P. 12

              Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017
            Hurricane Maria recovery highlights Puerto Rico inequalities

            By COLLEEN LONG                                                                                                     a roof, they don’t have wa-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ter,  they  are  caring  about
            VEGA  BAJA,  Puerto  Rico                                                                                           more  basic  things  such  as
            (AP)  —  Hurricane  Maria                                                                                           food,” Caraballo said.
            didn’t   discriminate   be-                                                                                         The  Category  4  storm  was
            tween rich and poor when                                                                                            among  the  most  devas-
            it ravaged Puerto Rico, but                                                                                         tating  the  U.S.  territory  has
            the recovery has been an-                                                                                           ever seen, killing more than
            other story. Much of Puerto                                                                                         50 people. It ripped up gi-
            Rico was still without power                                                                                        ant trees, wiped out power
            Wednesday,  more  than                                                                                              to the entire island, demol-
            a  month  after  the  storm,                                                                                        ished scores of homes and
            but wealthier residents are                                                                                         badly damaged thousands
            sealed up in air conditioned                                                                                        more. About 70 percent of
            homes  with  their  genera-                                                                                         people  now  have  water,
            tors  and  bottled  water,  or                                                                                      but still must boil it or treat
            have  fled  the  island  alto-                                                                                      it  to  make  it  safe  to  drink.
            gether for extended vaca-                                                                                           Gov.  Ricardo  Rossello  has
            tions, while the poorest are                                                                                        pledged to get 95 percent
            left  swatting  mosquitoes  in                                                                                      of power back by Dec. 31;
            sweltering  heat  and  trying                                                                                       right  now  about  30  per-
            to secure enough water.                                                                                             cent have electricity. Some
            “I  have  no  money.  I  can’t                                                                                      parts  of  the  island  feel
            hear  very  well.  It’s  too   In this Oct. 23, 2017 photo, tents stand on the other side of the shore of Laguna de Condado   practically  normal:  In  up-
            hard  for  me  to  try  to  go   opposite the exclusive area of   Paseo Caribe in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Hurricane Maria didn’t   scale parts of San Juan, or-
            find  another  place  so  I   discriminate between rich and poor when it ravaged Puerto Rico, but the recovery has been   ganic markets are stocked
            am here waiting for my sis-  another story.                                                                         with  cold,  fresh  produce
            ter  to  find  me,”  said  Efrain                                                           (AP Photo/Carlos Giusti)  and  water,  though  some
            Diaz  Figueroa,  70,  who  of  Puerto  Rico  Economists  those  in  the  country,”  he  poverty  and  the  middle  still limit the number of bot-
            sleeps  under  a  shard  of  Association.  More  than  40  said. The U.S. territory of 3.4  class  was  already  blurring.  tles you can buy. Genera-
            tin  on  a  damp  mattress  percent  of  the  island  lives  million people was already  More than a dozen families  tors whir outside restaurants
            in  the  wreckage  of  his  sis-  below the poverty line, and  struggling with a more than  a  day  were  losing  homes  and  apartment  buildings.
            ter’s  home,  batting  away  tens of thousands are now  decade-long recession be-      to  foreclosure.  Unemploy-  Lights flicker on in the eve-
            swarms  of  mosquitoes  in  out of work. Life for them is  fore  the  storm,  working  to  ment  was  at  10  percent,  nings among the high-rises.
            the  punishing  heat.  A  sign  only getting worse.       restructure  a  portion  of  its  nearly three times the rate  People  walk  their  dogs  on
            nearby  reads:  “Don’t  rob  “Maria  just  exacerbated  $73 billion public debt. The  in the mainland.              cleared  streets,  jog  wear-
            us.”  Puerto  Rico  has  some  the  inequalities  we  were  median  annual  income  “And  then  Maria  hap-         ing expensive gym clothes
            of  the  highest  income  in-  seeing  in  Puerto  Rico,  es-  is  $19,500,  while  in  the  rest  pened.  And  now  those  in the early morning and go
            equality  in  the  world,  said  pecially  among  those  in  of  the  U.S.  it’s  more  than  people  are  living  like  the  out for dinner in partially lit
            Jose  Caraballo,  president  the metropolitan area and  $58,000.  The  line  between  homeless. They don’t have  restaurants. q

