P. 6
Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017
Prosecutors: Records: ‘Spiritual
Mom went to cops after son boasted about murder leader’ punished
CLEVELAND lance photos of Fluitt rob- Kraft said that both men He then shot her three children who died
Associated Press bing the bank in August were members of a gang more times as she lay on By KATHLEEN FOODY
The mother of a man 2016 were made public, called the Black Disciples the ground, Kraft said. Associated Press
charged with killing a teen- reported . and that Newell killed Fluitt One of Newell’s attorneys DENVER (AP) — A woman
age girl he’d recruited to Newell’s mother went to at Doss’ request. cautioned jurors during his acting as a “spiritual lead-
rob a bank contacted po- police days after Fluitt was They have pleaded not opening statement that er” to a small group of peo-
lice after learning he had killed and said she suspect- guilty. the three teens received ple living on a Colorado
bragged about the slay- ed her son was involved Newell and three other plea deals that kept their farm ordered two girls kept
ing, a prosecutor said dur- because he “had been teens picked Fluitt up in a cases in Juvenile Court in in a car without food or wa-
ing opening statements at bragging to them about stolen SUV four days after exchange for their trial tes- ter weeks before their bod-
the man’s murder trial. what he had done,” Kraft the robbery and drove her timony against Newell. ies were found, accord-
Assistant Prosecutor Brian said. to East Cleveland, Kraft Kraft said prosecutors will ing to one member of the
Kraft told jurors on Tuesday Twenty-three-year-old Jef- said. play at trial a recording of group.Madani Ceus faces
that 20-year-old Kiechaun frey Doss Jr. awaits trial on Newell shot her twice out- Newell confessing to East murder charges along with
Newell was afraid that the same charges as New- side the SUV after telling Cleveland police. Nashika Bramble, the girls’
17-year-old Breanna Fluitt ell: everyone to switch seats Some of Newell’s family mother, for the death of
would rat him and his ac- aggravated murder, kid- so he could make out with members are expected to 10-year-old Makayla Rob-
complice out after surveil- napping and robbery. her, the prosecutor said. testify. erts and 8-year-old Han-
Brother of Vegas shooter held on child porn charges nah Marshall. Three other
adults also face charges of
fatal child abuse.
By CHRISTOPHER WEBER youth pornography involv- Officials investigating the
MICHAEL BALSAMO ing use of a person under case have been tight-
Associated Press age 18 engaging in or sim- lipped about how the girls
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A ulating sexual conduct. died and how they came
brother of Las Vegas shoot- The material included “10 to the farm. Court records
er Stephen Paddock was or more images of a prepu- unsealed by a judge at the
arrested in Los Angeles bescent minor or a minor request of KOTO Commu-
on suspicion of possessing who was under 12 years of nity Radio and the Tellu-
child pornography, author- age,” the complaint said. ride Daily Planet revealed
ities said Wednesday. The police statement said the group members’ be-
Bruce Paddock, 59, was Bruce Paddock came lief that Ceus was a spiri-
arrested on a 20-count under investigation af- tual leader and allegations
felony complaint, a police ter evidence was discov- that she ordered the girls
statement said. ered inside a business in punished while the group
His relationship to Stephen the Sun Valley area of the was living on the property
Paddock was confirmed city where he had been outside Norwood, about
by a law enforcement of- a squatter. The evidence 30 miles (48.2 kilometers)
ficial briefed on the inves- was discovered after his west of the ski resort town
tigation but not authorized eviction.At the time, Bruce of Telluride.According to
to discuss it publicly. Paddock was a transient the affidavit unsealed this
Bruce Paddock is not a and couldn’t be found, week, the farm owner told
suspect in the Las Vegas This Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017, photo shows suspect Bruce Pad- police said. He was recent- San Miguel County Sheriff
shooting. dock. Authorities say the brother of Las Vegas shooter Stephen ly located at an address in investigators that he met
The child porn case pre- Paddock was arrested in Los Angeles on suspicion of possessing North Hollywood. a group of nine people, in-
dated the Oct. 1 shooting, child pornography. Fifty-eight people were cluding four children, at a
said the official who spoke (LAPD via AP) killed and hundreds more gas station outside Grand
on condition of anonymity. The felony complaint for his Tuesday by a Los Angeles were wounded Oct. 1 at Junction in May and invit-
It wasn’t immediately arrest alleges one count County deputy district at- the Route 91 Harvest Festi- ed them to use the land.
known if Paddock has an of possession of child or torney specified that be- val on the Las Vegas Strip. The man, named Frederick
attorney. He was being youth pornography and 19 tween Jan. 1 and Aug. 30 Stephen Paddock opened Blair, said he soon joined
held on $60,000 bail at the counts of sexual exploita- of 2014, Bruce Paddock fire from the 32nd floor of the group members living
Metropolitan Detention tion of a child. knowingly possessed more the Mandalay Bay casino- there in tents and cars.
Center. The complaint signed than 600 images of child or hotel tower. q The document doesn’t give
Fertility doctor accused of using his own sperm any information about how
the group came together
before Blair met them.Blair
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — An guilty. Cline initially wrote to inves- into a handful of children. said Ceus, a 37-year-old
Indianapolis fertility doctor “This is the start of some tigators denying the alle- We’re now into several from Haiti, told the others
accused of inseminating sort of closure,” said Am- gations. dozen. And it’s going to to call her “Ama” or “Yah-
patients with his own sperm ber Stafford, whose mother Paternity tests indicate continue to grow,” said weh” and ordered that the
is expected to plead guilty was one of Cline’s patients Cline is likely the biological Matt White, whose mother girls stay in a car without
to charges that he lied to more than 30 years ago. father of at least two of his was also one of Cline’s pa- food or water because
investigators. Some of the now-adult patients’ children, accord- tients. she considered them “un-
Dr. Donald Cline, 78, who children of Cline’s former ing to court records. No other charges were clean.”
pleaded not guilty last year patients filed a complaint Those children allege on- filed against Cline because The document says that
to two counts of obstruc- with the Indiana attorney line genetic tests show he Indiana doesn’t specifical- another member of the
tion of justice, will appear general’s office in 2014 af- may be the father of 20 ly prohibit fertility doctors group, Nathan Yah, told
in court in December for a ter they became suspicious others. from using their own sperm. police that the girls were
change of plea hearing. that Cline had inseminated “This wasn’t just a handful Stafford said she hopes the allowed to leave the car to
Attorneys for Cline said some of his patients with his of kids or mothers that this case will be the catalyst for use the bathroom and did
Tuesday he plans to plead own sperm. happened to that resulted new laws.q receive food and water. q