffy red news-   ed Press in a pre-show inter-  runway moment.             so  Rusty  became  the  first  of  rooms,  and  they  had  a
            boy hat.                     view. There were Art Deco  The  long  history  of  cats  Hamlet,  honoring  what  is  special door for him to go
            The  event  is  a  fundraiser  touches  in  crystals  and  presiding at The Algonquin  said  to  have  been  Barry-  in and out of the kitchen.q

            US art collector returns 12 ancient artifacts to Thailand

            By KAWEEWIT KAEWJINDA                                     northeastern  province  of  mation  has  been  forward-   the two lintels are no longer
            BANGKOK (AP) — A private                                  Udon Thani.                  ed to the U.S. Department  on display as the claims and
            American collector has re-                                Vira, speaking Thursday at a  of  Homeland  Security  as  effort to recall the items are
            turned  a  dozen  ancient                                 news  conference  in  Bang-  part  of  Thailand's  quest  to  being considered.
            artifacts to Thailand as the                              kok, said Thailand is seeking  have them returned.        The U.S. government in 2014
            Southeast  Asian  country                                 the return from museums in  Anandha  Chuchoti,  direc-    returned  554  ancient  arti-
            presses  for  other  treasures                            the  United  States  of  other  tor  general  of  Thailand's  facts,  mostly  pottery,  that
            that were taken abroad to                                 items  that  were  taken  ille-  Fine  Arts  Department,  said  had  been  taken  from  Ban
            be given back.                                            gally from the country, and  Thai  officials  are  also  pro-  Chiang, which is a UNESCO
            Culture minister Vira Rojpo-                              has  been  gathering  evi-   viding  evidence  to  prove  World Heritage Site.
            jchanarat said the artifacts                              dence to back its claims.    that  two  ancient  lintels  on  The pieces were recovered
            were  given  by  Katherine                                Thai  officials  have  been  display at the Asian Art Mu-  in a 2008 raid on the Bow-
            Ayers-Mannix  to  the  Thai                               tracking  artifacts  such  as  seum in San Francisco were  ers  Museum  in  Santa  Ana,
            Embassy  in  Washington,                                  nine  ancient  Buddhist  rel-  stolen  from  ancient  tem-  California,  which  agreed
            D.C.,  which  shipped  them                               ics  that  are  on  display  at  ples in Thailand's northeast-  to return the items to Thai-
            back to Thailand.                                         the  Norton  Simon  Museum  ern  provinces  of  Buriram  land in exchange for none
            The  items  are  believed  to   In this undated photo, in Thai-  in  California,  as  well  as  17  and Sa Kaeo.    of  its  staff  facing  criminal
            have  mostly  come  from     land,  a  clay  vessel  believed   other  relics  on  display  at  "We want to send (informa-  charges. The raid was part
            a   prehistoric   civilization   to be from the 4,000-year-old   the Honolulu Museum of Art  tion)  to  confirm  that  these  of a multiyear investigation
            dating  back  more  than     civilization  of  northeastern   in Hawaii. He said 14 out of  lintels have Thai origins and  in which three other Califor-
                                         Thailand  known  as  the  Ban
            4,000  years  that  was  cen-  Chiang, is on display.     the 17 items in Hawaii have  had  made  their  way  out  nia  museums  and  two  pri-
            tered  around  Ban  Chiang,              Associated Press  been  confirmed  to  have  of  the  kingdom  illegally,"  vate  art  dealerships  were
            in  what  is  now  Thailand's                             Thai origins, and that infor-  Anandha said, adding that  also raided. q
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