P. 30
Monday 6 august 2018
'Christopher Robin' a return to Hundred Acre Wood
By JAKE COYLE the fictional land of the
Oh, bother. Hundred Acre Wood, Pooh
The misfortune of "Christo- and the rest are giving
pher Robin" is not only that it young Christopher Robin a
comes a year after "Good- farewell party. "Don't you
bye Christopher Robin," an get all grow-ed up on us,"
earnest if sentimental tale Tigger tells him. But after
about Winnie-the-Pooh au- a page-turning montage,
thor A.A. Milne and his son, Christopher Robin has in-
Christopher Robin Milne, deed done just that. He's
but that it arrives a few now a working, married
months after the screwball man in London, wed to Ev-
radiance of "Paddington elyn (Haley Atwell), with a
2." When it comes to bears daughter named Madeline
in London this movie year, (Bronte Carmichael) and
our hearts are already spo- a grueling job. He's an ef-
ken for. ficiency manager for a lug-
But for those who pre- gage company housed in
fer honey to marmalade, a towering gray building.
"Christopher Robin" is a The demands of his work
more gentle and melan- have drained all the fun
cholic fable about recap- out of Christopher Robin,
turing the joys of childhood This image released by Disney shows, from left, Bronte Carmichael, Ewan McGregor and Hayley whose middle name has
as an adult with the help of Atwell in a scene from "Christopher Robin." been upgraded to sur-
a wise and innocent bear. Associated Press name. He hasn't so much
It's telling that in Marc For- as smiled in years, Evelyn
ster's comparatively som- the forte of Forster ("Find- than children — leaning with Disney's 2106's "Pete's says. But on a particularly
ber but sweet movie, the ing Neverland," ''Quantum much closer to "The Velve- Dragon," there's an unlikely, crucial work weekend, out
standout of Milne's furry of Solace"), so don't come teen Rabbit" than Saturday largely indie collection of pops Pooh from a Hundred
creatures — all of them ren- to "Christopher Robin" ex- morning cartoon. There's filmmakers behind a rela- Acre Wood portal from the
dered digitally as worn-out pecting hijinks from Tigger a degree of atonement tively modest live-action trunk of a tree outside Chris-
stuffed animals — is that old or a single overstuffed bear in the stylistic shift; the real revival. Alex Ross Perry ("Lis- topher's town house.
grump Eeyore (voiced by stuck in a doorway. Instead Christopher Robin (never a ten Up Philip"), Tom McCar- The voice is instantly recog-
Brad Garrett), whose mo- Forster has fashioned a me- fan of the books) lamented thy ("Spotlight") and Allison nizable (Pooh veteran Jim
rose mutterings land nearly ticulously handsome post- the Disneyfication of his fa- Schroeder ("Hidden Fig- Cummings voices him, as
all the film's laughs. WWII period drama — per- ther's characters and never ures") wrote the script. well as Tigger) though the
Humor has never been haps one more for adults accepted royalties. And as In the opening scenes in form is a little novel.q
Barry Chuckle of UK comedy duo Chuckle
Brothers dies at 73
They became icons to British
children with their TV show
"ChuckleVision," which ran
on the BBC between 1987
and 2009. The brothers typi-
cally undertook a new task
in each episode, produc-
ing slapstick results.
The duo were awarded a
special British Academy
award in 2008 for their con-
tribution to children's televi-
They recently filmed a new
This Feb. 3, 2014 file photo shows the Chuckle Brothers, Barry
and Paul Elliott in London. show, "Chuckle Time," for
Associated Press Britain's Channel 5.
Paul Chuckle said he had
LONDON (AP) — British disclosed. "not just lost my brother, I've
children's entertainer Barry Barry and his younger lost my theatrical partner of
Chuckle, half of sibling duo brother Paul came from many, many years and my
the Chuckle Brothers, has a family of entertainers in very best friend."
died at age 73. northern England — their Comedian and author Da-
Manager Phil Dale said Sun- father performed along- vid Walliams tweeted that
day that Chuckle, whose side a young Peter Sell- the brothers were "really
real name was Barry Elliott, ers — and developed a special performers" and
died at home after an ill- double act that combined "the last link to the British
ness, "surrounded by his visual gags, catchphrases Musical Hall tradition that
wife, Ann, and all his fam- and the brothers' natural gave us Stan Laurel & Char-
ily." No other details were warmth. lie Chaplin."q