P. 30
Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017
Blake Lively tackles blindness
in new complex film role
By MARK KENNEDY Forster, who has always The film also gave Lively,
AP Entertainment Writer admired fine art painters, last seen in a bikini in “The
NEW YORK (AP) — To play a was searching for a story Shallows,” a meaty and
blind woman for her latest that could lend itself to be- complex role — though a
film role, Blake Lively took ing painted onscreen. “I challenging one, too, since
no short cuts into the dark- pushed it aside because it centers on a woman with
ness. I said, ‘OK, you’re a film- a disability. She says she
The 30-year-old actress maker. You’re not a paint- was sensitive to making
In this Oct. 16, 2017 file photo, Blake Lively poses for a portrait in learned to use a walking er. You’re not a true artist. sure it was correct.
New York to promote her latest film, “All I See Is You,” where she cane, wore opaque con- You’re just a visual storytell- “This isn’t representative of
plays a blind woman who regains her sight. tact lenses off-camera er,’” he says. But one day any one person’s story. I
Associated Press to better understand her in the shower, with soap was trying to take different
character and learned clouding his eyes, he real- peoples’ experiences and
how to navigate the main ized he had a visual tem- be as honest as possible,”
set without her vision. plate. she says. One person she
“I wanted to know the ex- “All I See Is You” is certainly leaned on to get her per-
perience of filling in the arty, with scenes decorat- formance right was Ryan
blanks in my head, learn- ed with a blur of images, Knighton, a blind author
ing it and then opening bleeding colors and ab- who taught Lively how the
my eyes and seeing that, stract symbols, even giving blind walk, move and even
no matter what I had in my physical sensations an in- argue. (The filmmakers hon-
head, it was so different tense visual representation. ored him by having Blakely
than I imagined,” she says. Forster says he was trying to wear his signature red-tint-
Lively stars in “All I See Is shake the Hollywood cook- ed glasses onscreen.)
You,” a dreamy, beauti- ie-cutter approach and Both Lively and Forster real-
ful movie about a woman recapture the feel of films ize that the film — featuring
who lost her eyesight as an from the 1970s, when char- a woman learning to be
adolescent in a car acci- acter studies and open- strong and independent
dent but regains her vision ended plots ruled. “Movies — comes at a time when
through surgery in her 20s. became more and more women across the country
She begins a period of self- close-ended and they also are talking about their role
discovery, which threatens had to tick every box emo- in male-centered business-
to upend her life and mar- tionally for an audience,” es and society.
riage. he says. “I think what’s happened
“That happens in all rela- Indeed, Forster’s film is in this past year, since the
tionships, where you’re in hard to categorize — part election, is that women
an established relationship mystery, part horror, part have really stood up for
and then you start to not a woman’s reawakening, themselves. I think we real-
see things,” says Lively. “This part kaleidoscopic journey. ized how much further we
movie speaks to relation- He is very happy it cannot had to go than we thought
ships, I think, whether we be pigeonholed. we did,” Lively says.
have the literal blindness or “He’s created something Foster, for his part, hopes
it’s just figurative.” that I’ve never seen before the film will remind people
It’s the brainchild of direc- with the visuals,” says Lively. to open their eyes, see
tor and co-writer Marc For- “So it was really just about what’s actually happening
ster, whose career includes taking a leap of faith with and make better choices.
varied films such as “World him and trusting him and “We, as humanity, ulti-
War Z,” ‘’Quantum of Sol- being excited by that jour- mately have to really wake
ace,” ‘’Monster’s Ball” and ney. But I think that if you up and become conscious
“The Kite Runner.” Inspira- even removed all of those and start seeing things,” he
tion for the new film came visuals from this movie, it still says. “Otherwise, we’re go-
in one of the strangest works and that’s what’s im- ing to go down a path that
places — the shower. portant.” will be unreturnable.”q
Moore says Flint crisis would be
solved if it were elsewhere
By JOHN CARUCCI “Flint,” a Lifetime movie
Associated Press about the water crisis. It
NEW YORK (AP) — Michael stars Queen Latifah, Betsy
Moore thinks Flint’s water Brandt and Marin Ireland as
problem would be solved Flint residents who fought
by now if the troubled city for justice after finding out
wasn’t in Michigan. their water supply was lad- In this May 17, 2017 file photo,
The Oscar-winning docu- en with lead. Moore isn’t in- filmmaker Michael Moore
mentary filmmaker ex- volved in the film but came attends the Turner Network
2017 Upfront presentation in
pressed his frustration at out to support it because New York.
the New York premiere for it’s about his hometown. q Associated Press