P. 22
Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017
Darrell Wallace Jr. to drive for Richard Petty in 2018
By JENNA FRYER, AP Auto there and just continue to
Racing Writer do what we do on and
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — off the racetrack, that’s to
Darrell Wallace Jr. will be- represent the brand of my-
come the first black full- self and Richard Petty and
time driver at NASCAR’s his image the best way I
top level since 1971 when can, continue to grow to-
he takes over Richard Pet- gether.”
ty’s iconic ride next season. Wallace stressed that pa-
The 24-year-old Wallace, tience has been critical in
more commonly referred his slow move up toward
to by his nickname of Cup, but that his climb
“Bubba,” became the hasn’t been much dif-
first black driver to race at ferent than current Cup
NASCAR’s top level since newcomers Ryan Blaney,
2006 when he replaced an Chase Elliott, Corey LaJoie,
injured Aric Almirola earlier and Austin and Ty Dillon.
this year. At the time, Petty “Everybody has differ-
recalled, he wasn’t sure he ent ways of getting to the
wanted Wallace as a re- level that I can now say
placement. that I’m at,” he said. “See-
“We went round and round ing my buddies that are in
when Aric got hurt about the Cup level now ... we all
who we was going to raced together. We were
put in the car,” Petty said In this June 9, 2017, file photo, Richard Petty, left, and Darrell Wallace Jr. chat during practice for all 10, 11, 12 years old run-
Wednesday. “Bubba had Sunday’s NASCAR Cup series auto race in Long Pond, Pa. ning against each other
been running some rac- Associated Press here at Charlotte Motor
es and stuff. He was bad come from, any of that. If at NFL games as African- lace, including Scott, who Speedway, beating and
about wrecking, I thought, you look back at the Pet- American players kneel to raced from 1961-73 in Cup, banging with each other.
so we had to have a little ty history and stuff, we’ve protest social injustices. Willy T. Ribbs, who did three Now we’re at the top level.
talk with him, say, ‘You had a driver from Brazil that Wallace, an Alabama na- Cup races in 1986, and Bill Each and every one of us
know, just go out and finish drove for us for a while, one tive and graduate of NAS- Lester, who raced sporadi- have a different story of
the races and stuff.’” from Mexico that drove a CAR’s diversity program, cally from 1999 until 2007 at how we’ve gotten there.”
In other words, race wasn’t Truck race for us. It’s not has tried not to make race all three national levels. The team did not immedi-
an issue. anything different than part of his climb through “There’s been a lot of ately disclose a car man-
“That was the least of my what we’ve done before.” the ranks. people who have come ufacturer or sponsor in
considerations,” Petty Petty, a seven-time cham- He won the Truck Series up through the ranks and Wednesday’s announce-
said. “We looked at the pion and Hall of Famer, re- race at Martinsville in 2013 tried to carry on the lega- ment. The team currently
talent. We looked at how cently made headlines for to become the first black cy that Wendell Scott had uses Fords in an alliance
we thought he handled saying he would fire any driver to win at a national laid down for us,” Wallace with Roush Fenway Racing.
the fans, how he handled Richard Petty Motorsport NASCAR series event since said. “For me to step in that Almirola, meanwhile, ap-
the press, how he handled employee who kneeled Wendell Scott in 1963. NAS- realm and take on that pears headed to Stewart-
sponsor deals, all this kind during the national an- CAR says there have been role, there’s a lot of pres- Haas Racing. SHR has al-
of stuff. I didn’t care what them. Such displays have at least seven black drivers sure. ready signed RPM sponsor
color he was, where he become a familiar sight in its series previous to Wal- “But we’re going to go out Smithfield for next season.q
Browns’ Garrett may miss game in London with concussion
By TOM WITHERS get through these things nant when he’s healthy. He
AP Sports Writer faster than others,” Jack- recorded a sack on his first
BEREA, Ohio (AP) — Myles son said. “We hope it is the play as a professional and
Garrett might be limited other piece of it for us and leads the team with four
to sightseeing at Big Ben for our football team and sacks.
or Buckingham Palace this for Myles. We will just see He’s given Cleveland’s
weekend. where we are. We have to defense a huge lift and a
Cleveland’s dazzling rook- handle it correctly. He is in pass-rushing presence it
ie defensive end could the protocol and hopefully lacks when he’s not on the
miss Sunday’s game in Lon- he can get out of this thing field.“Myles is a great play-
don against the Minnesota soon.” er,” said linebacker Chris-
Vikings after being placed The injury is another set- tian Kirskey, who indicated
in concussion protocol. back for Garrett, who Garrett will be out Sunday.
The top overall pick in this missed Cleveland’s first four “We all can see that. He’s
year’s draft arrived at the games after spraining his just coming off the edge,
team’s facility with concus- right ankle days before the bringing the extra spark to
sion-like symptoms on Tues- season opener. the defense, being that
day — two days after a loss In this Oct. 15, 2017, file photo, Cleveland Browns defensive end The 21-year-old has been guy that can go out there
to Tennessee. Myles Garrett (95) walks off the field at the half during an NFL steadily increasing his and make an impact play.
Because of the timing, Gar- football game against the Houston Texans in Houston. playing time, going from “That’s definitely something
rett might not be cleared The 21-year-old Garrett is following practice. 19 plays in his debut to 33 that we’ll miss. He’s just be-
in time to help the winless not under any travel restric- Browns coach Hue Jackson against Houston on Oct. ing Myles. We’ve been
Browns (0-7), who will leave tions, and it’s possible he’ll remains hopeful Garrett will 15 to 57 in Sunday’s loss to seeing him since training
Thursday for their game fly with the team if he can be able to play. Tennessee. camp, the type of player
abroad. clear concussion protocol “Some guys are going to Garrett has been domi- he is. q