P. 20

              Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017
              James scores 34 as point guard, leads Cavaliers over Bulls

            By The Associated Press                                                                diana past Minnesota.        and  Rondae  Hollis-Jeffer-
            CLEVELAND (AP) — LeBron                                                                Darren  Collison  had  15    son 18.
            James  scored  34  points  in                                                          points  and  16  assists,  Bo-  TRAIL  BLAZERS  103,  PELI-
            a rare start at point guard                                                            jan Bogdanovic scored 19     CANS 93
            and  the  Cleveland  Cava-                                                             points  and  Domantas  Sa-   PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — CJ
            liers,  using  another  early                                                          bonis had 15 points and 11   McCollum scored 23 points
            season  lineup,  awakened                                                              rebounds  for  the  Pacers,   and  Portland  extended  its
            after  a  sluggish  first  half                                                        who  shot  67  percent  from   NBA-record winning streak
            and beat the Chicago Bulls                                                             the floor.                   in  home  openers  to  17
            119-112 on Tuesday night.                                                              Karl-Anthony Towns had 28    games  with  a  103-93  vic-
            Although he often handles                                                              points and seven rebounds    tory over New Orleans.
            the  ball  and  runs  Cleve-                                                           for  the  Timberwolves,  who   Damian  Lillard  and  Evan
            land’s offense, James had                                                              came out flat after a thrill-  Turner  each  added  13
            not  officially  been  listed                                                          ing  last-second  win  at    points  for  Portland,  which
            as a guard since 2012 with                                                             Oklahoma City on Sunday.     is  off  to  a  3-1  start  for  the
            Miami.  He  added  13  as-                                                             Minnesota was missing for-   first time since the 2011-12
            sists,  including  a  no-look,                                                         ward Jimmy Butler, who sat   season.
            behind-the-back  dish  to                                                              out with an upper respira-   DeMarcus  Cousins  had  39
            Jae Crowder for a 3-point-                                                             tory infection. Shabazz Mu-  points and 13 rebounds for
            er during Cleveland’s 15-3                                                             hammad took Butler’s spot    his  fourth  straight  double-
            spurt in the third quarter.                                                            in  the  starting  lineup,  and   double  to  start  the  sea-
            Kevin  Love  had  20  points                                                           he contributed to Minneso-   son. The Pelicans were hurt
            and  12  rebounds,  and                                                                ta’s slow start, going 1-for-5   when  Anthony  Davis  de-
            Dwyane Wade, who asked                                                                 from  the  floor  and  missing   parted with a left knee in-
            Cavs coach Tyronn Lue to                                                               two  free  throws  in  the  first   jury in the first quarter.
            take him out of the starting                                                           quarter.                     CLIPPERS 102, JAZZ 84
            lineup, came off the bench                                                             MAGIC 125, NETS 121          LOS ANGELES (AP) — Blake
            and added 11 points.                                                                   ORLANDO,  Fla.  (AP)  —      Griffin  scored  22  points,
            Justin  Holiday  scored  25                                                            Aaron  Gordon  scored  a     Patrick Beverley added 19
            and  rookie  Lauri  Mark-    Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James, right, drives past Chicago   career-high  41  points,  in-  and  unbeaten  Los  Ange-
            kanen  19  for  Chicago,     Bulls’ Paul Zipser, from Germany, in the first half of an NBA bas-  cluding   the   go-ahead   les beat Utah.All five start-
            which made a season-high     ketball game, Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2017, in Cleveland.       3-pointer  with  35  seconds   ers  for  the  Clippers  (3-0)
            17  3-pointers.  The  7-foot                                          Associated Press   remaining,  and  grabbed   finished  in  double  figures.
            Markkanen  became  the       and 13 rebounds.             from  the  field.  The  Knicks   12 rebounds to lead Orlan-  Austin Rivers had 16 points,
            first player in NBA history to   After dropping their first two  scored  the  first  basket  of   do over Brooklyn.  Danilo Gallinari 14 and De-
            make  10  3-pointers  in  his   games to open the season,  the  night,  but  never  led   Evan  Fournier  added  28   Andre  Jordan  added  11
            first three career games.    the  Celtics  have  won  two  again. They shot just 42 per-  points  in  game  that  went   points and 18 rebounds.
            CELTICS 110, KNICKS 89       straight.  The  Knicks  remain  cent and went 1 of 12 from   back and forth late in the   Rookie  Donovan  Mitchell
            BOSTON  (AP)  —  Jaylen      winless  through  their  first  the 3-point line.         fourth  quarter.  He  finished   led  the  Jazz  (2-2)  with  19
            Brown  scored  23  points,   three games.                 PACERS     130,    TIMBER-   the  scoring  with  two  free   points,  with  Rudy  Gobert
            Jayson  Tatum  added  22     Enes  Kanter  led  New  York  WOLVES 107                  throws with 15.5 seconds to   adding 12 points and sev-
            and Boston beat New York.    with  16  points  and  19  re-  MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Victor   play.                      en  bounds.  Thabo  Sefolo-
            Kyrie Irving added 20 points   bounds.  But  he  got  most  Oladipo  scored  28  points   D’Angelo Russell scored 27   sha  finished  with  11  points
            and  seven  assists.  Al  Hor-  of them in a first half in as  and  Cory  Joseph  added   points  for  the  Nets,  while   and  12  rebounds  off  the
            ford finished with 13 points   his team struggled mightily  21 to lead hot-shooting In-  DeMarre  Carroll  had  19   bench.q
             Cavaliers’ Dwyane Wade sidelined with a bruised knee

