P. 24

Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017 TECHNOLOGY

                                         Not at home? Amazon wants to come

                                          in and drop off packages

                                         By JOSEPH PISANI                                                                       service  in  California’s  Sili-
                                          AP Retail Writer                                                                      con Valley, which lets deliv-
                                         NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Don’t                                                              ery  people  drop  off  pack-
                                         want Amazon boxes sitting                                                              ages  or  stock  the  fridge
                                         on the porch? The compa-                                                               with groceries bought from
                                         ny hopes you’ll let a strang-                                                  The  delivery
                                         er inside to drop them off.                                                            person is given a one-time
                                         Amazon  said  Wednesday                                                                code to open the door and
                                         it’ll launch a service called                                                          Walmart said customers will
                                         Amazon  Key  next  month                                                               get an alert on their smart-
                                         that  will  let  people  allow                                                         phones  when  someone
                                         the  door  to  be  unlocked                                                            enters.  For  Amazon,  the
                                         when  they’re  not  there  so                                                          in-home  delivery  service
                                         packages  can  be  left  in-                                                           helps it enter the fast-grow-
                                         side.                                                                                  ing  home  security  camera
                                         The  proposal  drew  plenty   In this Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2017, file photo, an employee packages   market,  competing  with
                                         of  humorous  reactions  on   a  product  at  the  Amazon  Fulfillment  center  in  Robbinsville   Google’s  Nest  cameras,
                                         social  media,  as  well  as   Township, N.J.                                          said  Martin  Garner,  a  de-
                                         concerns  about  safety  or                                           Associated Press  vice and internet analyst at
                                         delivery  employees  being   the service would need to  eo on Amazon’s Fire tablet,    CCS Insight. Tying the cam-
                                         mistaken for intruders. Am-  be  Amazon  Prime  mem-      Fire  TV  or  its  voice-activat-  era in with the in-home de-
                                         azon said the drivers would   bers  and  would  have  to  ed Echo devices that have    livery  service  gives  people
                                         be  well-vetted,  while  one   buy a camera and a Wi-Fi-  a video screen.              a reason to buy it, said Gar-
                                         expert  said  the  company   connected  lock  from  the  The  service  is  likely  to  be   ner.
                                         has  built  up  trust  with  cus-  Seattle-based   company  more  of  a  hit  with  young-  “They’ve been on a mission
                                         tomers  and  younger  cus-   that starts at $250. Shoppers  er  families,  said  Timothy   to do this,” said Garner.
                                         tomers  were  more  likely   will then be able to choose  Carone,    an    associate  Inc.  said  in-
                                         to  try  it  out.  An  in-home   in-home delivery as an op-  teaching  professor  at  Uni-  home delivery will be avail-
                                         delivery  program  also  falls   tion in the Amazon app.  versity  of  Notre  Dame’s   able Nov. 8 in 37 cities, in-
                                         in line with Amazon’s strat-  When  the  delivery  person  Mendoza  College  of  Busi-  cluding Atlanta, Cleveland
                                         egy of trying to make shop-  shows  up,  they  will  knock  ness. He said millennials are   and Denver. The company
                                         ping  with  it  so  convenient   first and scan the package.  already  comfortable  post-  says the service is covered
                                         that consumers don’t think   Amazon will make sure the  ing photos and their where-    by  the  Amazon  Key  Hap-
                                         about  buying  elsewhere.    person is at the right home  abouts  on  Facebook,  In-   piness  Guarantee,  which
                                         And with the option requir-  and  unlock  the  door.  No  stagram  and  other  social   applies  to  delivery  issues,
                                         ing a specific camera that   codes or keys are needed,  media.                         property damage or theft.
                                         it sells, the move helps Am-  and the indoor camera will  “They’re  less  concerned    And  Amazon  said  the  de-
                                         azon  tie  customers  even   record  the  in-home  deliv-  about  privacy  than  older   liveries  are  carried  out  by
                                         closer to its gadgets as well   ery.  The  Amazon  Cloud  generations  are,”  Carone   drivers who are vetted with
                                         as the items it delivers.    Cam also lets users watch a  said.                        background  checks  and
                                         Customers who want to use    livestream or recorded vid-  Walmart  is  testing  a  similar   driving record reviews.q

                                         Twitter to disclose info on

                                         political ads amid scrutiny

                                         By BARBARA ORTUTAY           requirements  as  political
                                         AP Technology Writer         broadcast and print adver-
                                         NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Twitter  tising.  Companies  would
                                         says it will provide more in-  have to make “reasonable
                                         formation  about  political  efforts” to ensure that elec-
                                         ads on its service, including  tion ads are not purchased
                                         who  is  funding  them  and  directly  or  indirectly  by  a
                                         how they are targeted.       foreign  entity,  something
                                         The  move  follows  similar  already prohibited by law.
                                         steps by Facebook and the  Twitter  said  Tuesday  it  will
                                         introduction  of  a  bill  that  require  ads  that  refer  to  a
                                         seeks  to  bring  more  trans-  candidate  or  party  to  be   This Wednesday, April 26, 2017, file photo shows the Twitter app
                                         parency  to  online  political  clearly  identified  as  elec-  on a mobile phone in Philadelphia.
                                         ads in an attempt to lessen  tion ads. The company will                                            Associated Press
                                         the influence of Russia and  also  require  the  organiza-  mation  such  as  how  long  that Russia-linked accounts
                                         other  foreign  entities  on  tion  funding  the  ads  to  they’ve  been  running.  Us-  reportedly  used  to  stoke
                                         U.S. elections. The bill would  disclose  its  identity,  along  ers will also be able to see  racial  and  other  tensions
                                         require  social  media  com-  with  how  much  money  it  what  ads  are  targeted  at  in  the  U.S.  In  a  statement,
                                         panies  like  Facebook  and  is  spending  on  each  ad  them.  Twitter  didn’t  out-  Twitter  said  it  is  “commit-
                                         Twitter  to  keep  public  re-  campaign.                 line new policies on “issue-  ted  to  stricter  policies  and
                                         cords on election ads and  For  non-political  ads,  Twit-  based” ads. These are the  transparency  around  is-
                                         meet  the  same  disclaimer  ter will provide limited infor-  sorts   of   advertisements  sues-based ads”.q
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