Page 11 - aruba-today-20170826
P. 11
WORLD NEWS Saturday 26 auguSt 2017
South Korean court sentences Samsung heir to 5 years prison
“a big negative effect” to Samsung’s business opera-
South Korean society and tions, which are overseen
its economy. by three chief executives.
“The essence of the case The company has success-
is unethical collusion be- fully weathered past crises
tween political power and that include two recalls
capital,” the court said in a of Galaxy Note 7 smart-
statement. It led the pub- phones prone to catch fire
lic to fundamentally ques- and Lee’s arrest. It is set to
tion the public nature of report its highest-ever earn-
the president’s work and ings this year.
to have “mistrust in the But long-term business de-
morality of the Samsung cisions, such as finding
group,” it said. The fami- future growth areas and
lies who control South Ko- identifying companies for
rea’s big conglomerates, acquisitions, may have to
known as chaebol, were be put on hold.
lionized a generation ago “South Korea’s chaebol
for helping to turn South system is similar to monar-
Korea into a manufactur- chy,” said Park Sang-in, a
ing powerhouse put public professor at Seoul National
tolerance for double stan- University. “In the monar-
dards that put them above chy system, you need a
the law has been rapidly king.” There is also poten-
Samsung Electronics Co. Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong, right, leaves after his verdict trial at the
Seoul Central District Court Friday, Aug. 25, 2017 in Seoul, South Korea. The court sentenced the diminishing. Analysts said tial for a destabilizing fam-
billionaire Samsung heir to five years in prison for bribery and other crimes that fed public anger the verdict will not imme- ily feud over inheritance
leading to the ouster of Park Geun-hye as South Korea’s president. diately have an impact on when the elder Lee dies.q
(Chung Sung-Jun/Pool Photo via AP)
By YOUKYUNG LEE dent, and to Park’s close
AP Business Writer friend, to get government
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) support for efforts to ce-
— A South Korean court ment his control over the
sentenced the billionaire Samsung empire. The reve-
chief of Samsung to five lations that led to Lee’s ar-
years in prison for crimes rest in February fed public
that helped topple the outrage which contributed
country’s president, a stun- to Park’s removal.
ning downfall that could A panel of three judges also
freeze up decision mak- found Lee guilty of embez-
ing at a global electronics zling Samsung funds, hiding
powerhouse long run like a assets overseas, conceal-
monarchy. The Seoul Cen- ing profit from criminal acts
tral District Court said Friday and perjury. Prosecutors
that Lee Jae-yong, 49, was had sought a 12-year pris-
guilty of offering bribes to on term. The court said Lee
Park Geun-hye when she and Samsung executives
was South Korea’s presi- who advised him caused
Ruling party wins election;
defense minister will lead
By CHRIS TORCHIA sents continuity, though
Associated Press some observers hope Lou-
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — renco, a dos Santos loyalist
Angola’s ruling party has who has pledged to fight
won the national election widespread corruption, will
but lost ground to the op- work on transparency de-
position, the electoral com- spite an entrenched elite
mission said Friday, as the that includes the dos San-
oil-rich but impoverished tos family.
African nation faces its first The 74-year-old dos San-
change of leadership after tos is expected to remain
nearly four decades. head of the ruling party.
Defense Minister Joao Lou- Lourenco, 63, is a former
renco will replace Presi- governor who fought in the
dent Jose Eduardo dos war against Portuguese
Santos after 38 years in colonial rule as well as the
power. The victory for the long civil war that ended in
ruling MPLA party repre- 2002.q