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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017
            Fats Domino, rock ‘n’ roll pioneer has died at age 89

            By JANET MCCONNAUGHEY  “Blueberry  Hill”  was  select-    ino  played  “I’m  Walkin’,”
            and KEVIN MCGILL             ed  for  the  Library  of  Con-  ‘’Ain’t It a Shame,” ‘’Shake,
             Associated Press            gress’  National  Recording  Rattle and Roll,” ‘’Blueberry
            NEW  ORLEANS  (AP)  —  Fats  Registry  of  historic  sound  Hill” and a host of other hits.
            Domino,  the  amiable  rock  recordings  worthy  of  pres-  That  performance  was  a
            ‘n’  roll  pioneer  whose  ervation.                      highlight   during   several
            steady,  pounding  piano  The  preservation  board  rough  years.  After  losing
            and  easy  baritone  helped  noted that Domino insisted  their  home  and  almost
            change     popular   music  on performing the song de-    all  their  belongings  to  the
            while  honoring  the  tradi-  spite his producer’s doubts,  floods, his wife of more than
            tions  of  the  Crescent  City,  adding   that   Domino’s  50 years, Rosemary, died in
            has died. He was 89.         “New Orleans roots are evi-  April 2008.
            Mark Bone, chief investiga-  dent in the Creole inflected  Domino moved to the New
            tor with the Jefferson Parish,  cadences  that  add  rich-  Orleans  suburb  of  Harvey
            Louisiana,  coroner’s  office,  ness and depth to the per-  after  the  storm  but  would
            said  Domino  died  of natu-  formance.”                  often  visit  his  publishing
            ral causes early Tuesday.    Domino  became  a  global  house,  an  extension  of  his    In this Nov. 5, 2008 file photo, Fats Domino waves to fans before
            In  appearance,  he  was  star  but  stayed  true  to  his  old home in the Lower 9th   a  ceremony  re-presenting  two  Grammy  awards  to  replace
            no  matinee  idol.  He  stood  hometown,  where  his  fate  Ward,  inspiring  many  with   the ones that he lost from Hurricane Katrina’s flooding in New
            5-feet-5   and    weighed  was  initially  unknown  after  his determination to stay in   Orleans.
            more  than  200  pounds,  Hurricane  Katrina  struck  in  the city he loved.                                                   Associated Press
            with  a  wide,  boyish  smile  August  2005.  It  turned  out  “Fats  embodies  everything  and worked days in a fac-  “Ain’t  That  a  Shame”  and
            and a haircut as flat as an  that he and his family were  good about New Orleans,”  tory while playing and sing-    rocked  out  decades  later
            album  cover.  But  Domino  rescued  by  boat  from  his  his  friend  David  Lind  said  ing  in  local  juke  joints  at  under  that  title  by  Cheap
            sold  more  than  110  million  home, where he lost three  in  a  2008  interview.  “He’s  night. In 1949, Domino was  Trick  and  others.  Domino
            records,  with  hits  including  pianos and dozens of gold  warm,  fun-loving,  spiritual,  playing  at  the  Hideaway  enjoyed  a  parade  of  suc-
            “Blueberry Hill,” ‘’Ain’t That  and   platinum   records,  creative  and  humble.  You  Club  for  $3  a  week  when  cesses  through  the  early
            a Shame” — originally titled  along  with  other  memora-  don’t  get  more  New  Or-  he  was  signed  by  Imperial  1960s,  including  “Be  My
            “Ain’t  It  A  Shame”—  and  bilia.                       leans than that.”            record company.              Guest”  and  “I’m  Ready.”
            other standards of rock ‘n’  Many  wondered  if  he  The  son  of  a  violin  player,  He  recorded  his  first  song,  Another  hit,  “I’m  Walkin,’”
            roll.                        would  ever  return  to  the  Antoine  Domino  Jr.  was  “The Fat Man,” in the back  became  the  debut  single
            His  dynamic  performance  stage.  Scheduled  to  per-    born on Feb. 26, 1928, to a  of a tiny French Quarter re-  for Ricky Nelson.
            style  and  warm  vocals  form  at  the  New  Orleans  family that grew to include  cording studio.                 Domino told Ebony maga-
            drew  crowds  for  five  de-  Jazz  and  Heritage  Festival  nine  children.  As  a  youth,  “They  call  me  the  Fat  zine  that  he  stopped  re-
            cades.  One  of  his  show-  in 2006, he simply tipped his  he  taught  himself  popu-  Man, because I weigh 200  cording  because  compa-
            stopping stunts was playing  hat to thousands of cheer-   lar piano styles — ragtime,  pounds,” he sang. “All the  nies wanted him to update
            the  piano  while  standing,  ing fans.                   blues  and  boogie-woogie  girls, they love me, ‘cause I  his style.
            throwing  his  body  against  But  in  May  2007,  he  was  —  after  his  cousin  left  an  know my way around.”   “I  refused  to  change,”  he
            it with the beat of the mu-  back,  performing  at  Tipi-  old  upright  in  the  house.  In  1955,  he  broke  into  the  said.  “I  had  to  stick  to  my
            sic and bumping the grand  tina’s  music  club  in  New  Fats Waller and Albert Am-    white  pop  charts  with  own  style  that  I’ve  always
            piano across the stage.      Orleans.  Fans  cheered  —  mons were early influences.   “Ain’t it a Shame,” covered  used  or  it  just  wouldn’t  be
            Domino’s  1956  version  of  and some cried — as Dom-     He  quit  school  at  age  14,  blandly  by  Pat  Boone  as  me.” q

