Page 12 - aruba-today-20170826
P. 12

                Saturday 26 auguSt 2017

            Former rebels, Colombia prosecutor spar over FARC war chest

                                                                                                   on  Friday,  claiming  a  total  generous terms provided to
                                                                                                   war  chest  valued  at  963  guerillas  under  the  agree-
                                                                                                   billion  pesos  ($326  million)  ment. Government authori-
                                                                                                   — a list they said is exhaus-  ties  signed  an  expedited
                                                                                                   tive and fully complies with  decree on Thursday creat-
                                                                                                   the accords. FARC leaders  ing  a  commission  to  verify
                                                                                                   said  Martinez’s  response  is  the FARC’s list of war spoils.
                                                                                                   symptomatic  of  a  broad-   “The  assets  that  have  not
                                                                                                   er  attempt  to  distract  the  been included in the inven-
                                                                                                   public  from  state  corrup-  tory and are discovered will
                                                                                                   tion  and  derail  the  launch  lead to an obligatory pen-
                                                                                                   of  their  political  party.  “All  alty,” Minister of Justice En-
                                                                                                   of this is an attempt to cre-  rique Gil said.
                                                                                                   ate  a  smoke  screen,”  said  In  his  letter  to  the  nation’s
                                                                                                   the FARC leader known by  Interior  Ministry  Tuesday,
                                                                                                   the alias Pastor Alape.      Martinez  noted  that  the
                                                                                                   Colombian  President  Juan  FARC’s  reported  assets  in-
                                                                                                   Manuel  Santos  and  the  cluded “social services” like
                                                                                                   FARC  signed  an  agree-     the  construction  of  road-
                                                                                                   ment  last  year  to  end  to  ways and performing medi-
                                                                                                   the  five-decade-long  con-  cal procedures. The extrac-
                                                                                                   flict  that  caused  at  least  tion  of  two  varicose  veins
                                                                                                   250,000  deaths,  left  60,000  was  valued  at  1.6  million
                                                                                                   people  missing  and  dis-   pesos  ($550  dollars),  while
            In this Jan. 6, 2016 file photo, Juliana, a 20-year-old rebel fighter for FARC, rests from a trek in the
            northwest Andes of Colombia, in Antioquia state. A battle is brewing between Colombia’s chief   placed more than 7 million.  an  emergency  rescue  re-
            prosecutor and what was recently the nation’s largest rebel group over just how much money and   Some  7,000  guerillas  have  sponse for a patient struck
            property it owns as the former guerrillas transition into becoming a political party.   handed  over  their  weap-  by a cow was estimated to
                                                                           (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)  ons  and  are  beginning  to  value 1 million pesos ($340
            By CHRISTINE ARMARIO         a political party.           Martinez and other govern-   transition into life as civilians  dollars).
            Associated Press             The  Revolutionary  Armed  ment officials are question-   as the group finds its voice  Some   of   the   guerillas
            BOGOTA,  Colombia  (AP)  Forces  of  Colombia  sub-       ing their accounting, claim-  as a political actor.       worked as medics perform-
            —  A  battle  is  brewing  be-  mitted  a  list  of  belongings  ing that the nascent politi-  As part of the accord, the  ing  surgeries  like  amputa-
            tween  Colombia’s  chief  that included farms, cattle  cal party failed to properly  FARC’s assets will be trans-   tions  to  combatants  struck
            prosecutor  and  what  was  and  items  as  miniscule  as  identify what lands it owns  ferred  into  a  fund  to  pro-  by  explosives  and  gunfire.
            recently the nation’s largest  mops  and  juice  squeezers  and  calling  many  of  the  vide reparations to victims.  They  operated  in  many
            rebel  group  over  just  how  as required under a peace  claimed assets “irrelevant.”  Failing  to  provide  a  full  rural  parts  of  the  country
            much money and property  agreement         earlier   this  The  former  guerillas  known  inventory  could  result  in  and  sometimes  provided
            it owns as the former gueril-  month.                     by the acronym FARC stood  criminal  charges  for  mon-   medical services to nearby
            las transition into becoming  But chief prosecutor Nestor  by  their  reported  assets  ey  laundering  outside  the  communities.q

            More than 200 doomed Puerto Rico dogs saved by airlift to US

            By RICARDO ARDUENGO          to ease the load.            years  due  to  factors  such  of  improvement.  Christina  said.  “I  would  never  con-
            Associated Press             “The shelters in Puerto Rico  as  poorly  funded  shelters  Beckles,  founder  of  the  done  someone  abandon-
            SAN  JUAN,  Puerto  Rico  have no choice,” said Kim-      and low spaying and neu-     Puerto  Rico-based  Sato  ing an animal, but I under-
            (AP) — They were a mix of  berly  Alboum,  director  of  tering  rates.  It’s  common  Project,  said  fewer  dogs  stand.” While various orga-
            breeds  and  sizes,  ranging  policy  engagement  and  to see packs of what locals  are  ending  up  on  Dead  nizations have airlifted dogs
            from  puppies  to  seniors.  shelter  outreach  for  the  refer to as “satos” roaming  Dog  Beach  thanks  in  part  out of Puerto Rico in recent
            All  faced  a  grim  future  in  Humane  Society  of  the  through Puerto Rican com-   to a campaign to spay and  years,  this  latest  effort  is
            Puerto Rico animal shelters,  United  States.  “They  run  munities,  and  one  stretch  neuter in Yabucoa.         believed  to  be  the  larg-
            where  chronic  overcrowd-   out  of  room  and,  unfortu-  of  coast  near  the  town  of  But  there  have  also  been  est number in a single trip.
            ing results in many dogs be-  nately,  they  have  to  euth-  Yabucoa became so infa-  setbacks, including a deep  Dellymar  Bernal  Martinez,
            ing euthanized.              anize  for  space.  It’s  heart-  mous  for  abandoned  and  economic  crisis  that  led  president of the Saint Fran-
            That changed this week for  breaking  for  the  staff  and  abused  pets  that  it  was  many islanders to decamp  cis  of  Assis  Animal  Sanctu-
            205  abandoned  canines  it’s  devastating  because  dubbed Dead Dog Beach.            for the mainland and leave  ary in Cabo Rojo, cried as
            that  arrived  on  the  U.S.  these animals are all highly  Activists in Puerto Rico and  their  pets  behind.  “People  she  hugged  a  departing
            mainland Wednesday in an  adoptable.” The island ter-     on  the  mainland  have  are  leaving  the  island  in  beige,  medium-sized  dog
            airlift  organized  by  animal  ritory  has  struggled  with  been working on the prob-  droves because they can’t  that had been born at the
            welfare advocates working  dog  overpopulation  for  lem and say there are signs  afford to live here,” Beckles  shelter three years earlier.q
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