P. 2
Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017
Tillerson in India to highlight US strategy in South Asia
By MUNEEZA NAQVI mocracies. Both promised
ALEX BRANDON to work closely on matters
Associated Press of security and to enhance
NEW DELHI (AP) — Com- defense and economic
bating terrorism and India’s cooperation.
role in war-torn Afghanistan Swaraj was also questioned
dominated talks between about India’s relationship
U.S. Secretary of State Rex with North Korea, where
Tillerson and his Indian India has an embassy and
counterpart Wednesday with which it does a small
as Tillerson highlighted the amount of trade. The Unit-
Trump administration’s new ed States is working to iso-
strategy for South Asia. late North Korea over its
Indian Foreign Minister Su- nuclear weapons program.
shma Swaraj said that India Swaraj said she discussed
had agreed to hold talks the matter with Tillerson
on Afghanistan with Wash- and assured him that In-
ington and Kabul. dia’s trade with North Ko-
Tillerson, who arrived in rea had dwindled so much
New Delhi after stops in that it was “minuscule.”
Kabul and Islamabad, said She said she told Tillerson
he conveyed to Pakistan’s that New Delhi was of the
leaders “certain expecta- view that it was beneficial
tions” that the Trump ad- Secretary of State Rex Tillerson listens to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during their meeting to everyone, including the
ministration had about at the Prime Minister’s residence, Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017, in New Delhi, India. United States, that a friend-
controlling terror groups (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, Pool) ly embassy was in place in
that operate from its soil. a blind eye or assisting the India also blames Pakistan operate from its territory, Pyongyang to help keep
He added that too many Afghan Taliban and the al- for aiding and training Swaraj said in her com- “some channel of com-
terror groups had found a lied Haqqani network. New rebels who operate in the ments to reporters in New munication open” with the
safe place in Pakistan to Delhi has also long blamed Himalayan region of Kash- Delhi. largely isolated country.
launch attacks. its neighbor and archrival mir, which is divided be- Tillerson added that the Tillerson met with Indian
On Tuesday, Tillerson held of supporting terror groups tween the two nations but presence of such groups Prime Minister Narendra
talks with Pakistani Prime that have launched at- claimed by both. Pakistan on Pakistani soil was also a Modi later Wednesday.
Minister Shahid Khaqan tacks inside India, includ- routinely denies colluding threat to “Pakistan’s own His visit also underscores the
Abbasi, Foreign Minister Kh- ing a three-day attack in with militants. stability.” administration’s belief that
waja Mohammad Asif and India’s business capital, President Donald Trump’s Tillerson and Swaraj also India is a critical anchor in
the heads of the army and Mumbai, in 2008 that left new strategy for the region stressed the close relation- a regional strategy for the
intelligence services. 166 people dead after “can only be successful ship and shared values be- Indian and Pacific Oceans
U.S. officials have long ac- 10 gunman rampaged if Pakistan acts decisively tween the U.S. and India, to blunt an increasingly as-
cused Pakistan of turning through parts of the city. against terror groups” that the world’s two largest de- sertive China.q
US ambassador to UN evacuated from volatile South Sudan camp
By SAM MEDNICK not give details. The United ture. “We are disappointed
Associated Press Nations confirmed the in- by what we are seeing. This
JUBA, South Sudan (AP) — cident with Haley, saying is not what we thought we
The U.S. ambassador to the camp residents “became were investing in,” Haley
United Nations, Nikki Haley, upset that she was not able said in remarks later re-
was evacuated from a U.N. to meet with them, due to leased by the U.N. “What
camp for displaced people time constraint.” The U.S. we thought we were invest-
in South Sudan on Wednes- Embassy did not comment ing in was a free, fair soci-
day because of a demon- on Haley’s evacuation. ety where people could be
stration against President Frustration has been grow- safe and South Sudan is the
Salva Kiir, witnesses said. ing inside and outside opposite of that.”
Shortly after Haley left the South Sudan over the con- Haley is the highest-level
camp, U.N. security guards flict that has killed tens of U.S. government official to
fired tear gas to disperse thousands and created Af- visit South Sudan since Pres-
the crowd of more than rica’s largest displacement ident Donald Trump took
100 residents who looted of civilians since the Rwan- office.
and destroyed the office of US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley arrives in Juba, da genocide in 1994. She is in Africa to see the
a charity operating there, South Sudan, Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017. The U.S. ambassador “People are not happy,” involvement of the U.S. and
to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has been evacuated from
an aid worker at the camp a U.N. camp for displaced people in South Sudan because of said one resident of the United Nations in Ethiopia,
said. The aid worker spoke a volatile demonstration against President Salva Kiir. An aid U.N. camp, who spoke on South Sudan and Congo,
on condition of anonymity worker at the camp says U.N. security guards fired tear gas to condition of anonymity for where she will be on Thurs-
out of safety fears. disperse the crowd of more than 100 people shortly after Haley fear of his safety. He said day.
Haley, in the middle of a left. The ambassador, on a three-country Africa visit, met earlier camp residents had been In his meeting with Haley,
three-country African visit, with Kiir over the country’s long civil war. waiting to hand Haley a South Sudan’s president
met earlier Wednesday (AP Photo) letter with their position on appealed for the Trump
with Kiir over the country’s dio Miraya, Haley said she Sudan’s government and the “current crisis.” The U.N. administration to stay en-
long civil war. Speaking warned Kiir that the U.S. was no longer prepared to said a “petition” was deliv- gaged with his devastated
later to U.N. station Ra- no longer trusted South wait for change. She did ered before Haley’s depar- country. q