P. 13

                                                                                                                           Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017

            Tonight at the Tropicana Aruba Casino:

            Don’t Miss Thursday Poker Night Beat the Boss 2017 Edition!

            EAGLE BEACH - Following in
            the  success  of  the  Double
            Down  Sports  Bar  and  Grill
            Poker ‘Beat The Boss’ week-
            ly event, the Tropicana Aru-
            ba Resort & Casino General
            Manager  Mr.  Richard  Roy
            AKA ‘THE BOSS’ is throwing
            down  the  gauntlet  to  any
            challenger  who  feels  they
            have the skills to take him

            Each  week,  if  our  General
            Manager  is  successful  in
            defending  his  honor  and
            ours  and  seeing  off  the
            challengers,  we  will  roll-
            over  the  previous  week’s
            jackpot. This week jackpot
            is set at a record breaking
            amount of $550.
            You are invited to join Thurs-
            day’s  Friendly  Poker  Table
            in Double Down. Come on  for a chance to win $550 in  Money  Machine  is  set  to
            out  to  the  Double  Down  cash  and  prizes!  This  tour-  give  out  handfuls  of  cash.
            poker  table  to  enjoy  a  nament  will  be  limited  to  Trop  Advantage  Players
            game  of  No  Limit  Hold’Em  the  first  eight  (8)  players  Club  members  can  win  a
            tournament,  entry  fee  is  to join making it a nine (9)  turn  in  the  dazzling  glass
            $55.                         player table.                booth  to  grab  as  much
            Special  edition  BEAT  the  Players  seated  at  the  bar  cash  as  they  can!  A  new
            BOSS  Elimination  No  Limit  by  7:00pm  shall  have  first  winner  is  selected  every
            Hold’Em    Poker    Tourna-  priority  for  tournament  en-  hour from 8pm to 11pm, so
            ment.                        try.  The  bartender  at  the  get yours while you can!
            Come  beat  our  boss  Mr.  Double Down will take the  And don’t forget, its World
            Richard  Roy  in  this  special  entry  registrations  and  the  Series  time  –  bring  your
            edition  of  Beat  the  Boss  cards hit the air at 8:00pm.  friends  and  family  and
            bounty  poker  tournament  And on Friday, the $10,000  catch  every  game  of  the

                                                                                                   Fall  Classic  at  the  Double  The  Tropicana  Aruba  Ca-
                                                                                                   Down  Sports  Bar  and  Grill  sino:  IF  YOU’RE  NOT  HERE,
                                                                                                   and enjoy some great food  YOU’RE      MISSING   OUT…
                                                                                                   and ice cold beverages!      GUARANTEED.q
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