P. 10

              Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017

            China:                                                                                                              North Korea urges

            Xi unveils new leaders but no obvious successor                                                                     UN to discuss US
                                                                                                                                exercise as threat

            By GILLIAN WONG              leader in decades.           poverty   in   China,”   Xi,  Xi as party leader after his   By EDITH M. LEDERER
            CHRIS BODEEN                 As expected, Xi was given  China’s  president,  said  in  second five-year term.       Associated Press
            Associated Press             a    renewed     mandate  comments  to  reporters  at  The absence of an obvious       UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China’s  following  the  first  meeting  a  brief  ceremony  at  the  successor  pointed  to  Xi’s   North Korea’s ambassador
            ruling   Communist    Party  Wednesday  of  the  new  Great Hall of the People.        longer-term     ambitions,   called on the U.N. Security
            on  Wednesday  elevated  Central  Committee  that  Five  members  of  the  new  said  Joseph  Fewsmith,  an         Council Wednesday to ur-
            five  new  officials  to  assist  was elected at the party’s  seven-strong   Politburo  expert  on  Chinese  politics   gently  discuss  the  recent
            President  Xi  Jinping  as  he  twice-a-decade  national  Standing       Committee  at Boston University.           U.S.  joint  naval  exercise
            embarks on a second five-    congress.                    introduced by Xi were newly  “It suggests that Xi will likely   near  the  Korean  penin-
            year term, and by stopping  “We     will   mobilize   the  appointed    Wednesday.  serve a third term, and that    sula,  calling  it  preparation
            short    of    designating  whole     party   and   the  Going by the party’s norms  he is likely to name his own   for  a  pre-emptive  strike
            an    obvious    successor  whole country in a resolute  on retirement ages, none of  successor,”  Fewsmith  said.   and  nuclear  war  against
            strengthened his position as  push  to  deliver  on  our  them are deemed suitable  “We have not seen that for      his  country.  Ja  Song  Nam
            the country’s most powerful  pledge    and    eradicate  to succeed the 64-year-old  two decades.” q                said  in  a  letter,  a  copy  of
                                                                                                                                which was sent to The As-
            Questions loom as Mattis visits South Korea                                                                         sociated Press, that the na-
                                                                                                                                val  exercise  was  the  larg-
                                                                                                                                est  “waged  with  general
            By ROBERT BURNS                                                                                                     mobilization of the nuclear
            Associated Press                                                                                                    strategic  assets”  after  U.S.
            BANGKOK  (AP)  — U.S. De-                                                                                           President  Donald  Trump
            fense  Secretary  Jim  Mattis                                                                                       last month “made the most
            is visiting the Korean Penin-                                                                                       ferocious  declaration  of
            sula at a momentous junc-                                                                                           war in history by claiming to
            ture  in  the  faltering  effort                                                                                    ‘totally destroy’ the DPRK.”
            to  persuade  Pyongyang                                                                                             Those are the initials of the
            to  halt  and  dismantle  its                                                                                       country’s  official  name,
            nuclear weapons program.                                                                                            the  Democratic  People’s
            Ominous questions hang in                                                                                           Republic of Korea.
            the air.                                                                                                            Ja said the naval exercise,
            Is diplomacy failing? Is war                                                                                        which began Oct. 16 and
            approaching?                                                                                                        involved  the  nuclear  air-
            Mattis’ second trip as Pen-                                                                                         craft  carrier  Ronald  Rea-
            tagon  boss  to  Seoul  will                                                                                        gan, three nuclear subma-
