P. 17

                                                                                                                           Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017

            The Trump

            Administration Turner and Taylor hit HRs  in L.A.’s Series opener win

            sides with
            NFL in sports

            betting case

            TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — The
            Trump  administration  is
            siding  with  professional
            sports leagues in their op-
            position  to  allowing  New
            Jersey to offer sports bet-
            ting,  while  Republican
            Gov. Chris Christie is call-
            ing  the  leagues  “hypo-
            crites”  for  opposing  bet-
            ting while having teams in
            Las Vegas.
            The  solicitor  general’s  of-
            fice  filed  a  brief  with  the
            U.S.  Supreme  Court  this
            week     supporting    the
            leagues  ahead  of  argu-
            ments scheduled for Dec.
            4.Christie’s  administration
            is challenging a 1992 fed-                                                  `TURNER-
            eral  law  that  bans  gam-
            bling  on  sports  in  all  but
            four  states.  Christie  sees
            sports  betting  as  a  way
            to  boost  New  Jersey’s
            casino  and  race  track
            industries.In  an  interview
            Tuesday  on  HBO’s  “Real                                                         ROUND’
            Sports  with  Bryant  Gum-
            bel,”  Christie  said  the
            leagues “no longer have
            moral  ground”  after  the
            Vegas  Golden  Knights
            started playing in the Na-
            tional  Hockey  League
            this season and the NFL’s
            Oakland  Raiders  are  set
            to move there in 2019.
            “They  say  because  we
            have  the  Giants  and
            the  Jets  and  the  Dev-
            ils  that  somehow  we
            shouldn’t  be  allowed  to
            have  gambling  here  be-
            cause  somehow  it  will
            threaten  the  integrity  of
            the  game,”  Christie  said.                       Los  Angeles  Dodgers’  Justin
            “Well,  you  kidding?  How                         Turner, right, celebrates his two-
            isn’t it threatening the in-                       run  home  run  with  Chris  Taylor
            tegrity of the game in Las                         against  the  Houston  Astros
            Vegas  for  the  NHL  and                          during the sixth inning of Game
            the NFL?”Christie said the                         1  of  baseball’s  World  Series
            leagues “picked this fight,                        Tuesday,  Oct.  24,  2017,  in  Los
            not me.”                                           Angeles.
                   Continued on Page 21
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