P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017
            A bright (and animated) Halloween night with Michael Jackson

            By FRAZIER MOORE                                                                                                    a  spiritual  journey,”  said
             AP Television Writer                                                                                               Dippe,  “and  they  gain
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Here’s                                                                                          the  confidence  to  make
            a  chance  to  trick  or  treat                                                                                     the  choice  that  is  in  their
            with  the  eyes  and  ears.                                                                                         hearts.  We  used  the  idea
            Catch  “Michael  Jackson’s                                                                                          of Michael’s music helping
            Halloween,”  a  for-all-ages                                                                                        guide people through that
            animated  special  airing                                                                                           decision-making process.”
            Friday at 8 p.m. Eastern on                                                                                         Indeed,  Jackson’s  music
            CBS.                                                                                                                is  woven  through  the  en-
            It  costumes  Halloween  as                                                                                         tire  hour,  a  soundscape
            a  life-affirming  way  to  ex-                                                                                     played  against  its  lush  3-D
            plore hopes and dreams.                                                                                             animation.
            “This is just for fun,” summed                                                                                      “We  wanted  a  narrative
            up John Branca, one of the                                                                                          piece  that  was  guided  by
            special’s  executive  pro-                                                                                          the music of Michael Jack-
            ducers.                                                                                                             son,” Dippe said.
            The  story  unfolds  in  a  fa-                                                                                     That being the case, Bran-
            miliar  Halloween  setting:  a                                                                                      ca  had  a  bit  of  guidance
            haunted  mansion.  A  cou-   This image released by CBS shows characters from the animated special, “Michael Jackson’s   for those planning to enjoy
            ple  of  teens,  Vincent  and   Halloween,” airing Friday on CBS.                                                   “Michael Jackson’s Hallow-
            Victoria,  are  by  chance                                                                         Associated Press  een” and its sensory treats:
            drawn  into  this  mysterious   loved Halloween and loved   a story that brought all that  ther  is  getting  much  sup-  “We  encourage  everyone
            manor on Halloween night.    animation, and, of course,   to life.”                    port from their elders. They   to  view  it  on  a  big-screen
            There  awaits  adventure,    his video ‘Thriller’ is the most   Vincent  wants  to  be  a  feel discouraged. But once   television if they have one,”
            discovery  and,  of  course,   popular  music  video  of  all   deejay.  Victoria  dreams  they  arrive  at  777  Jackson   he  said,  “with  the  sound
            music.  (Happily,  this  prop-  time,”  said  Branca,  who   of  being  a  dancer.  Nei-  St.,  “the  kids  are  taken  on   turned up!”q
            erty is under the spell of Mi-  is  also  co-executor  of  the
            chael Jackson.)              Michael  Jackson  estate
            Vincent  and  Victoria  are   and  whose  close  relation-
            voiced by Lucas Till and Ki-  ship  with  Jackson  reaches
            ersey  Clemons,  with  Chris-  back to his wedding in the
            tine  Baranski,  Alan  Cum-  late  1980s,  when  Jackson
            ming,  George  Eads,  Brad   served  as  his  best  man.
            Garrett,  Lucy  Liu  and  Jim   “We  thought:  Michael  de-
            Parsons furnishing the voic-  serves to be part of Hallow-
            es for a whimsical array of   een.”
            supporting characters.       In the special, he appears
            At issue is an evil force that   in many alternate forms: as
            aims  to  impose  mindless   the  Man  in  the  Moon,  as
            conformity  on  everyone     a  bat,  a  dancing  jack-o’-
            and  to  banish  music  from   lantern and a mad-scientist
            the world.                   cat.
            Spoiler  alert:  This  villainess,   “We wanted to imbue the
            who in fact is named Con-    show  with  the  legacy  of
            formity, will soundly lose the   Michael  and  the  world  he
            battle  thanks  to  Vincent   created,  and  the  songs
            and  Victoria  and  the  rest   that  mean  so  much  to  so
            of the opposition rallied by   many  people,”  said  Mark
            Jackson.                     A.Z.  Dippe,  the  show’s  di-
            “Michael was a big kid who   rector. “We wanted to tell

            Metallica, Dave Matthews to

            headline wildfire relief concert

            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —  The concert will take place
            Metallica  and  Dave  Mat-   at  AT&T  Park  on  Nov.  9.
            thews are set to headline a  The  coalition  says  all  of
            wildfire relief concert in San  the money raised by ticket
            Francisco next month.        sales  will  go  to  a  fund  for
            Metallica,  which  calls  the  “low-income,   vulnerable
            Bay Area home, has joined  populations  displaced  by
            with  Matthews  and  Oak-    the destruction.”
            land rapper G-Eazy to form  Metallica guitarist Kirk Ham-
            the  “Band  Together  Bay  mett tells the San Francisco
            Area” coalition to raise re-  Chronicle the “mental and
            lief money for victims of the  psychological toll” from the
            wildfires,  which  have  killed  fires  has  been  on  his  mind
            more  than  40  people  and  after  one  of  the  blazes
            caused at least $1 billion in  nearly torched his Sonoma
            damage.                      County home.q
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