            take  place  Friday,  follow-                                                                                       rines, Aegis destroyers and
            ing  his  consultations  with                                                                                       more than 40 other battle-
            Asian partners on a unified                                                                                         ships  and  fighter  aircraft
            approach  to  resolve  the                                                                                          “of  all  kinds,”  increased
            North Korea crisis.                                                                                                 tensions  on  the  Korean
            In the Philippines, his Japa-                                                                                       peninsula.
            nese  counterpart  spoke                                                                                            The  five-day  naval  drills
            darkly of an “unprecedent-   U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis arrives to take part in the two-day ASEAN Defense Ministers’   with the South Korean navy
            ed,  critical  and  imminent”   Meeting and its Dialogue Partners Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2017 at Clark, Pampanga province, north of   came  ahead  of  Trump’s
            threat posed by the North’s   Manila, Philippines.                                                                  first official visit to Asia next
            repeated  demonstrations                                                                   (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)  month,  which  is  likely  to
            of  its  ability  to  launch  an  day on a flight to Thailand.  with North Korea.”     Korea are still technically at   be overshadowed by ten-
            intercontinental-range  mis-  From  there,  he  is  traveling  “Recent   months   have  war.  Trump  has  mocked    sions with North Korea over
            sile, potentially armed with  on to South Korea.          shown  a  worsening  of  the  North  Korean  leader  Kim   its  escalating  nuclear  and
            a nuclear warhead. Twice,  But  there  are  increasing  relationship  between  the  Jong  Un  as  “Little  Rocket   ballistic missile programs.
            in  August  and  Septem-     suggestions of possible mili-  U.S.  and  North  Korea  that  Man”  and  threatened  to   The  U.S.  and  South  Korea
            ber,  North  Korean  missiles  tary confrontation. Trump’s  is very troubling to me,” he  unleash  “fire  and  fury”  on   regularly conduct joint mili-
            overflew  Japan’s  northern  national  security  adviser,  said  in  an  interview.  “I’m  Pyongyang if its leaders do   tary  exercises  that  Pyong-
            Hokkaido  island,  triggering  Lt.  Gen.  H.R.  McMaster,  concerned about the pres-   not abandon their nuclear    yang  condemns  as  inva-
            alarms  and  warnings  for  said  last  week,  “We  are  in  ident’s  upcoming  trip  to  weapons.  Kim  seems  un-  sion rehearsals.
            citizens to take cover.      a race to resolve this short  Asia where the North Kore-  daunted  by  threats  and    “What  cannot  be  over-
            As  North  Korea’s  capa-    of  military  action,”  add-  ans could use this as an op-  unresponsive to diplomatic   looked,”  the  DPRK’s  Ja
            bilities  rush  toward  putting  ing, “We are running out of  portunity to conduct some  overtures.                 said,  “is  the  fact  that  the
            the U.S. mainland in range,  time.”  Michael  Swaine,  a  additional test.”            In  Seoul,  Mattis  will  attend   U.S.,  not  being  contented
            Mattis  has  stuck  to  the  longtime  Asia  specialist  at  President  Donald  Trump  annual  meetings  Saturday   with the joint military exer-
            American  diplomacy  and  the  Carnegie  Endowment  will  visit  South  Korea  next  with  senior  South  Korean    cise  on  the  Korean  penin-
            pressure  campaign  led  by  for  International  Peace,  month.  Aides  say  he  will  government  officials  and   sula, is kicking up the rack-
            Secretary of State Rex Tiller-  said that while he is hopeful  not  travel  to  the  Demilita-  assess plans for countering   et of military pressure upon
            son. The goal is to compel  of averting conflict, “I don’t  rized Zone, the internation-  the  North’s  threats.  He’ll   the  DPRK  on  a  worldwide
            the  North  to  a  complete  see  any  clear  signs  that  ally recognized buffer zone  also   reaffirm   America’s   scale  and  is  becoming
            and irreversible removal of  there  is  progress  in  either  that has separated the two  promise  to  defend  the   more  undisguised  in  its  at-
            its nuclear arsenal.         coercing the North Koreans  Koreas  since  the  Korean  South  against  any  attack,   tempt  to  introduce  NATO
            “Everyone  is  out  for  a  into  starting  to  talk  about  War. The fighting ended in  and  possibly  discuss  the   and  other  armed  forces
            peaceful  resolution.  No  denuclearization or finding  1953 with an armistice, not  outlook for giving the South   of its followers into the Ko-
            one’s rushing for war,” Mat-  some  other  path  toward  a  peace  treaty,  meaning  wartime  operational  con-     rean  peninsula  in  case  of
            tis  told  reporters  Wednes-  some kind of engagement  the United States and North  trol of its own forces. q      emergency.”q
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