Page 15 - aruba-today-20170826
P. 15
LOCAL Saturday 26 auguSt 2017
Warm Welcome: Amsterdam Receives Caribbean Students
AMSTERDAM - A warm wel-
come took place Thursday
24th August in the city hall
of Amsterdam for some
50 students from Cura-
cao, Aruba, Bonaire, St.
Maarten, St. Eustatius and
Saba who recently arrived
in Amsterdam. They start
an education at MBO, HBO
or academic level coming
At the reception, the minis-
ters and representatives of
the islands were also rep-
resented. Deputy Mayor
of Amsterdam Kajsa Ollon-
gren emphasized that the
Caribbean students are
now Amsterdam-based.
She hopes that the students
will enrich the city with their
stories, experiences and
“It’s the people who make
Amsterdam. And you’re
part of it now.”
Studying abroad is a big is also mend to support dents, student counselors, ship office of the municipal- -Pictures: Beeldbank Am-
step, therefore, the wel- youngsters and bring them student associations, part- ity. sterdam, Marco Keyzer.q
come by the municipal in contact with elderly stu- ner projects and the intern-