                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Cleve-   Coach Tyronn Lue said he     scored 34 points with 13 as-
                                                                      land Cavaliers forward Dw-   didn’t  know  Wade  had      sists as the Cavs improved
                                                                      yane Wade has a bruised      banged  knees  during  the   to 3-1. James also tweaked
                                                                      left  knee  and  won’t  play   game, saying it was just a   his right ankle.
                                                                      Wednesday  night  against    freak  accident  and  that   Nets  guard  D’Angelo  Rus-
                                                                      the Brooklyn Nets.           the  knee  had  swelled  up   sell  was  out  with  a  right
                                                                      Wade came off the bench      on the flight to New York.   knee  sprain.  Coach  Ken-
                                                                      and  scored  11  points  in   Earlier  this  week,  Wade   ny  Atkinson  said  the  injury
                                                                      19  minutes  in  Tuesday’s   asked Lue to take him out    wasn’t serious and that the
                                                                      win  over  the  Bulls.  It  was   of  the  starting  lineup  be-  team  was  being  cautious
                                                                      Wade’s  first  game  with    cause he thought it would    with its 22-year-old leading
                                                                      Cleveland’s  second  unit,   benefit  the  team.  Lue  has   scorer.q
                                                                      and  the  35-year-old  add-  been  juggling  his  lineups
                                                                      ed  four  assists  and  three   and  rotations  while  trying
                                                                      rebounds  as  the  Cavs’  re-  to  blend  new  players  and   Like
                                                                      serves  cut  into  Chicago’s   deal with injuries.
                                                                      early 14-point lead.         Starting  point  guard  Der-
                                                                                                                                 us on
                                                                                                   rick  Rose  was  out  for  the   us on
                                                                      Cleveland Cavaliers’ Dwyane   third  straight  game  with  a
                                                                                                   sprained  ankle,  with  Lue
                                                                      Wade, right, shoots over Chi-  saying  he  hoped  Rose  Facebook
                                                                      cago  Bulls’  Denzel  Valentine
                                                                      in the first half of an NBA bas-  could return Saturday. LeB-
                                                                      ketball  game,  Tuesday,  Oct.   ron  James  made  a  rare   Bon Dia 24 Aruba
                                                                      24, 2017, in Cleveland.                          
                                                                                  Associated Press  start  at  point  guard  and
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