P. 11
WORLD NEWS Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017
FRIDAY OCTOBER 27 | 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Culinary Secrets by Hadicurari is the name of an adventurous trip which will delight the palate.
Quality seafood, all delicious is served during a 4-course seafood & wine pairing event.
Iraq’s Kurds offer to freeze results of independence vote
By SINAN SALAHEDDIN endum that Baghdad has
Associated Press so far refused to acknowl-
BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq’s edge, considering it uncon-
self-ruled Kurdish region stitutional. The Kurdish inde-
on Wednesday offered to pendence referendum and
freeze the results of its con- the clashes that followed
troversial independence after Iraqi forces moved to
vote last month as part of a retake the disputed areas
dialogue with Baghdad. have raised tensions in the
The proposal, however, is region. Neighboring Iran
unlikely to be accepted by and Turkey, which are bat-
Baghdad, which demands tling Kurdish insurgencies
that the results be annulled within their own borders,
before it takes part in any are especially on edge.
negotiations with the Kurds In addition to a ban im-
over relations between the posed by Baghdad last
central government and month, barring all interna-
the region. tional carriers from using air-
The regional government ports in the Kurdish territory,
in a statement on its web- Turkey has closed its air-
site also called for an im- space to flights to and from
mediate cease-fire in areas the Iraqi Kurdish region and
claimed by both Baghdad has said it was considering
and the Kurds. Clashes closing its border to the re- Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi talks during his meeting with U.S. Secretary of State
have been taking place gion as further reprisal. Rex Tillerson, Monday, Oct. 23, 2017, in Baghdad, Iraq. Iraq’s self-ruled Kurdish region
since federal security forc- Turkish President Recep on Wednesday offered to freeze the results of its controversial independence vote last
es took over the disputed Tayyip Erdogan said on month as part of a dialogue with Baghdad.
oil-rich city of Kirkuk and Wednesday that his coun- (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, Pool)
other contested towns this try is prepared to help Iraq’s Speaking alongside visiting closing down the border. Baghdad is demanding
month. The majority of Iraqi central government export Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Though the Iraqi Kurdish ref- that the Kurds hand over
Kurds voted last month for oil through a pipeline that al-Abadi in Ankara, Erdo- erendum was a non-bind- a disputed pipeline they
independence in a contro- would largely bypass the gan also said that talks ing vote, both Turkey and have used to export oil
versial but symbolic refer- Iraqi Kurdish region. were underway on possibly Iraq strongly opposed it. through Turkey.q
US, Gulf allies sanction Yemenis in joint anti-terror effort
By AYA BATRAWY The designations were at an investment confer- well-known figures in the the heart of the dispute is
A. AL-SHIHRI backed by Saudi Arabia, ence in the Saudi capital, war-torn country. Extremist Qatar’s tolerance and sup-
Associated Press Qatar, the United Arab Riyadh. Mnuchin is also groups like al-Qaida and port of opposition Islamist
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) Emirates, Oman, Kuwait scheduled to visit the UAE, the IS group have taken groups in the region, as well
— The United States and its and Bahrain, who all jointly Qatar and Jerusalem dur- advantage of years of con- as its bilateral ties with Iran.
Gulf Arab allies announced agreed to the list — despite ing his Mideast trip. flict and instability in Yemen Washington and others
on Wednesday a coordi- a monthslong diplomatic The U.S. Treasury Depart- to expand their presence have unsuccessfully tried
nated effort to sanction a standoff between three of ment named eight Ye- on the southwestern tip of to encourage an end to
number of Yemenis and an those Gulf states and Qa- menis and only the super- the Arabian Peninsula. the dispute, concerned
entity suspected of financ- tar. market chain, which it said The sanctions announce- that the standoff will hinder
ing the Islamic State group “This bold and innovative was owned by an al-Qaida ment reflected rare coor- efforts to fight the Islamic
and al-Qaida. multilateral approach is weapons dealer and finan- dination among the oil- State group. The Gulf states
U.S. Treasury Secretary Ste- needed because terror- cier. It was not immediately rich Gulf states nearly four are all members of the U.S-
ven Mnuchin described the ism poses a threat to all of clear why the other lists in- months after Saudi Arabia, led coalition that is fighting
sanctions list as “the largest our nations,” Mnuchin said cluded additional names the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt IS in Iraq and Syria. Qatar
ever multilateral designa- as he announced the des- and a charity. None of the severed ties with Qatar and Bahrain also host ma-
tion in the Middle East.” ignations during a speech Yemenis are particularly over its foreign policies. At jor U.S. military bases.q