            Brazil leader hospitalized as he faces vote on suspension

             By MAURICIO SAVARESE        a partial coronary obstruc-  pended for up to six months  The  voting  was  scheduled  probe.  Prosecutors  allege
             SARAH DiLORENZO             tion that would be treated  while  he  is  tried  in  the  na-  for later Wednesday, but it  that  Brazil’s  government
             Associated Press            with  aspirin  and  a  low-fat  tion’s Supreme Court.     cannot start until there is a  was  run  like  a  cartel  for
             BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — Bra-  diet.                      Temer  has  spent  recent  two-thirds quorum present.  years, with the political par-
             zilian  President  Michel  Te-  The news came as the low-  weeks  shoring  up  his  sup-  Many  opposition  lawmak-  ties in power selling favors,
             mer  was  hospitalized  on  er house of Brazil’s Congress  port,  doling  out  local  proj-  ers, hoping to drag out the  votes  and  plum  appoint-
             Wednesday  with  a  urinary  met for another vote on his  ects,  plum  positions  and  process as long as possible,  ments to powerful business-
             obstruction,  his  office  said,  political survival. The cham-  decrees  favorable  to  his  had  refused  to  enter  the  men.  They  say  Temer  took
             even  as  lawmakers  de-    ber spared him last time he  allies.  Still,  with  lawmakers  chamber.                over the scheme when he
             bated in Congress whether  was accused of corruption  starting to think about their  That  raised  the  possibility  came  to  power  last  year,
             to  suspend  him  and  put  and was expected to do so  prospects  for  re-election  that  the  vote  might  drag  after  his  predecessor  was
             him  on  trial  on  corruption  again. But Temer’s popular-  next  year,  Temer’s  margin  into the next day or could  impeached  and  removed
             charges.                    ity is in single digits after a  of victory could be slimmer  even  be  rescheduled.  As  from  office,  and  that  his
             The  presidential  palace  series  of  scandals  and  the  this time.                 the  morning’s  session  end-  party  has  since  received
             said  in  a  statement  that  vote  could  show  how  ef-  Andreia  Sadi,  a  columnist  ed, a handful of opposition  about $190 million in bribes.
             the 77-year-old leader had  fectively he will be able to  with  the  Globo  media  gi-  lawmakers who were pres-   Temer  has  denied  the
             experienced     discomfort                                                            ent  began  shouting,  “Out  charges    and     alleged
             Wednesday  morning  and  Brazil’s  President  Michel  Temer  attends  the  Aviator  Day   with Temer!”             that  the  prosecutor  who
             was sent to a military hospi-  ceremony at the Brasilia Air Base, Monday, Oct. 23, 2017. Temer   The charges against Temer  brought   them   had   a
             tal for an examination and   was hospitalized on Wednesday with a urinary obstruction, his   stem  from  Brazil’s  massive  grudge  against  him.  In
             treatment.  It  did  not  pro-  office said.                   (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)  corruption   investigation,  an  address  to  lawmakers
             vide  further  details.  Carlos                                                       which  began  as  a  probe  Wednesday,  Temer’s  law-
             Marun,  a  deputy  from  Te-  govern during the last year  ant,  wrote  that  Temer  re-  into money laundering and  yer, Eduardo Carnelos, said
             mer’s party, said he did not  of his term.               cently lamented that many  ended  up  uncovering  sys-    the  indictment  contained
             think the issue was serious.  If  two  thirds  of  the  513  lawmakers  have  told  him  temic  graft  in  Brazil’s  halls  no  proof  and  was  so  con-
             Earlier  this  month,  Temer’s  members  of  the  Chamber  that they would like to vote  of  power.  Dozens  of  poli-  fusing  that  it  “assaults  the
             office  announced  that  he  of  Deputies  accept  the  in his favor but the pressure  ticians  and  businessmen  Portuguese language, it as-
             had  been  diagnosed  with  charges, Temer will be sus-  to desert is strong.         have  been  jailed  in  the  saults logic.”q
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