            Ludacris promises ‘a lot of tears’ on YouTube music series

            By MARK KENNEDY              who  best  covered  one  of                                                            and get noticed,” he said.
            AP Entertainment Writer      their  songs  from  hundreds                                                           “A lot of these kids are strug-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Ludac-   of video submissions and in-                                                           gling  and  they’re  working
            ris  is  hoping  the  new  mu-  vite them to Los Angeles for                                                        so hard to build a fan base.
            sic  competition  series  he’s  a chance to sing with their                                                         This is not only an opportu-
            hosting  on  YouTube  will  idol.                                                                                   nity to live out one of their
            take  an  aspiring  artist  and  “I can just say there are a                                                        dreams  with  their  favorite
            “catapult  them  to  super-  lot  of  tears  involved,”  said                                                       artists,  but  to  continue  to
            stardom.”                    Ludacris.  “I  think  some  of                                                         try to catapult them to su-
            The “Money Maker” rapper  the  best  moments  are  the                                                              perstardom and give them
            is host of “Best.Cover.Ever,”  ones where you don’t real-                                                           that  little  boost  that  they
            which  pairs  budding  musi-  ize how hard people have                                                              need.”
            cians with established stars  been  working  and  how                                                               The online series is the sec-
            for  a  shot  at  performing  a  hard  they’ve  been  strug-                                                        ond Ludacris has hosted. He
            duet  on  the  online  giant.  gling  to  make  ends  meet                                                          also is the host of the “Fear
            The  10-episode  series  de-  to  continue  on  with  their                                                         Factor”  revival  on  MTV,
            buts Nov. 20 .               dreams.”                                                                               which has been booked for
            The series stars Demi Lova-  The  season  kicked  off  this                                                         a second season.
            to, Katy Perry, Keith Urban,  summer  with  calls  for  cov-   In this May 22, 2016 file photo, Ludacris poses in the press room   “You  know  what?  I’m  just
            Jason Derulo, Charlie Puth,  ers  by  the  10  music  acts.   at the Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas.           crossing  a  lot  of  things  off
            the  Backstreet  Boys,  Flo  Fans were asked to submit                                             Associated Press  of the bucket list,” he said.
            Rida, Nicky Jam, DNCE and  their  videos  of  such  songs  Derulo’s “Trumpets.”        was  a  kid,  I  always  loved  “There  are  certain  things
            Bebe Rexha.                  as  Lovato’s  “Confident,”  It’s an opportunity Ludacris  LL  Cool  J.  It  would  have  that  I’ve  always  wanted
            During     each     roughly  Perry’s  “Firework,”  Urban’s  said he would have adored  been a dream come true if  to do and I just love taking
            30-minute    episode,   the  “Somewhere  in  My  Car,”  when  he  was  first  starting  I could have sung ‘I’m Bad’  advantage  of  all  aspects
            music  stars  pick  two  artists  DNCE’s  “Toothbrush”  and  out.  “I  remember  when  I  or one of his songs with him  of entertainment.”q
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