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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017

                                                                                 FRIDAY OCTOBER 27 | 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

                                                                     A CULINARY SHARING STYLE SEAFOOD & WINE PAIRING

                                                                       Culinary Secrets by Hadicurari is the name of an adventurous trip which will delight the palate.
                                                                             Quality seafood, all delicious is served during a 4-course seafood & wine pairing event.
                  WINE PARTNER: PEPIA-EST

             Troops describe hardships, wounds during Bergdahl searches

            By JONATHAN DREW             dead,”  said  Hatch,  who
            Associated Press             entered  the  courtroom
            FORT  BRAGG,  N.C. (AP)  —   with  a  limp  and  a  service
            Several soldiers and a Navy   dog.
            SEAL  testified  Wednesday   Hatch said he believes he
            about  the  risky,  all-out  ef-  would have died if a com-
            forts  to  find  Bowe  Berg-  rade  hadn’t  quickly  ap-
            dahl  after  the  soldier’s   plied  a  tourniquet.  Hatch
            2009  disappearance  in      has  subsequently  had  18
            Afghanistan.  Troops  and    surgeries.
            commanders went without      He  was  largely  stoic  and
            sleep. Shirts and socks dis-  spoke  in  measured  tones
            integrated on soldiers dur-  except  for  several  times
            ing weekslong patrols. And   when he talked about the
            several  service  members    slain  military  dog,  Remco.
            were seriously wounded —     Hatch said the dog helped
            including  the  Navy  com-   protect his team by locat-
            mando whose career was       ing  enemy  fighters  after
            ended by AK-47 fire.         the SEALs lost sight of them.
            The  testimony  came  at     As  the  hearing  got  under-
            a  sentencing  hearing  for   way, the Army judge, Col.
            Bergdahl,   who    walked    Jeffery  R.  Nance,  said  he
            away  from  a  remote  post   was still considering a mo-
            in  Afghanistan  and  was    tion by the defense to dis-  This June 24, 2015 photo shows Navy SEAL James Hatch in Norfolk, Va. Hatch’s leg wound from
            held  by  Taliban  allies  for   miss the case. The defense   enemy fire while searching for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl ended his career as a Navy SEAL.
            five  years.  He  pleaded    has  argued  that  President                                                    (Bill Tiernan/The Virginian-Pilot via AP)
            guilty to desertion and mis-  Donald Trump’s comments     nearly 40 days straight had  to  guard  the  outpost  that  about  it,”  he  said  of  the
            behavior  before  the  en-   about  Bergdahl  prevent     their clothing start to disin-  Bergdahl  walked  away  heat     and    ever-present
            emy  last  week  and  faces   him from having a fair sen-  tegrate on their bodies.    from near the Afghan town  dung beetles. “It was miser-
            a maximum of life in prison.  tencing hearing.            “We  had  to  fly  socks  and  of Mest. The rest of the pla-  able.”
            The wounded SEAL, retired    Other soldiers who testified   T-shirts  to  them  because  toon embarked on a fran-   Buetow,  who  rejoined  his
            Navy Senior Chief Petty Of-  described  an  exhausting    they  had  literally  just  rot-  tic  search  in  the  nearby  platoon  on  subsequent
            ficer James Hatch, said his   and  dangerous  around-     ted off them,” he said. “We  areas.                       search   missions,   broke
            team’s  helicopters  came    the-clock effort to find the   were all doing the best we  Sitting  in  a  fortified  bun-  down in tears when a pros-
            under  fire  as  they  landed   soldier  in  the  weeks  after   could.”               ker,  Buetow  and  another  ecutor  asked  him  why  the
            in  an  area  near  the  Paki-  his disappearance.        Evan  Buetow,  who  served  soldier  suffered  stomach  guard  duty  and  searches
            stan  border  where  they    Army  Col.  Clinton  Baker,   as  a  sergeant  in  Bergda-  flu-like  symptoms  while  try-  were important.
            had  information  on  Berg-  who commanded Bergda-        hl’s  platoon,  said  he  was  ing to stay awake and be  “I  mean,  my  guy  was
            dahl’s   possible   where-   hl’s  battalion  at  the  time,   among  three  soldiers  who  vigilant.               gone,”  he  said  before
            abouts. He said the mission   said one unit on patrol for   were left behind for 10 days  “Every  single  day  I  think  reaching for a tissue.q
            in the days after Bergdahl
            disappeared  was  hastily    New York probing NRA insurance for gun owners
            planned, and their only ob-
            jective  was  the  Bergdahl
            search.                      By LISA MARIE PANE           launched  earlier  this  year  surance,”                  whether  the  NRA  is  illegal-
            A  military  dog  leading    Associated Press             by the nation’s most power-  because  they  believe  it  ly  receiving  commissions
            them  through  a  field  lo-  New York (AP) —             ful gun lobbying group and  would lull gun owners into a  without proper licensing.
            cated  two  enemy  fighters   An insurance policy offered  is being promoted to gun-   false sense of security and  The  NRA  began  heavily
            that the team had seen at    by  the  National  Rifle  Asso-  owners  as  needed  cover-  encourage  them  to  shoot  promoting the policies at its
            a distance. Hatch said the   ciation is under scrutiny by  age to help cover civil and  rather  than  try  to  avoid  annual  meetings  this  past
            fighters sprayed AK-47 bul-  insurance  regulators  after  criminal legal costs in cases  confrontations.           spring.
            lets at them, killing the dog.   gun-control  groups  raised  when they shoot someone  New  York  state  financial  Lockton Affinity is the insur-
            He was hit in the leg.       questions  about  how  it’s  in self-defense.             regulators  have  launched  ance  company  that  ad-
            “I screamed a lot. It hurt re-  being marketed.           Gun-control     advocates  an  investigation  into  how  ministers  the  policies  while
            ally bad ... I thought I was   Carry Guard insurance was  have  called  it  “murder  in-  it’s  being  marketed  and  Chubb is the underwriter. q
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