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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 26 auguSt 2017

            Spanish PM plays down post-attack criticism of authorities

                                                                                                   gators to tap Abdelbaki Es  be  coordinated  from  now
                                                                                                   Satty’s mobile phone line in  on by the Interior Ministry’s
                                                                                                   a 2005 investigation into an  organized  crime  and  ter-
                                                                                                   Al-Qaeda cell in northeast-  rorism  intelligence  center,
                                                                                                   ern Spain, newspaper ABC  CITCO,  after  representa-
                                                                                                   reported  Friday,  publishing  tives  of  intelligence  agen-
                                                                                                   leaked  court  documents,  cies and police forces met
                                                                                                   but    the   conversations  Thursday  with  judicial  au-
                                                                                                   didn’t provide enough evi-   thorities  at  the  country’s
                                                                                                   dence to indict him.         National Court, which han-
                                                                                                   Other    concerns    have  dles terrorism cases.
                                                                                                   been  raised  by  police  of-  “From the initial stages, the
                                                                                                   ficers’  unions,  who  have  coordination has been fluid
                                                                                                   denounced     a   decision  and  constant,  both  at  the
                                                                                                   by  pro-independence  re-    political decision level and
                                                                                                   gional  politicians  to  show  at  the  technical  level  of
                                                                                                   a “self-sufficient” Catalonia  police  responsibilities,”  Ra-
                                                                                                   and exclude other experts  joy told reporters.
                                                                                                   in  the  initial  stages  of  the  Spain will also propose new
                                                                                                   investigation  into  the  at-  measures to improve Euro-
                                                                                                   tacks.The  Catalan  govern-  pean  Union  coordination
                                                                                                   ment has denied the accu-    in  fighting  terrorism  during
                                                                                                   sations.                     a summit in Paris next week
            Muslim worshipers pray for the victims of the Barcelona van attacks at the main mosque in Ma-  Prime Minister Mariano Ra-  with  leaders  from  Germa-
            drid, Spain, Friday Aug. 25, 2017. The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the attacks   joy  said  Friday  the  investi-  ny, Italy and France, Rajoy
            on Aug. 17-18 in Barcelona and Cambrils that left 15 dead and more than 120 injured. Eight sus-
            pects are dead and four more under investigation, two of them in jail.                 gation into the attacks will  said. He didn’t elaborate.q
                                                                             (AP Photo/Paul White)
            By ARITZ PARRA               lonia  region  during  the  at-  jihadists  and  his  criminal
            Associated Press             tacks by an Islamic extrem-  record  for  drug  trafficking
            MADRID  (AP)  —  Spain’s  ist cell that killed 15 people  may  have  been  missed
            prime  minister  on  Friday  last week.                   because  Catalan  regional
            dismissed  criticism  about  The  probe  into  the  Aug.  police didn’t have informa-
            the  lack  of  coordination  17-18  attacks  in  Barcelo-  tion that was in the hands
            between  Spanish  national  na  and  Cambrils  has  sug-  of central authorities.
            authorities and those in the  gested  that  the  alleged  A  judge  had  granted  per-
            widely self-governed Cata-   cell  leader’s  ties  to  other  mission  for  police  investi-


            Police shoot knife attacker dead in Brussels

            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  Belgian  man, Jonathan Pfunde.         soldiers.
            soldiers  shot  a  man  in  He declined to say wheth-     Our  security  services  re-
            downtown  Brussels  on  Fri-  er the man was shot dead.   main on alert. We are fol-
            day  evening  after  he  at-  Belgium’s  anti-terror  crisis  lowing the situation close-
            tacked  the  troops  with  a  center also said in a tweet  ly.”
            knife, federal police said.  that the soldiers had “neu-  Associated Press television
            “A man armed with a knife  tralized” the man and that  images  from  central  Brus-
            attacked  a  group  of  sol-  the “situation is under con-  sels  showed  that  police
            diers.  The  soldiers  fired  at  trol.”                  have  sealed  off  a  main
            him  and  neutralized  the  Belgian    Prime    Minister  street not far from the Bel-
            individual,”  said  Belgian  Charles  Michel  tweeted:  gian capital’s main Grand
            Federal    Police   spokes-  “All our support is with our  Place tourist attraction.q
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