P. 8

              Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017

            UK Brexit chief says he expects talks to go down to the wire

            By JILL LAWLESS                                                                                                     to a vote in both Houses (of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Parliament) and we expect
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Brexit  ne-                                                                                        and  intend  this  to  be  be-
            gotiations  between  Britain                                                                                        fore the vote in the Europe-
            and  the  European  Union                                                                                           an  Parliament  and  there-
            may  not  end  until  the  last                                                                                     fore before we leave,” the
            moment  before  the  U.K.                                                                                           department said in a state-
            officially leaves the bloc in                                                                                       ment.Conservative    Prime
            March 2019, Britain’s minis-                                                                                        Minister  Theresa  May  also
            ter  for  leaving  the  EU  said                                                                                    reassured  lawmakers,  say-
            Wednesday.     The    com-                                                                                          ing she was confident “that
            ments  by  Brexit  Secretary                                                                                        we will be able to achieve
            David Davis drew an angry                                                                                           that  agreement  and  that
            reaction  from  British  law-                                                                                       negotiation  in  time  for  this
            makers,  who  have  been                                                                                            Parliament  to  have  the
            promised  a  vote  on  any                                                                                          vote  that  we  committed
            deal  struck  between  Brit-                                                                                        to.”  Negotiations  between
            ain  and  the  bloc  on  their                                                                                      Britain  and  the  EU  have
            divorce.  Davis  suggested                                                                                          stalled  over  divorce  terms,
            that  if  a  deal  is  made  at                                                                                     including the size of the bill
            the last minute, such a vote                                                                                        Britain must pay to settle its
            might  come  after  Britain                                                                                         commitments to the bloc.
            has already left the EU.     British Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, David Davis, addresses a media conference   The U.K. is keen to start talk-
            “Well, it can’t come before   at EU headquarters in Brussels in this Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017 photo. Britain’s Brexit minister says   ing about future relations, a
            we have the deal,” he told   he expects negotiations with the European Union won’t end until the last moment before the U.K.   step  the  EU  may  agree  to
            a  Parliament’s  Exiting  the   officially leaves the bloc in March 2019.                                           take in December.
            EU Committee. He said the                                                                 (AP Photo/Olivier Matthys)  Many  U.K.  businesses  fear
            EU tends to make decisions  said  in  practice  the  nego-  liaments  enough  time  to  hoped to reach agreement  the  consequences  if  Brit-
            “at the 59th minute of the  tiations will have to be fin-  approve it by March 2019.  on  a  deal  “in  good  time”  ain doesn’t strike a deal by
            11th  hour  of  the  11th  day  ished  months  sooner,  by  Britain’s Department for Ex-  and  was  aiming  for  Octo-  the  March  2019  deadline
            and so on, and that is pre-  the fall of 2018, to give the  iting  the  European  Union  ber  2018.  “Once  the  deal  and  crashes  out  of  the  EU
            cisely what I would expect  European  Parliament  and  later  appeared  to  contra-    is agreed, we will meet our  single market and customs
            to  happen.”  The  EU  has  the bloc’s 27 national par-   dict  Davis,  saying  Britain  long-standing commitment  union.q

            German president in Russia talks about Ukraine, other crises

            MOSCOW (AP) — Germany  Russia-West ties have been                                                                   have  conflicting  visions  of
            and  Russia  need  to  over-  strained  over  Moscow’s                                                              the  mandate  for  such  a
            come  their  mutual  distrust,  annexation  of  Ukraine’s                                                           mission.
            the German president said  Crimean  Peninsula  in  2014                                                             The Russian leader said the
            Wednesday  on  a  visit  to  and its support for separat-                                                           Kremlin  talks  also  focused
            Russia.                      ists in eastern Ukraine.                                                               on getting a peace settle-
            Frank-Walter     Steinmeier  “I  think  we  agree  that  we                                                         ment  in  Syria,  the  Iranian
            said after talks with Russian  can’t and mustn’t be satis-                                                          nuclear deal and the situa-
            President Vladimir Putin that  fied  with  the  current  state                                                      tion around North Korea.
            the  two  countries  need  to  (of  relations),”  Steinmeier                                                        Steinmeier  is  the  first  Ger-
            take  a  “common  effort  to  said.  “We  are  some  way                                                            man president to visit Russia
            be  more  predictable  and  from normal relations.”                                                                 in seven years.
            rebuild a minimum of trust.”  Putin  said  they  agreed  on                                                         Steinmeier  served  as  Ger-
            The talks ranged from eco-   the  need  to  implement  a                                                            many’s foreign minister until
            nomic ties to the conflicts in  2015  peace  deal  for  east-                                                       becoming president earlier
            Ukraine and Syria as well as  ern  Ukraine,  which  was                                                             this year, but in his new role
            other international crises.  brokered by Germany and      German  President  Frank-Walter  Steinmeier  speaks  during  a   has  little  say  in  day-to-day
            Steinmeier said he wanted  France. The agreement has      press  conference  during  his  meeting  with  Russian  President   politics.
            to  explore  “whether  there  helped  reduce  the  scope   Vladimir  Putin  in  the  Kremlin  in  Moscow,  Russia,  Wednesday,   Germany only has a care-
            are ways out of a negative  of hostilities that have killed   Oct. 25, 2017.                                        taker  government  at  pres-
            spiral we had in the past of  more  than  10,000  people                           (Yuri Kochetkov/Pool Photo via AP)  ent  as  Chancellor  Angela
            lost  confidence,  of  mutual  since fighting began in April  that  he  and  Steinmeier  keeping contingent in east-  Merkel  is  trying  to  form  a
            accusations and misunder-    2014.                        discussed  the  possible  de-  ern  Ukraine,  but  gave  no  new governing coalition af-
            standings.”                  The  Russian  leader  added  ployment of a U.N. peace-    details.  Russia  and  Ukraine  ter last month’s election. q
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